My reason why runs deep but it starts with me.
That sounds selfish but it’s true, the things I write about are the things I also desperately need to hear. God speaks to me through it all over and over whenever I read it back and focus in on the lessons again, which I tend to do often.
Today was rough for reasons beyond explanation but I came home to these merch items on my doorstep and they were exactly the reminders I needed! The shirt reminds me where my why starts and the hat reminds me that the journey beyond this place, much like eating an elephant, is a slow process and it is okay if it takes time and if I have no clue where to bite off first.
This is my first time running a ministry. It is gonna be messy. it is not going to meet my expectations. I am going to want to quite over and over again! When we start getting things right in labor for the kingdom, the devil is going to push back even harder on our weak spots and one of my biggest is imposter syndrome, not feeling like I deserve the power and positions I have been elevated to.
I am so thankful that God does not call the qualified, rather He qualifies the called! God can work with a mess and surpass our wildest expectations and I still believe He will with FAM! So I will keep going, one bite at a time!