
Carlsbadcares CarlsbadCares is a news and opinion page for the most important issue that impacts Carlsbad and our sister cities Encinitas, Vista and Oceanside.

Larry Posner, Publisher:

We have 8 contributing reporters who are all residents of Carlsbad. They are made up of Republican, Democratic, Independent, Conservative and Liberal political leanings or affiliations...

We tell it like it is...


New York, NY


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Our Story

Larry Posner, Publisher: We have 5 contributing reporters who are all residents of Carlsbad. They are made up of Republican, Democratic, Independent, Conservative and Liberal political leanings or affiliations...

We also share important news stories from our local news papers with additional comment. We report and comment on the issues that affect the residence of Carlsbad for our readers consideration...

We are self funded....