Think Big Media will offer marketing services to companies that are looking to employ corporate branding, digital signage, mobile and/or portable displays, and television, internet, and radio broadcast advertising marketing techniques as the cornerstone of their marketing program. It is estimated that in 2011, 4 billion consumers will be exposed to corporate branding, digital signage, mobile and/o
r portable displays, and television, internet, and radio broadcast advertising campaigns. The ability to employ corporate branding, digital signage, mobile and/or portable displays, and television, internet, and radio broadcast advertising is quickly becoming a cost-effective method for large and medium sized businesses to reach a target audience. Future market forecast predict that corporate branding, digital signage, mobile and/or portable displays, and television, internet, and radio broadcast ad-response rates will averages between 45 to 65 percent. At the same time, estimates predict that 85 percent of consumers will read all corporate branding, digital signage, mobile and/or portable displays, and television, internet, and radio broadcast advertising messages in their entirety. The potential is there and because of the medium the targeted customer will more likely make a buying decision as a result of the exposure to the advertising. Producing corporate branding, digital signage, mobile and/or portable displays, and a television, internet, and radio broadcast advertising/marketing campaign is a science. There are effective strategies that will assure that the company will reach the greatest number of potential customers. Think Big Media specializes in successful corporate branding, digital signage, mobile and/or portable displays, and television, internet, and radio broadcast advertising/marketing campaigns. Its founder, Ron May has ten years of experience in corporate branding, digital signage, mobile and/or portable displays, and television, internet, and radio broadcast advertising/marketing campaigns. Think Big Media will design, build, test and deploy the corporate branding, digital signage, mobile and/or portable displays, and television, internet, and radio broadcast advertising campaign. It will also report the progress of the campaign in real-time to provide our clients maximum flexibility. At the end of the campaign, Think Big Media will analyze its success in order to improve the company's future campaigns.