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"We are wired to step up and give even more when disaster strikes. However, we have a growing problem: Our unsung Americ...

"We are wired to step up and give even more when disaster strikes. However, we have a growing problem: Our unsung American heroes are worn out — and some are even leaving the disaster response workforce," writes former FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor

Emergency managers have become the nation’s de facto problem solvers — but are now running on empty, writes former FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor. And that’s a problem.

"One can tell a great deal about a country not just by what it remembers, but by what it chooses to forget. Our myriad e...

"One can tell a great deal about a country not just by what it remembers, but by what it chooses to forget. Our myriad exhibitions and activities show how three of the nation’s premier cultural institutions – sometimes working together, sometimes individually – help to preserve our collective memory."

The Fourth of July is a day to see US history up close, write Lonnie G. Bunch III, Carla Hayden and Colleen Shogan, who head some of America’s top cultural institutions.

"While it’s undoubtedly useful — and recasting household names comes with its own baggage — you get the sense that direc...

"While it’s undoubtedly useful — and recasting household names comes with its own baggage — you get the sense that directors and producers are trying to capitalize on the nostalgia evoked by actors’ reincarnation, rather than attempt something new."

Celebrity actors in movies such as ‘Here,’ ‘Gemini Man’ and other films are playing younger versions of themselves through software de-aging techniques, but there are risks to this, writes Holly Thomas.

"These recent developments are also just the latest examples of a concerted strategy to inject the political ideology of...

"These recent developments are also just the latest examples of a concerted strategy to inject the political ideology of Christian nationalism into public education."

Oklahoma’s latest attempt to mandate Bibles in public schools is yet another reminder that public schools are not Sunday schools — and families should feel free to send their children to school without worrying about state officials interfering in their choices about religious instruction, write...

"Trump is not immune in his 34 felony convictions in Manhattan or the Georgia prosecution, and his current and coming ef...

"Trump is not immune in his 34 felony convictions in Manhattan or the Georgia prosecution, and his current and coming efforts to invoke the Supreme Court’s recent opinion in both places will surely fail," writes Norm Eisen

Before the ink was dry on the Supreme Court’s extreme presidential immunity opinion, former President Donald Trump launched a Hail Mary to derail state cases — but it won’t work, writes Norman Eisen.

"The impact of this decision is not limited to the prosecution of Trump, but rather, affects how all future administrati...

"The impact of this decision is not limited to the prosecution of Trump, but rather, affects how all future administrations are treated. And that, in my view, is a very good thing."

The precedent-setting Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity helps not just Donald Trump, but all future US presidents, writes Timothy C. Parlatore.

Former speechwriter to Tony Blair, Philip Collins, delves into the question of whether Britain’s widely expected next La...

Former speechwriter to Tony Blair, Philip Collins, delves into the question of whether Britain’s widely expected next Labour prime minister, Keir Starmer, is the heir to Blair. The short answer is that 2024 is not 1997. And while a landslide Labour victory appears to be at hand, there are notable differences between Blair and Starmer.

Will Britain’s widely expected next Labour prime minister, Keir Starmer, be the heir to Tony Blair? Former Blair speechwriter, Philip Collins, argues 2024 is not 1997.

"Almost 60 years later, the question now is whether a Democrat replacing Biden, whether it would be Harris or Michigan G...

"Almost 60 years later, the question now is whether a Democrat replacing Biden, whether it would be Harris or Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer or someone else, would eventually face the same polling problems once the honeymoon period ends."

With Democratic officials and donors vying for President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 presidency, Julian Zelizer writes that replacing the Democratic nominee may not have the intended consequences, as with the 1968 election.

"I was wearing it when I caught the biggest walleye of my life in May. After I read something on the internet on Thursda...

"I was wearing it when I caught the biggest walleye of my life in May. After I read something on the internet on Thursday, I took off my hat and threw it into the trash."

Tractor Supply Co. cut DEI and climate change commitments following conservative criticism. David M. Perry says the company’s actions show short-sighted assumptions about their customers, including him.

"The fact that Bannon was ever let within 100 yards of the Oval Office, let alone key in bringing a president to power a...

"The fact that Bannon was ever let within 100 yards of the Oval Office, let alone key in bringing a president to power and shape his agenda, should make every American question why, exactly, Trump should ever walk back through those vaunted doors. Bannon’s sentence is a necessary reminder of just how ugly and dangerous Trump’s first term was – and how much worse round two might get."

On the heels of Steve Bannon reporting to a federal prison for defying a congressional subpoena, Journalist Jill Filipovic writes that Bannon’s incarceration brings some necessary perspective to the possibility of a second Trump presidential term.

"To the extent that doctrinal rules do make a difference, however, the result of the court’s decision will be that judic...

"To the extent that doctrinal rules do make a difference, however, the result of the court’s decision will be that judicial interpretations in regulatory cases will be less insightful, less predictable and more dependent on the preferences of lifetime-appointed federal judges who are in no way accountable to the electorate. Loper Bright may not be an occasion for alarm, but it is an occasion for regret that administrative law has lost something valuable."

The Supreme Court’s decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo may not be an occasion for alarm, but it is an occasion for regret that administrative law has lost something valuable, writes Ronald M. Levin.

"Across most of the court’s highest-profile rulings (and a bunch of lower-profile ones), the justices took a massive amo...

"Across most of the court’s highest-profile rulings (and a bunch of lower-profile ones), the justices took a massive amount of power away from Congress and executive branch agencies, and gave it, instead, to the courts."

The Supreme Court’s last decision of the term, the ideologically-divided Trump immunity ruling, is emblematic of the court majority’s efforts to radically restructure federal government, writes Steve Vladeck.

"Given the current fragile state of our democracy, now would seem like the the time for more people to be standing up an...

"Given the current fragile state of our democracy, now would seem like the the time for more people to be standing up and raising their voices in protest songs. In mainstream music in 2024, however, it feels like the protest song has been oddly muted."

Protest songs, from ‘John Brown’s Body’ to ‘Fight the Power,’ have had a long and celebrated history, but in 2024 it feels like the protest song has been oddly muted, writes Bryan Reesman.

"It is Jill who is her husband’s greatest and most loyal defender. As someone who has studied first ladies, I was not at...

"It is Jill who is her husband’s greatest and most loyal defender. As someone who has studied first ladies, I was not at all surprised that she has been his most vocal supporter in the days since the President’s disastrous debate. Her main message? This too shall pass."

Only one person in President Joe Biden’s orbit has the sway to convince him to not to run for re-election, writes Kate Andersen Brower, an expert on first ladies, who explores what Jill Biden is likely to do now.

"The underlying issues are actually about the First Amendment rights of private businesses, not a special privilege of c...

"The underlying issues are actually about the First Amendment rights of private businesses, not a special privilege of certain tech companies," writes Jennifer Huddleston of the Supreme Court's NetChoice ruling

In the NetChoice decisions from the Supreme Court, the underlying issues are truly about the First Amendment rights of private businesses, not a special privilege of certain tech companies, writes Jennifer Huddleston.

"Evacuation of people and animals is always complex — and often fails for a few and sometimes for many... what happens w...

"Evacuation of people and animals is always complex — and often fails for a few and sometimes for many... what happens when people can’t — or won’t — get out of harm’s way?" writes former CAL FIRE/SLO Chief Robert Lewin in our disaster preparedness series

The failure to flee can have deadly consequences. When people are better informed, they have the tools to make better decisions about evacuating, writes Robert Lewin.

"The court’s opinion makes clear that this ruling is not a death knell for Jack Smith’s case," write Norm Eisen, E. Dany...

"The court’s opinion makes clear that this ruling is not a death knell for Jack Smith’s case," write Norm Eisen, E. Danya Perry and Joshua Kolb, adding that Judge Chutkan should "expeditiously schedule" a hearing to "thoroughly ventilate the facts in this case"

The court’s opinion makes clear that this ruling is not a death knell for Jack Smith’s election interference case, write Norm Eisen, E. Danya Perry and Joshua Kolb.

"For the sake of the country, Biden should step aside. If he is unaware of his own unfitness to continue serving, his ca...

"For the sake of the country, Biden should step aside. If he is unaware of his own unfitness to continue serving, his cabinet should consider invoking the 25th Amendment, in which the cabinet can vote to transfer powers and authorities from the president to the vice president. Such a historic move would be in our nation’s best interest, serving as a vital deterrent to America’s enemies during this increasingly dangerous time."

Following President Joe Biden’s performance in CNN’s 2024 presidential debate, Sen. Thom Tillis calls for Biden to step aside.

"I appreciate loyalty, perhaps more than most, but does the FBI really want to defend any part of that chapter in its hi...

"I appreciate loyalty, perhaps more than most, but does the FBI really want to defend any part of that chapter in its history when it doesn’t have to? After all it has accomplished to become an organization Americans can be proud of?"

The FBI that pursued Native American activist Leonard Peltier was largely J. Edgar Hoover’s creation, not the FBI of today. Stevie Van Zandt calls on FBI Director Christopher Wray to drop his opposition to Peltier’s release from prison.

Trump using the word Palestinian as a slur — “a new low in an effort to erase and deny Palestinian humanity” — and claim...

Trump using the word Palestinian as a slur — “a new low in an effort to erase and deny Palestinian humanity” — and claiming that migrants coming to our nation were ‘taking Black jobs" were low moments of the debate, writes Dean Obeidallah

While many are focused on President Biden’s debate performance, Dean Obeidallah says it was former President Trump’s statements during the event that gave offense.

In this week's CNN Opinion newsletter, the critiques of Biden and Trump at the debate, no-fault divorce, Supreme Court b...

In this week's CNN Opinion newsletter, the critiques of Biden and Trump at the debate, no-fault divorce, Supreme Court blockbusters, mouse jigglers, how to rest.

The two highly imperfect performances by President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump at their first 2024 debate set off alarm bells among many Americans who have to choose a president this fall. Are these the candidates either party should put in front of us?

"Perhaps dismantling our fears and preconceived notions about 'monsters' would ignite greater conservation efforts. I wi...

"Perhaps dismantling our fears and preconceived notions about 'monsters' would ignite greater conservation efforts. I wish more of us would experience the power of nature first-hand, if only to better understand both our place in it and the urgent need to protect it."

Boris Sanchez details his personal experience diving with sharks, arguing that dismantling our fears and preconceived notions about these “monsters” could ignite greater conservation efforts.

"I am profoundly upset at the damage that this decision will almost certainly inflict on our environment and the fight a...

"I am profoundly upset at the damage that this decision will almost certainly inflict on our environment and the fight against climate change. But more philosophically, this decision is also upsetting because it represents a demotion of science and expertise in government."

The Supreme Court’s decision on Friday to discard the 40-year-old precedent established by Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council is a truly harsh blow against environmental protection and climate justice.

"From the US and Germany to Poland and Ukraine, creators have been volunteering their time and talent to support United2...

"From the US and Germany to Poland and Ukraine, creators have been volunteering their time and talent to support United24, Ukraine’s official fundraising platform, by recreating Ukrainian monuments as one of a kind Lego sets."

In one of the latest projects of United24, Ukraine’s official fundraising platform, Lego artists from around the world are helping fight for and rebuild Ukraine, brick by brick, writes Roy Schwartz.

"The court, it seems, has no problem openly worrying about how its rulings are publicly perceived when it wants to. The ...

"The court, it seems, has no problem openly worrying about how its rulings are publicly perceived when it wants to. The absence of such a concern in the January 6 obstruction case is thus telling. And it will have the effect, at least in the near term, of allowing the justices’ ruling to be perceived and portrayed as a far more sweeping denunciation of the Biden administration than it actually is..."

The court, it seems, has no problem openly worrying about how its rulings are publicly perceived when it wants to, writes Steve Vladeck.

"You’re a man of huge integrity, Joe, and you must — you MUST — stand down. Do it for your country and your party. The t...

"You’re a man of huge integrity, Joe, and you must — you MUST — stand down. Do it for your country and your party. The threat of another four years of Trump, a grifter and con man, is existential."

President Joe Biden risks his legacy and the fate of American democracy if he maintains his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election, writes his former neighbor, Jay Parini.

"Harris, who has been continually scrutinized and criticized, is the only figure who can save Biden’s candidacy at this ...

"Harris, who has been continually scrutinized and criticized, is the only figure who can save Biden’s candidacy at this point. In the coming weeks, she’ll need to demonstrate that she can command the public stage by talking about issues like reproductive rights and offering the strongest prosecutorial argument in favor of the president."

Harris is the only figure who can save Biden’s candidacy at this point, writes Julian Zelizer.

"As cannabis becomes more in demand, the illicit market would also increase to meet what I believe will be a cannabis go...

"As cannabis becomes more in demand, the illicit market would also increase to meet what I believe will be a cannabis gold rush."

Former DEA agent Michael Brown writes that reclassifying ma*****na would embolden Mexican cartels and Chinese legal growing operations while creating greater strains on law enforcement and increasing health risks.

"Biden’s proactive stance on ma*****na policy positions him as the most pro-cannabis president in American history, refl...

"Biden’s proactive stance on ma*****na policy positions him as the most pro-cannabis president in American history, reflecting a broader societal acknowledgment of the need for a rational and modern approach to cannabis regulation."

The president’s evolution from his drug warrior days reflects a broader societal acknowledgment of the need for a modern approach to cannabis regulation, writes Eric Spitz.

"Motherhood can be the foundation for a powerful new political identity. If we organize as one bloc, we can fight for in...

"Motherhood can be the foundation for a powerful new political identity. If we organize as one bloc, we can fight for interconnected issues: abortion and inflation, minimum wage and universal pre-K, and every policy that affects the life of the mother. And maybe, finally, we can win them all."

If moms come together as a united coalition, they can change the way politicians value them as an integral constituency, writes Reshma Saujani.


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