South Media Team

South Media Team NEWS SERVICE PROVIDER, TRENDSETTER & BLOGS. We are a media house based in the southern province of Zambia.

We report on human interest stories, impact, climate, politics and many other social stories.


Amazing talent and skill,who does this😁😁


African magic is real.

A story of a girl who died and resurrected narrated

The Commander of all armed forces in the Republic of Zambia in the champions league.

The Commander of all armed forces in the Republic of Zambia in the champions league.




Lets not try God like this...Why endanger your life like this? What if you sleep walk?

Lets not try God like this...

Why endanger your life like this? What if you sleep walk?





As a prelude to me sharing, again, my unsolicited thoughts about Socialist Party President, Fred M'membe, I thought I should say that I am unlikely to stop speaking about him, every so often. I am like that when, in my estimation, something or someone impacts my good old Zambia.

I would like to assure Dr M'membe, though, that, as always, my comment will, to my mind at least, be fair. It will be based only on what is in the public interest and is in the public arena. No rumours and certainly no personal slights.

Point is it is none of our collective business what Fred or any other politician for that matter, has for breakfast or the colour of his living room walls. What is ours to comment on is the public Fred and how his history impacted Zambia. Importantly, we must interrogate how what we know about that history, as well as his present, may affect Zambia. This is a citizen national duty - to use our brains and muse about everyone who impacts that which is ours together.

All that to say, no matter how shrilly protesting voices screech, there are issues that, for me, make Fred a very dangerous person to want power. I say so on the basis of the Fred we have known publicly.

It does not need debating that the only way society can judge what a person's future is likely to be, is by
interrogating their known past. It is why prior convictions come into play when an accused person is tried for a crime. And why all employers ask for references. If they are serious about recruiting the best, that is.

So back to Fred! Unfortunately for him, there are issues that the former owner and Managing Editor of the Post Newspaper was responsible for that he cannot avoid confronting in his current incarnation. These are matters that suggest to us how Fred yields power and influence.

I will set some out below:

1. The Post Newspaper and, therefore, its Managing Editor, who had final say on what the paper published, carried out vicious personal attacks on individuals, leaving people battered and humiliated. In the way of the current Watchdog and other faceless online publications, the Post had no qualms about influencing politics by savaging individuals personally.

Examples are:

1. How cruelly former Vice President George Kunda's illness was reported. I will leave it there.

2. UPND founder, Anderson Mazoka's illness received similar unfeeling attention.

3. President Mwanawasa was a "cabbage" because of the unfortunate car accident he had had.

4. The country was treated to details (true or not) of former President Lungu's health.

5. As for Rupiah Banda! Goodness! The butchering he got that had nothing to do with anything that could be called fair comment, after President Mwanawasa died, was alarming.

Then we move on to the more troubling stuff:

6. The Post carried out a vicious and nationally harmful tribal campaign against the Tonga that was the beginning of the dark period we suffered in the decade between 2011 and 2021. (This, for me, was Fred's greatest and unforgivable sin against Zambia.)

7. He has shown a frightening inconsistency in his positions that seem to be decided only by self-interest. Having maligned Former President, Michael Sata, for years, Fred seemed to have decided that the PF Leader was the only one who could help him punish Rupiah Banda for contesting elections, and thus preventing Fred's preferred candidate - Peter Mangande. (I always agreed, by the way, that Mr Mangande would have been way better for Zambia than RB, but to attack him for wanting an office within his grasp was inexplicable.) Anyhow, the issue is the dizzying 180-degree turnabout Fred then made on his public view of Michael Sata. He went on a sanitisation campaign that would put bleach plus the strongest disinfectant known to man to shame. He successfully became kingmaker of a man he had suggested was the political pits.

8. Related to 7, is the simple question of how a politician, who has lived an unapologetic capitalist life, with attendant accumulation of wealth and expansionist business strategies, now says he is a life long socialist.

9. With President Sata in office, Fred M'membe was in the wonderfully untouchable space that those close to Zambian presidencies can inhabit. He became arrogantly lawless. The Post did not pay taxes nor remit other statutory deductions like NAPSA, at a time when it looked, to all observing, that the paper was enjoying its most profitable period. Because of that, he gave a tyrannical regime the excuse to close (for political reasons) a paper that was an important and needful space for critical discussions, and that held much of Zambia's recent history.

10. This one disturbed me. Fred and one or both of the Nchito brothers (can't quite remember) stormed out of a court presided over by a judge they did not like. They got away without even a reprimand for something that should have landed them in jail for contempt. They, as friends of the sitting President, were, I guess, not subject to established rules. What shocked me was the showing-off of that protected status in an unprecedented act of belligerence and disrespect of a court of law.

11. In the time when Michael Sata was President, he could do no wrong for the Post. He was Saint Michael. Holding Mr Sata to account was not going to be done on the then leading independent newspaper's pages. An important-for-public-discource platform was taken away because it was friends with power.

My question to Fred is, what should we, in all fairness and honesty, expect that someone who behaves as described above will do when occupying the ultimate office. One which in Zambia makes one Sun Moon and Stars. Makes them God!

All I am saying is I hope we never get to know, but this is Zambia. We treat history like a fairy tale.

Short term measure to power shortage in Lusaka public places.

Short term measure to power shortage in Lusaka public places.

THROWBACK : JUST AFTER THE TURKEY AND MOROCCO TRIPSMy money from Middle East, Asia is clean, claims Malanji as he dishes...


My money from Middle East, Asia is clean, claims Malanji as he dishes out K600,000

By Julia Malunga,

13th April 2021

FOREIGN Affairs Minister Joe Malanji says it has become a marketable lie to suggest that people in government are thieves.

And Malanji says he has raised K600,000 for markets in Solwezi.

Speaking when he met marketers in Solwezi Monday, Malanji emphasized that his company could do business with entities in the Middle East.

“Don’t be cheated by the people who want to sway your line of thought because they have seen that the only marketable lie is to say ‘people in government are thieves.’ Me standing here as Minister of Foreign Affairs, you can ask any director in any ministry, you can ask any permanent secretary in any ministry they will not tell you that ‘Malanji’s company came to lobby for business or contracts in any of the government ministries.’ But they want to get excited with the newspapers ‘no Malanji has got money from the Middle East’ my company can do business with entities in the Middle East, Asia, anywhere because that money when we are doing projects outside this country, the money is coming through the account for Gibsons Power Systems in Zambia and we are even paying withholding tax 20 percent to the government’s treasury” Malanji claimed.

“But because they want to confuse you, if you look at them, there are members of parliament from this province from Mushindamo to Chavuma they have been in office three terms, every term they get K2 million, have you ever seen one of them cutting a ribbon that ‘I have built a toilet at the market for my people?’ They are voted to go and eat in Lusaka. Even the CDF which is given to them by the government, it is misappropriated. You can’t point at any good building built from the CDF which is given to them by the government.”

He told Solwezi residents that they would be punishing themselves if they voted for the opposition.

“I will keep frequenting this place because we have got to preach. The government wants to make sure that development is covered in all corners of this country. You look at the development which is taking place in Solwezi now, it has a very big mine competing with major mines in the world. So when we look at these things let us not forget the history behind it. These mines came here because of the sons of the soil. Honorable Ben Tetamashimba and Kazenene were the men behind to bring these mines here. So if you isolate yourself to say we are going to punish the government, ‘we shall be voting for opposition here’, you are punishing yourselves,” he said.

“I have come to North-Western with one specific mission. The President appointed me Minister of Foreign Affairs and now he has appointed me member of the central committee and his particular message to me is that ‘I have appointed you, look after your relatives.’ And I can tell you that my mission here with the declaration today, is to come and replace the big heroes of this province Tetamashimba and the late Humphrey Mulemba. These were children of the soil that worked for the province from Solwezi to Chavuma, from Kasempa to Mwinulunga because they knew that they had the task to make sure they looked after the people of their province and I am going to do exactly that.”

Malanji further said he had managed to raise K600,000 for markets in Solwezi.

“Honorable Teddy Kasonso member of parliament for Solwezi West also phoned me that ‘can you empower your relatives, can you find a way you can empower your relatives in Solwezi?’ So I was on the Copperbelt the past one week, in Lusaka I contacted a friend I play golf with. When I came to Kitwe, I contacted three friends and I am glad to announce to you that I have raised for the markets here in Solwezi K600,000. So if I see that that money is being administered well, I am going to another golf tournament in Kitwe and I am going to bring you another K400,000 to make it K1 million. But let me sound a warning, when this money exchanges hands to come into your hands, it becomes public money. I am leaving the money today!” exclaimed Malanji.


Time to say thank you God as you get into the business of your day

From our inbox:Admin please post this"HH is everyday breaking records he is now employing more local government workers ...

From our inbox:

Admin please post this

"HH is everyday breaking records he is now employing more local government workers as youths we are very happy"

Minister of information and Media and chief government spokesperson Honourable Mweetwa reacts to the alleged UNHRC repor...

Minister of information and Media and chief government spokesperson Honourable Mweetwa reacts to the alleged UNHRC report


Men you are all polygamous.

hon Muntanga



TBTLungu gets rich Fast - Post Newspaper


Lungu gets rich Fast - Post Newspaper


Where is he? admin is missing this man


Mmembe and Mwamba now says China is not a good because HH is striking good business with China, please let us be consistency








Wynter Kabimba's EF joins UPND Alliance




Report on Human Rights in Zambia: Clarifications and Concerns- Sikaile Sikaile2 hr. agoRef:Response to UN Report on Huma...

Report on Human Rights in Zambia: Clarifications and Concerns- Sikaile Sikaile
2 hr. ago

Ref:Response to UN Report on Human Rights in Zambia: Clarifications and Concerns Issued on : 31/08/2024 Dear Ms. Gina Romero, Ms. Mary Lawlor, Ms. Irene Khan, and the esteemed team, As a human rights activist from Zambia and based in Canada, with a professional background in Political Science, International Development Studies, and Public Law, I appreciate your ongoing efforts to monitor and report on human rights issues worldwide. However, I must express my concern regarding the recent report published by the UN experts on Zambia, dated 29 August 2024, which I believe lacks the necessary context and balance. The UN is a reputable organization that should uphold the highest standards of ethics in its findings to benefit the global community. However, if it relies on propaganda gathered from those with past elections grievances against the country, it risks issuing unprofessional reports. Under the previous administration, there were calls to strengthen laws against hate speech targeting other tribes to prevent situations like the Rwandan genocide and this call is highlighted in my complaint to the UN Human Rights Secretary General in 2021. Regrettably, these appeals were ignored. I, myself, repeatedly wrote to former President Edgar Lungu, but was met with death threats and evidence is there if you need it, I can provide it to you. When the new government took office, I continued to advocate for stronger legislation on hate speech. I am pleased to inform you that, as of this letter, the Zambian Cabinet has approved measures to strengthen laws on hate speech and corruption—steps that are clearly in the public’s best interest. As a governance and development expert, I find the UN’s current assessment of the government to be unfair. While there are indeed areas that require attention, such as the Public Order Act, it is important to acknowledge the efforts made towards national unity. The current administration has made strides by ensuring that job opportunities within the government and development funding through the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) are distributed equitably—a marked improvement over the previous administration. In 2021, I formally engaged the Office of the UN Human Rights and filed a complaint detailing severe human rights violations in Zambia. This complaint, subsequently referred to the Office of the Secretary-General, included specific cases of extrajudicial killings such as those of Mapenzi Chibulo, Vespers Shimunzhila, Obed Bwalya Kasongo, Nsama Nsama, Joseph Kaunda, Chileshe Bwalya, Kennedy Mudenda, Frank Mugaala and several others, all of which occurred under the previous administration of individuals furnishing you with untruthful situation. I also highlighted the systematic suppression of the media, citing the forced closure of media outlets such as Prime TV and The Post Newspaper, among others. It is important to note that these closures were only reversed after a change in government. And as of today no private media has been shut down or threatened to be closed by the state. Further, I presented evidence of discriminatory practices by the former government, which included the targeted dismissal of individuals from regions perceived to support the opposition leader at the time, Mr. Hakainde Hichilema. Specific government officials and ministers were identified as key players in orchestrating this discrimination. Instances such as the arrest of religious leaders like Bishop Kazhila during the period of unrest gassing that I brought to your attention further underscore the extent of the violations that occurred. Your recent report does not seem to adequately reflect these serious abuses that characterized the period from 2014 to 2021 under the Patriotic Front (PF) administration of Mr Edgar Lungu. The report implies that the current government is perpetuating similar infringements on fundamental freedoms. However, it overlooks the fact that since the change in government, Zambia has conducted several by-elections without any reports of politically motivated killings by state or ruling party actors—an improvement from the previous administration’s track record, where incidents such as the killing of Lawrence Banda during a by-election were documented. Additionally, the UN should take particular interest in the case of Shebby Chilekwa, a barber and close associate of former President Edgar Lungu, who remained protected within State House despite being implicated in the murder of Lawrence Banda. Chilekwa was only arrested and subsequently sentenced after the change of government, highlighting the previous administration’s failure to uphold justice. In contrast, the current government has demonstrated a commitment to the rule of law by holding its own supporters accountable, with the President publicly advising the police to arrest any ruling party members who commit crimes, such as attacks on opposition supporters like what happened in the past administration. This has fostered a more balanced political environment, as evidenced by former President Lungu’s ability to freely campaign across the country without harassment. It is critical that political, legal, Human Rights and Development experts like your team and I conducting analyses for reports like these rigorously assess and filter incoming information to avoid bias. For example, the report does not mention cases such as that of Jay Jay Banda who escaped a lawful custody, a former Member of Parliament who allegedly urinated into a journalist’s mouth and attempted to set him on fire in 2016. While Banda was acquitted under the previous administration, reviewing such cases is not an infringement of human rights. Instead, it is a necessary step to seek justice for victims whose rights were violated. Furthermore, the UN should distinguish between issues of democracy, freedom of expression vs corruption. Zambia’s laws are explicit on corruption, and many individuals who have approached your office with unverified information are currently facing serious corruption charges. These individuals must account for their wealth accumulation, as required by Zambian law, because the country’s citizens were deprived of public resources. Addressing such cases is not an attack on democratic principles but a necessary measure to uphold justice and protect the public interest. I urge your office to undertake a comprehensive on-ground assessment to gather accurate facts about Zambia’s current human rights environment. The current administration has indeed faced challenges, but it has made notable progress in respecting and upholding freedoms of expression, assembly, and association. Unlike during the PF rule, no opposition leaders or activists have been killed by state actors since the government changed. The report’s omission of the previous administration’s rampant corruption and human rights abuses, which left over 20 million Zambians in poverty and stripped them of access to basic social services, is troubling. The UN must not equate the consequences of these past injustices with the actions being taken now to hold perpetrators accountable. It is vital to distinguish between efforts to enforce the rule of law and prosecute past abuses from any potential suppression of political freedoms. I respectfully call upon your esteemed team to ensure that future reports are based on thorough investigations and verified information. Zambia’s human rights journey from 2015 to 2021 was fraught with violations, and the current administration is working to address these issues. It is essential for the UN to support these efforts with accurate reporting, to provide a fair and just representation of the situation on the ground. Therefore, it is essential to conduct a more thorough analysis of Zambia’s situation to fully appreciate the progress the nation has made and offer the current government any necessary support to continue improving the situation. I remain open to providing further information and assisting in any investigations to ensure that the UN’s work reflects the true state of human rights in Zambia. Yours sincerely, Sikaile C. Sikaile Good Governance and Human Rights Activist Amnesty International-Zambia/Canada Media inquiries : [email protected]/ +1416-909-3692




PF was a bad government and Edgar Lungu had no capacity to run the country. If we had PF and Edgar now things would have been worse Laura Miti tells off Emmanuel Mwamba

Very sad let's help the young man

Very sad let's help the young man

Before Turky trip, Malanji’s accounts were empty, Mukelabai tells courtJOE Malanji’s company bank accounts were as deple...

Before Turky trip, Malanji’s accounts were empty, Mukelabai tells court

JOE Malanji’s company bank accounts were as depleted as the Kariba Dam but became flooded with cash after he undertook a trip to Turkey in 2020, according to a meticulous investigation carried out by a top investigator of the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC).

This was heard during a hearing in the continuing case against Malanji, a former foreign affairs minister in the Edgar Lungu regime accused of dubiously possessing two helicopters, BELL430 and a BELL 206 Jet Ranger helicopter, and houses.

In this case former secretary to the treasury Fredson Yamba and Malanji, are accused of failing to adhere to guidelines relating to the management of public resources and possessing property suspected to be proceeds of crime.

Yamba is alleged to have abrogated the law relating to the management of public property when he approved the transfer of K154,201,197 for the purchase of a chancery in Turkey.

Testifying before the Economic and Financial Crimes Court yesterday, Kwaleye Mukelabai said Malanji’s company accounts were penniless and was only flooded with cash after his Morocco and Turkey trips.

In his previous testimony, Mukelabai said Malanji had used the presidential jet to run the million dollar errands between Turkey and Morocco and Zambia as a special envoy of former Head of State, Edgar Lungu.

In yesterday's testimony, Mukelabai contended that Malanji’s decision to write Stanbic in October 2020, requesting it to inform the Bank of Zambia (BoZ) that he would be depositing dollars in cash into his company account, was predetermined to divert public funds.

Mukelabai told the court presided over by magistrate Irene Wishimanga that during interrogations Malanji had told him that the source of the funds for the helicopters he had procured, came from the contracts the Gibson Power Systems had with China Civil engineering Construction Corporation in Lubumbashi DRC.

He said Malanji provided documents: a sub contract, some withdraw slips showing that Mass investment Limited had paid Gibson Power Systems: He also provided some receipts which were showing that he received cash from the DRC, documents showing that there were interim payments certificates, a letter written by himself to Stanbic Bank which was showing that it was from Cosmopolitan Branch.

Mukelabai said Malanji showed him some documents from Raw Bank, showing Mass investment had made cash payments to
Gibson Power systems.

He said the documents showing the said payments were fake as Charles Kabozya a Congolese magistrate established that, China Civil Engineering and Mass Investment never dealt with Gibson Power Systems.

Mukelabai said according to Kabozya Raw bank also discredited statement by Malanji that Mass investment made cash payments to his company Gibson Power Systems, as the seven withdraw slips and bank statements he provided legally back up his statement, were falsified.

“Mr Malanji had written a letter to Stanbic on October 15, 2020 asking Stanbic Bank to inform the Central Bank (BoZ) that, at some point in future he would be depositing US$100, 000 in cash, which would come from the contract which Gibson Power Systems had in Congo,” he said.

“To this letter he (Malanji) had attached the contract between China Civil Engineering Corporation and Gibson Power Systems.”

Mukelabai said his investigations revealed that Malanji’s companies had no business in the neighboring country neither did they make profits.

“The letter was pre-determined to divert funds.
After going to DR Congo, I established that there was no money that came from Congo,”Mukelabai said.

“The only money I traced as having been deposited as stated by Mr Malanji was the money he started depositing on December 31, 2020 when he came back from Turkey.”

He told the Court that Parliament issued documents of Malanji’s earnings between 2016 and 2021 comprising of his allowances, salaries and gratuity, which were cumulative to K5.1 million.

Mukelabai said he later extended his investigations to Civil Aviation Authority and Francis Mutukumina availed him registration documents for BELL 206 and the application was made by Gibson Air Charters

The matter comes up on September 19, 2024 at 14:00hours.

By Mwaka Ndawa

Kalemba August 31, 2024.

Muzala Samukonga continues refusing a Zambian flagA sprinter who denounced his Zambian Citizenship by dropping the Zambi...

Muzala Samukonga continues refusing a Zambian flag

A sprinter who denounced his Zambian Citizenship by dropping the Zambian flag and wears a Kenyan flag now has managed to come first in today's competition

Since he has dropped a Zambian flag he must and be dropped from Zambian National Service to allow him to go and get a Kenyan citizen and probably be a soldier there


Mark Simuuwe writes

Happy sabbath friends and fans ;

We have seen a fake write up purportedly written by the UN , which is not on the UN website and has no comparative analysis as the UN does under the Human Rights watch , has no department of the UN which produced it and has no name of researcher as the UN does, no statistics by country and researchers’ names , then in a subtle manner shared with a UN link so that when you click on it it takes you to the write , claiming violation of human rights in Zambia .

The report has no statistics and no reference to any incident of miscarriage of justice and LAZ has responded to It.

unfortunately , LAZ has also failed to give or cite an example in which no law is broken yet citizens have their rights abused , but made a sweeping statement without merit nor making reference to a specific matter so that citizens can be guided , which letter we shall ably respond to as it has no specific incident mentioned in which the law was not broken as a matter of violation of fundamental rights and freedoms.

The said UN write is purportedly authored from Zambia by one propagandist and citizens shall be updated once investigations are done .

So the principle here is that when you do a write up , and share with any website by mentioning it , whoever follows the write up seems to be directed to the website even when it is not on the website but goes straight to the write up !

The UN has departments which publish human rights issues and does not rely on others to publish !

Breaking News:Zambia Police Service Deputy Spokesperson Danny Mwale has died after suffering a stroke this morning.Funer...

Breaking News:

Zambia Police Service Deputy Spokesperson Danny Mwale has died after suffering a stroke this morning.

Funeral for the late Mwale is at his home in Chelstone Police Camp.

Mr Mwale will be dearly missed for his dedication to duty.

May the Lord be with the family in this trying moments.

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