Marriage Takes 3

Marriage Takes 3 We believe to have a fulfilling marriage, it takes having God as the foundation and center of everything you do together.

There are so many opinions, the self help section is saturated with every kind of topic you can think of.  So when we re...

There are so many opinions, the self help section is saturated with every kind of topic you can think of. So when we really need advice or direction, how do we know where to go? With the possibility of sounding like a broken record, seek Christ! Human desires are deceitful - we like to be cunning and crafty, thinking we know more than we do, wanting to climb the mountain top of the problem and solve it so we can plant our flag. Even when it’s not intended outcome, and most of the time it’s probably not, it is reality. Seek His wisdom, read His word, pray for His will. He IS good! Turn your heart, your words, your desires, your love towards Him.

Is this stereotype founded on truth?  If so, why do Christians seem to get married so fast??

Is this stereotype founded on truth? If so, why do Christians seem to get married so fast??

I know this will come as a shock for those who have listened to us at all, but it’s the truth.  Marriage is a beautiful ...

I know this will come as a shock for those who have listened to us at all, but it’s the truth. Marriage is a beautiful thing and it’s even more beautiful when you submit it to the one who created it! The fruits of a selfless marriage is incredible. Does that mean you will have a perfect marriage? Um that would be a big NO 🙃, definitely not. We are still human and have selfish tendencies and desires but our desire, our mindset and our love should be to serve our spouse in a way that honors God! How can you better serve your spouse today?

This is a well debated hot topic of the 21st century - should couples live together before getting married?  Why or why ...

This is a well debated hot topic of the 21st century - should couples live together before getting married? Why or why not?

Single, dating, engaged or married - this is for you.  If you are single and wondering when the time will come, focus on...

Single, dating, engaged or married - this is for you. If you are single and wondering when the time will come, focus on God. Don’t take a season to focus on yourself, it’s not up to you when, or if, the right person will come. But if they did, you will be the spouse they need. If you are dating, make Him the foundation of your relationship. God should not be included, He should be everything. If you are engaged, lean into your time with Him even more. This is a time you can be so focused on your fiancé and yourself (which isn’t a bad thing) that you completely prioritize everything over God (which isn’t a good thing). Be intentional. If you are married, make sure God is in every part of your marriage - the date nights, the arguments, the bedroom, the hospital room, all of it. Be vulnerable, y’all often, pray more often.

When you are spending time and seeking Jesus, it’s incredible what happens in your life.  You are (or should be) a new c...

When you are spending time and seeking Jesus, it’s incredible what happens in your life. You are (or should be) a new creation! If you are not, then you really need to evaluate your heart and life. It’s not just a circumstantial thing, where you aren’t going to the same places you used to or doing the same things you did or hanging with the same people (although that is part of it), the “old has passed away”! You are not who you once were now that you are in Christ. You think differently, you see things differently, your desires are different. Put down the self help book, stop taking a season for yourself and pursue Him with whatever you have.


We often come into a relationship with baggage we haven't healed from or a lot of times, haven't even addressed at all. Whether it's past relationships, emotional, family, or any other issues, these unattended issues can cause real strain and pain in your marriage. How do we biblically handle these things while still working to serve our spouse and have mercy and grace?

We wade through this topic with, hopefully, mercy and grace, looking at what the Bible says and how to honor, respect and love your significant other!

Relationship baggage ** We all have it in some way, shape or form.  Whether it’s emotional, relational, familial or a di...

Relationship baggage ** We all have it in some way, shape or form. Whether it’s emotional, relational, familial or a different type of ‘al’. The question is, how do we effectively deal with it? There may not be a perfect answer but we will wade through it biblically and logically, in that order.

Our ultimate goal is to serve each other in love.  First, we must understand the mercy and grace that God shows us.

Our ultimate goal is to serve each other in love. First, we must understand the mercy and grace that God shows us.

There isn’t just one answer, but if you had to isolate one thing, what would you say is the most critical to a healthy m...

There isn’t just one answer, but if you had to isolate one thing, what would you say is the most critical to a healthy marriage??

You can white knuckle it, you can sweep it under the rug, you can run form it but eventually, you will have to deal with...

You can white knuckle it, you can sweep it under the rug, you can run form it but eventually, you will have to deal with it. Don’t wait, don’t hide it, don’t run from it. Be transparent, cry out to God, face it head on. It won’t make the pain any less but through the pain there can be healing and joy.

Jesus understands your struggles, your temptations and your pain.  He created you.  We serve a King that is not just hig...

Jesus understands your struggles, your temptations and your pain. He created you. We serve a King that is not just high and lifted up in the heavens (although He is) but that also humbled Himself as a man, as a servant. Seek Him in all things, including time of struggle and need, reach out for His abundant mercy and grace.

In reality, it’s not an easy step to take.  It takes humility to admit something is wrong.  If we knew there was a crack...

In reality, it’s not an easy step to take. It takes humility to admit something is wrong. If we knew there was a crack in the foundation of the house, we wouldn’t wait around to see if it would just go away. We would get help to fix it! Your marriage is so much more important. Don’t wait, reach out today and start having the conversation to a better, healthier marriage.

We all have made and will make mistakes.  It’s not the mistake, no matter how big nor small, but the reaction to them.  ...

We all have made and will make mistakes. It’s not the mistake, no matter how big nor small, but the reaction to them. Are you repentant, remorseful and trying to understand what you can do better? Or are you prideful, defensive and looking for anyone and anything to blame? We aren’t perfect and we won’t always react the way we want unfortunately. But we can grow through it, pray for wisdom and understanding and listen to our spouse to become the husband or wife that God has created you to be.

We all have different roles in our relationships.  Some we enjoy, others, not so much.  What’s a role, task or chore you...

We all have different roles in our relationships. Some we enjoy, others, not so much. What’s a role, task or chore you don’t look forward to but it needs to be done? (We don’t have a yard but we both loathe yard work, hence why we live in the city!)

Serve your spouse.  That is easier said than done sometimes!  Or is that just us?  When we made our vows there was nothi...

Serve your spouse. That is easier said than done sometimes! Or is that just us? When we made our vows there was nothing selfish about them, we meant them, we still do. So how do we keep those selfish desires and frustrations from being what we are called to be? Jesus. With tear stained faces and roughed up knees, we go to Him. When we are able to meet our spouses needs, we got Him in thanks. When we are selfish and leave our spouse reeling, we to Him in repentance and seeking wisdom. One way or another, marriage takes work, why make it harder trying to do it on your own?? What are ways you find to serve your spouse?

He created us in His image!  Wow, meditate on that for a few seconds.  He created us to be unique, different and for a p...

He created us in His image! Wow, meditate on that for a few seconds. He created us to be unique, different and for a purpose. If God himself came to die so that we might know Him, how much can we honor that in the way we love and honor our spouse. Husbands, be what He created you to be, stand firm, honor your wife, be gentle and serve her. Wives, be what He created you to be, respect your husband, submit to his leadership and serve him.

What roles do we play in marriage?  Sometimes those roles are assumed - the wife is going to cook and clean, the husband...

What roles do we play in marriage? Sometimes those roles are assumed - the wife is going to cook and clean, the husband is going to kill bugs and fix things. We know a lot of men scared of bugs and that break more things than they fix. We also know a lot of couples who eat out, not because they only want to..👀 Going into a marriage with preconceived expectations can lead to a lot of distress and frustration. 1. Let’s understand what roles God already set for us from the beginning, who does He say we are as man and woman. 2. Talk! Pre marriage counseling is a great place to set those expectations for who will be responsible for what. But let’s be honest, after you get married, a lot of that goes out the window. You still need to communicate, listen and be intentional. Remember, the goal is a selfless, spouse serving marriage! ❤️

When you are dating, courting, engaged or married, you aren’t seeking for someone to complete you.  That will put an unn...

When you are dating, courting, engaged or married, you aren’t seeking for someone to complete you. That will put an unnecessary and impossible task on your significant other. Continuously seek Gods unconditional love and watch how He restores the broken pieces.

What is the most important quality in a spouse for you?

What is the most important quality in a spouse for you?

Prayer is a heart posture of selflessness.  It reminds us that we are not in control, we are not perfect and we are not ...

Prayer is a heart posture of selflessness. It reminds us that we are not in control, we are not perfect and we are not in this by ourselves. Pray for your heart to change and your mind to be renewed by the Spirit.

Money is a dividing force when not treated the way it needs to be treated.  Money is not more important than your life, ...

Money is a dividing force when not treated the way it needs to be treated. Money is not more important than your life, than your marriage and definitely not more than God yet we give it the platform to exceed all of those on a daily basis. Is money controlling your life or your marriage? Submit your finances and your life to God, let Him own it while you just steward it and watch what He will do. Would you rather have money, possessions, big homes, fancy cars, extravagant vacations and temporary happiness or joy, love and life that lasts beyond this world?


Nearly 2/3 of all marriages start off in debt. About 1/3 of marriages due to disagreements about money. Many can be an evil that so ensnares us to follow it, obey it and worship it without even realizing it.

We talk today about what does the mindset and attitude towards money look like before marriage and going into a marriage. What are some toxic habits that can keep you from getting to this belief and what can we do, if anything, to overcome those habits to not allow us to be a slave to money.

What do you guys thing? Do you agree or disagree? What are some habits or issues that maybe you have faced with a belief toward money?

More conversations about money in marriage coming up:

~To tithe or not to tithe: What does biblical giving look like and can you give differently
~Budgeting - How do you steward the money you've been given, whether it be little or plenty
~Giving - How does fruitful giving play into the money you make and how do you decide how much and who to give to?
~Getting out of debt - Is debt a sin? Should we live our life in debt? How do you work together to remove this obstacle so you can truly be what you've been called to be as a disciple of Christ.


Communication - it’s always something we can get better at yet also something we fail at frequently. How do people form different backgrounds, different ways of thinking, different opinions come together and have unity in their communication? Let’s start with listening to one another. It’s incredible when we stop trying to only hear someone to respond and actually listen to where they are coming from, what we can learn and how much easier communication becomes. James 1:19 speaks it beautifully “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;”

“Pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

“Pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

We have so much responsibility in how we speak to one another. We have to exercise self-control and use words that will ...

We have so much responsibility in how we speak to one another. We have to exercise self-control and use words that will be better received (not that we also don’t have responsibility in how we receive words). When you’re upset and you allow your tongue to become wild and you do not filter what you say and how you say it you can cause great damage to your marriage that an apology won’t be sufficient in healing. Do not wound one another with your words, instead lift each other up and be kind in every moment even the frustrating ones.

Communication is difficult, good communication can feel impossible! Be quick to listen and slow to speak!

Communication is difficult, good communication can feel impossible!
Be quick to listen and slow to speak!


40 million Americans regularly visit po*******hy sites
12% of all sites are po*******hy
It increases marital infidelity by 300%
94% of children will see p**n by 14

We know it’s a problem yet it’s even more of a problem today than it’s ever been. It’s a snare, it’s death and it’s harming more than you know. But there is freedom in Christ. He died for ALL sins and we can have freedom if you believe in Him.

Our story deals with this ugly sin and the beautiful redemption, forgiveness and freedom that Christ brought through it.


A quick 3, er well 6 minutes, talking about how we need to seek God himself and not look for him or see him in other people. We are imperfect beings, we make mistakes, we mess up and God does not. So there’s a huge disconnect. If you’ve been hurt by others, especially by people who call themselves Christians, we challenge you to seek God solely, ask questions, speak your heart and find out who He truly is.


Fort Worth, TX





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