Getting divorced was the hardest thing I have ever gone through.
Dropping my kids off at Jody’s apartment for the first time felt like a strange dream I could not wake up from. It was heartbreaking to see my kids have to switch between us every week and for our family as we knew it to end.
I went through a huge amount of personal chaos.
I lost most of my best friends.
I lost my spouse
I lost time with my kids
I lost my career
I felt alone
I felt mis-understood
Friends I kept, the dynamic changed
But I refused to give up on myself, my kids and my hope for what could be.
I have sat with many men over the last few years that have gone through the same thing, and what made the biggest difference was giving a damn about them (and them me). Showing up when they needed me and vice versa.
I have fought against doing something that I think might be what is most needed (and I am certainly scared to lean into it).
Creating something for single dads to restart their lives and go from surviving, to THRIVING.
The Single Dad Restart popped into my head this week and the first thing I wondered was “how many of YOU are single dads that need something, and what can I do to help create that something?”
I have been a believer in Jesus since I was 16 years old. I have wavered back and forth in what that looks like in my personal life the last few years a LOT. But I do know that Jesus being the center of what I am and do is what works for me.
I read a book recently that said these 4 things are what men need to thrive, and I could not agree more:
1. Power (health in their body)
2. Passion (healthy connection with God, their kids, family and romantic interests)
3. Purpose (discovering and knowing and practical actions around what you are here to do)
4. Production (the work you do, why you do it, paying your bills and GROWING your income so you can take care of those around you)
So, I am saying all this to tell you…. That I am leaning in to this push from God to do something in this space so other men can thrive in the face of being a single dad.
If that is you (or you know someone that needs to hear this) here is the first (and currently ONLY) step I felt I should take.
Connect with me and tell me what is going on in your life, what needs you have, and if this message resonates with you.
I made a simple google survey and you can fill it out below (linked in the pinned comment).
For the rest of you, I love you and hope you do well in whatever you do and wherever you go! I will not be promoting photography related content to this platform any longer.