The shipping rates, both foreign and domestic, have bee updated at the AnthroPubs website. Seeing an almost $300 US rate for shipping can be a little disconcerting! However, that IS the rate that AnthroPubs would be charged, so I looked around and got better rates. Rates do fluctuate, but a shipping rate to Europe or South America of $9 to $12 US seems pretty fair. Rates are calculated by weight .
Another thing that has changed is the time it takes to print the books for Print On Demand. The normal time would be 7 to 10 days, but the buyer can select 2 or 3 day printing for a small premium charge. This is Print Time, only. Once your book(s) are printed, you will get an email telling you your order has been shipped. Shipping times are typically 2 to 5 days.
I am hoping these enhancements will spark some sales! Pass it on ...
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib: A Publisher and seller of quality books and other Anthroposophically-related writings of 18th, 19th, and early 20th Century philosophers ... mainly, Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). (www.anthro.pub)