#MobileMike #WinterFestFL #AnotherIncredibleYearInTheBooks thank you @winterfestinc Special thanks to all of our community partners #CommunityService #Epic #RecordBreaking so this year goes down in the record books, #BestYearEver incredible food courtesy of @billysstonecrabhollywood @nymarinadeli & @thedenftl best of entertainment from @nikkonation and of course all powered by @robinsonsjewelers #BMS & #KPCares #KPAttorney @kpattorney and what made it so very special was all of our #FriendsandFamily on board. #PromotingTheFuture
#MobileMike @kannerpintaluga @KPAttorney #Florida #WeAreHereToHelp Insurance companies are more concerned with preserving their bottom line than paying claims to the policy holders. Our expert trial team at Kanner & Pintaluga’s law firm recognizes the importance of aggressive representation to ensure that insurance companies remain true to the terms of their policies. Our attorneys are committed to helping you through the process of your claim and recovering all the money you are owed quickly. Get the help and the information you need now at KPAttorney.com #CommunityService #AlwaysHereToHelp #KPCares #KPAttorney #HappyHolidays #MerryChristmas #HappyHanukkah
#MobileMike #SantasBeachParade #Santa will be stopping by #FortLauderdaleBeach today and delivering gifts 🎁 to the children in the area. #HappyHolidays #MerryChristmas #HappyHanukkah special thanks to all of our community partners #KPCares #KPAttorney @kpattorney #BMS @robinsonsjewelers #FHP @myfwc #FDLE @FLPD411 @WestwayTowing
#MobileMike So every year for the last 30+ years my team and I throw a #HolidayParty just to say thank you to all of our Law Enforcement partners & #1Responders who serve and protect our community 24/7 once again this year thank you for your service and sacrifice, we appreciate all of you. #SupportLawEnforcement #HappyHolidays #MerryChristmas #HappyHanukkah #HolidayParty #CommunityService #PromotingTheFuture special thanks all of our community partners. #KPCares #KPAttorney @kpattorney #BMS #RobinsonsJewelers @robinsonsjewelers @nymarinadeli @noodles_panini @billysstonecrabhollywood @thedenftl @richwaltzer @browardsheriffsoffice @bsosherifftony @sweetwaterpd @mayororlandolopez @plazdiaz @monstro_55 @FHPMIAMI @camacho_pio @miamidadepd @ppinespd @miamigardenspd @doralpd @cityoffortlauderdale @flpd411 #FDLE @myfwc @pbcountysheriff @westpalmpd @cityofhollywoodfl @daviepolice @plantationpolice @coralspringspd and a long list of
#MobileMike @browardsheriffsoffice so today was an amazing day. I was notified several weeks ago of a meeting with our incredible #Sheriff @BSOSheriffTony I did not know what to expect, however I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I was receiving an award for just doing what we do each and every day. #ServingOurCommunity #CommunityService we never have to be asked to help others, it’s in our blood to give and it’s always rewarding to help those in need. Sheriff Tony thank you for recognizing our community service efforts and for always going above and beyond the call of duty every day for the citizens of Broward County. #SupportLawEnforcement #MoreToCome and special thanks to all of the men and women that serve the Broward Sheriffs Office. #ThankYouForYourService #ThisIsAnIncrediblePartnership
#MobileMike @thedenftl #ProductionDay #ThisPlaceIsIncredible #BookYourNextParty #HappyHolidays open every day,incredible food amazing Dance floor and my new favorite spot in #FortLauderdale
#MobileMke #AnnualGroceryAndTurkeyGiveaway please join us today, thank you to all of our community partners for making this possible, and special Thanks too our mayor @deantrantalismayor2018 @mayordeanftl commissioner @glassman4ftl & and our property appraiser @martykiarbcpa #KPCares #KPAttorney
#MobileMike @marriottharborbeach #AmericanRedCross #Gala thank you to the @americanredcross for everything they do to help our community and recognizing our service. #CommunityService #Incredible #PromotingTheFuture #HelpingOtherPeople #ThisIsWhatWeDo #AmazingPartnership special thanks to #KPCares #KPAttorney @kpattorney #MiamiLakesAutoMall @miamilakesautomall @robinsonsjewelers @spiritairlines and all of our community partners and law enforcement agencies.
#MobileMike #ItsThatTimeOfYearAgain #GetReady #ItsGonnaBeFun #LookForUs @winterfestboatparade @winterfestinc @winterfest_foundation @cityoffortlauderdale #ILoveTheHolidays special thanks to all of our community partners #KPCares #KPAttorney @kpattorney #MiamiLakesAutoMall @miamilakesautomall #RobinsonsJewelers @robinsonsjewelers #BMS #BillysStoneCrab @billysstonecrabhollywood #NewYorkMarinaDeli @nymarinadeli #NoodlesPanini @noodles_panini and a long list of others.
#MobileMike @KPAttorney #HurricaneNicole has strengthened into an “extremely dangerous” storm, and is expected to cause life-threatening catastrophic winds and flooding to #Florida #WeAreHereToHelp Insurance companies are more concerned with preserving their bottom line than paying claims to the policy holders. Our expert trial team at Kanner & Pintaluga’s law firm recognizes the importance of aggressive representation to ensure that insurance companies remain true to the terms of their policies. Our attorneys are committed to helping you through the process of your claim and recovering all the money you are owed quickly. The statute of limitations on property claims could be 3-5 years. Get the help and the information you need now at hurricanedamage.com. We are also in the process of organizing, many humanitarian relief drives to help our friends that have been affected by this #Hurricane #StaySafe #CommunityService #MoreBreakingNewsSoon #WeWillHaveBootsOnTheGround #AlwaysHereToHelp #KPCares #KPAttorney
#MobileMike @cityofsweetwater @sweetwaterpd with @mayororlandolopez @plazdiaz @jpwrves @estelafnp55 I’m honored and privileged to receive the highest available honor from the City of Sweetwater for all our #charitable #contributions and #humanitarian relief efforts that have help bring positive change to our city and South Florida’s surrounding communities.
Thank you to our Mayor Orlando Lopez, chief, Placido Diaz and their entire command staff for being true community partners. It is a blessing and a privilege to always work with you and your team in times of crisis.
#CommunityService #ComingTogether #ServingOurCommunity #PromotingTheFuture #AlwaysHereToHelp #WeWillAlwaysBeHere and special thanks to all of our community partners that make all of this possible.
#MobileMike @flalivearena @jobnewsusa if you need a job or are just tired of the same old job this is the place today #JobFair Powered by #KPCares #KPAttorney @kpattorney #MiamiLakesAutoMall @miamilakesautomall #RobinsonsJewelers @flapanthers @browardsheriffsoffice @browardcountylife @robinsonsjewelers @vgvodka and a long list of others thank you all!!!!