Does anyone else gave an irrational fear of phone calls 😂 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #Truthlove #relationships #viral #fblb #fbf #fyp #fenerbahçeliyiz #rphelp #couples #rpworld #fenerbahceliler #fff #fblbrpigV #lfl💛 #love #lfl
Good thing he had that case on! He dropped it like I did in the picture!😂😏#couples #relationships #kayandtayoff #love #lfl💛 #fenerbahceliler #rpworld #rphelp #fblbrpigV #couples #Truthlove #relationships #lfl #fblb #fyp #fbf #fenerbahçeliyiz #fff #viral
I think my last comment made her voice go country! 😂🤠 Backstory We are ready for bean to be born! She is full t #fenerbahceliler #fblb #lfl💛 #couples #fenerbahçeliyiz #rpworld #Truthlove #love #fbf #fblbrpigV #fyp #relationships #fff #rphelp #viral #lfl
Thats so soon! 😳❤️ backstory As some may know, Kay has too much amniotic fluid Because of this, it’s important #couples #fenerbahceliler #relationships #rpworld #lfl💛 #fenerbahçeliyiz #Truthlove #fbf #rphelp #viral #love #fff #fblb #fyp #lfl #fblbrpigV
The way he wore them on his fingers! 😂 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #rphelp #fenerbahceliler #Truthlove #lfl💛 #rpworld #couples #love #fyp #relationships #fblbrpigV #fenerbahçeliyiz #viral #lfl #fbf #fblb #fff
My husband when we pack for a trip! 😂 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #love #lfl💛 #Truthlove #rphelp #viral #relationships #rpworld #fblb #fbf #couples #fblbrpigV #fyp #fenerbahceliler #lfl #fff #fenerbahçeliyiz
The last part is what he looks forward to the most! 😂 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships Use 15KAYANDTA #lfl💛 #couples #rpworld #Truthlove #fenerbahçeliyiz #relationships #fblb #lfl #love #fyp #rphelp #fff #viral #fbf #fblbrpigV #fenerbahceliler
She put so much in there! 😂😳 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #halaraskirt use kayandtay for 15% off #fff #fenerbahçeliyiz #couples #Truthlove #relationships #fyp #fblbrpigV #fenerbahceliler #rpworld #viral #lfl #fblb #love #rphelp #lfl💛 #fbf
I think Kay might be nesting! 😂 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #viral #Truthlove #lfl #fblb #rpworld #fenerbahceliler #fyp #fbf #fff #rphelp #love #fenerbahçeliyiz #lfl💛 #relationships #fblbrpigV #couples
The end! 😳😂 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #fenerbahceliler #couples #love #fff #Truthlove #rpworld #fyp #fbf #rphelp #lfl #fblb #fblbrpigV #fenerbahçeliyiz #viral #lfl💛 #relationships
The end was hot!🥵🔥 #kayandtayofficial #couples #casetifypartner #whatiorderedvswhatigot @casetify #fenerbahceliler #lfl #relationships #fenerbahçeliyiz #fff #fblb #viral #rpworld #couples #Truthlove #rphelp #love #fyp #fbf #fblbrpigV #lfl💛
I knew that she didn’t want cereal for breakfast, but she also didn’t want to be a burden Little does she know #fblb #Truthlove #fenerbahçeliyiz #fbf #fff #lfl #viral #relationships #rpworld #couples #lfl💛 #fenerbahceliler #rphelp #fyp #love #fblbrpigV
Updates We have a lot things going on right now, so l’ll do my best to put as much of the information here! ❤️ #fenerbahceliler #viral #fblbrpigV #lfl💛 #lfl #rphelp #fenerbahçeliyiz #fblb #fff #couples #fbf #love #rpworld #fyp #Truthlove #relationships
Kay has been talking about this place for the last 3 weeks! 😂 We finally had enough time off to go together, an #rphelp #lfl💛 #relationships #fbf #fblbrpigV #couples #fyp #love #fblb #fff #viral #Truthlove #rpworld #lfl #fenerbahceliler #fenerbahçeliyiz
This might be her best craving yet! 😳 Idk where she comes up with these, but every craving so far has tasted so #Truthlove #fblbrpigV #love #fyp #fenerbahceliler #fenerbahçeliyiz #fff #lfl #couples #relationships #rpworld #lfl💛 #viral #fblb #fbf #rphelp
Update Kay recieved a letter from a fan last week and it was so special to her ❤️ Since then, others have bega #Truthlove #fenerbahçeliyiz #fbf #fblbrpigV #viral #relationships #fenerbahceliler #lfl💛 #fblb #fyp #lfl #love #couples #fff #rphelp #rpworld
I can’t tell if she likes it or not! 🤔😂 If you know Kay, you know that she LOVES food So whenever one of these #love #fyp #couples #fenerbahceliler #lfl💛 #fenerbahçeliyiz #fblb #viral #rphelp #fff #fblbrpigV #relationships #fbf #lfl #rpworld #Truthlove
Update 2 weeks ago, I surprised Kay with a trip to Hawaii She’s dreamed of going to Hawaii for the last 10 yea #fblbrpigV #relationships #lfl #love #fyp #Truthlove #viral #fblb #fenerbahçeliyiz #rpworld #rphelp #fbf #fff #lfl💛 #fenerbahceliler #couples
Backstory Kay and I left for our babymoon last week, and we had to leave our kitty named Yammy at home 😞 Yammy #rpworld #viral #fyp #couples #lfl #love #Truthlove #fblbrpigV #relationships #fenerbahçeliyiz #fblb #fenerbahceliler #rphelp #fbf #fff #lfl💛
Update As some of you may know, I took Kay on a shopping trip with the idea that she could buy whatever she to #viral #fblbrpigV #Truthlove #couples #fff #fbf #fenerbahceliler #fenerbahçeliyiz #rpworld #love #fblb #relationships #rphelp #lfl💛 #lfl #fyp