Well, she has always said I was the best she’s ever had! 😂 @meghanandjack #couples #relationships #DRKissCam #K #Truthlove #fenerbahceliler #couples #lfl #lfl💛 #fblb #relationships #fbf #rpworld #viral #rphelp #fff #fblbrpigV #love #fyp #fenerbahçeliyiz
He was so dramatic at the end! 😂 #couples #relationships #kayandtayofficial #love #Truthlove #rpworld #fenerbahceliler #fblb #viral #couples #fenerbahçeliyiz #lfl💛 #lfl #fblbrpigV #relationships #fff #fyp #fbf #rphelp
It just kept getting worse! 😬😅 #couples #relationships #kayandtayofficial #fff #couples #relationships #fenerbahçeliyiz #rpworld #Truthlove #fblbrpigV #rphelp #love #fenerbahceliler #lfl #viral #fyp #fbf #fblb #lfl💛
His excited face when people were complimenting his crocs! 😊😂 #couples #relationships #kayandtayofficial #lfl #couples #love #fenerbahçeliyiz #viral #fff #fbf #Truthlove #fyp #rphelp #fblb #fblbrpigV #relationships #lfl💛 #fenerbahceliler #rpworld
What am I going to do with him! 😂 …… 😏 #couples #relationships #kayandtayofficial #fff #lfl #fbf #viral #fyp #rphelp #relationships #fblb #lfl💛 #rpworld #couples #fblbrpigV #Truthlove #love #fenerbahçeliyiz #fenerbahceliler
Replying to @dxrcieaudios The way they both stopped and look at the each other! 😂 #couples #relationships #kaya #fenerbahçeliyiz #relationships #fenerbahceliler #fyp #couples #fbf #lfl #Truthlove #fblb #viral #fff #rpworld #love #rphelp #fblbrpigV #lfl💛
OMG the ending made me want to cry! 😭🥹 #couples #relationships #kayandtayofficial #fenerbahceliler #rphelp #fbf #Truthlove #couples #fenerbahçeliyiz #relationships #lfl #rpworld #viral #love #fblb #fyp #fblbrpigV #fff #lfl💛
Kay needs some words of encouragement 😂😅 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #fblb #rphelp #lfl💛 #Truthlove #rpworld #fenerbahçeliyiz #fenerbahceliler #fblbrpigV #viral #couples #relationships #fff #lfl #fbf #fyp #love
Replying to @christinaaking I’m just gonna be a passenger princess 4eva✨ #kayandtayofficial #couples #relations #fblbrpigV #fblb #fyp #relationships #lfl💛 #fenerbahceliler #fbf #viral #couples #lfl #rpworld #rphelp #Truthlove #love #fenerbahçeliyiz #fff
It's scary how well this stuff works on him! 😱 #pheromoneperfume #pureinstinct #pheromones #pureinstinctpartner #couples #fblbrpigV #fbf #viral #fblb #rphelp #lfl💛 #relationships #fyp #fenerbahceliler #lfl #fff #rpworld #Truthlove #love #fenerbahçeliyiz
Why’d she look just like that horror movie doll! 😳 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships IB @Noah and Lori #Truthlove #viral #love #fblbrpigV #rphelp #fenerbahceliler #fbf #couples #fblb #lfl #fff #fyp #fenerbahçeliyiz #lfl💛 #relationships #rpworld
Omg 🤣 he had me rolling at the end! #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #fbf #fenerbahceliler #lfl💛 #love #viral #Truthlove #fblb #rpworld #couples #fenerbahçeliyiz #lfl #fyp #relationships #rphelp #fblbrpigV #fff
The last thing was definitely a need ❤️ #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #lfl #viral #lfl💛 #rpworld #fbf #Truthlove #love #fblb #fyp #fblbrpigV #relationships #fenerbahçeliyiz #fenerbahceliler #fff #couples #rphelp
I’m so sorry that I laughed like that at the end… #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #lfl #fbf #Truthlove #fblb #relationships #rphelp #rpworld #fenerbahceliler #love #fff #fyp #fenerbahçeliyiz #couples #lfl💛 #viral #fblbrpigV
My storm anxiety is so bad unless he wraps me up like this! ❤️ #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationship #fbf #rphelp #fenerbahçeliyiz #fblbrpigV #love #Truthlove #fblb #fyp #relationships #viral #fenerbahceliler #rpworld #fff #couples #lfl💛 #lfl
Is this normal or just my wife 😂 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #fblb #love #lfl #fenerbahçeliyiz #fenerbahceliler #couples #rphelp #Truthlove #rpworld #relationships #fyp #fblbrpigV #lfl💛 #fff #viral #fbf
Honestly… i knew that’s what he was going to pick! 😩 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #relationships #couples #fyp #fff #fblb #fbf #fblbrpigV #love #lfl💛 #fenerbahçeliyiz #lfl #Truthlove #fenerbahceliler #rphelp #viral #rpworld
Does anyone else gave an irrational fear of phone calls 😂 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #couples #fblbrpigV #relationships #lfl💛 #lfl #rphelp #fbf #fenerbahceliler #viral #rpworld #love #fenerbahçeliyiz #fff #fblb #Truthlove #fyp
It just kept getting more chaotic! 😂 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #fblbrpigV #fbf #fff #lfl💛 #love #fenerbahçeliyiz #rphelp #rpworld #fyp #relationships #viral #lfl #fenerbahceliler #fblb #Truthlove #couples
His last reason! 😅😳 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #fff #relationships #rpworld #rphelp #fyp #fbf #fblbrpigV #lfl💛 #viral #lfl #couples #fenerbahçeliyiz #fblb #Truthlove #love #fenerbahceliler