The Ogaal Star

The Ogaal Star The Ogaal Star formally known The Somali Press is a Somali Community news paper based is Columbus Ohio.

The news paper covers stories and news from the Somali perspective. The Ogaal Star is a news and analysis center based in Columbus Ohio

Ku Ra’iisal Wasaare Hamse Abdi Barre Mudane Ra’iisal Wasaare Fadlan Gen. Bashir Mohamed Jaamac (Bashir Goobe) Wasaaradda...

Ku Ra’iisal Wasaare Hamse Abdi Barre
Mudane Ra’iisal Wasaare

Fadlan Gen. Bashir Mohamed Jaamac (Bashir Goobe) Wasaaradda ha loo badalo.
Waxaan RW Xamse ka codsanayaa inuu aragtida bulshada dhageysto uuna tix-geliyo. In General ciidaan loo dhiibo Wasaaradda Qoyska iyo Horumarinta Xuquuqul Insaanka (Wasaaradda Haweenka), waa arrin shacabku saluugay.

Sidaas daraadeed, fadlan xeerkii h**e arrinta ku soo celi oo Gabdhaha wasiirada midood wasaarddan ku soo wareeji. Generalkana wasaarad kale u badal. General Bashir waa mudan yahay xilka wasiirnimo balse wasaaraddu ma mudna in General wasiir looga dhigo. Mahadsanid.

Xil. Fawzia Yusuf Haji Adam, Damac Qaran bay sidaa, waana doorkii Geeska Afrika hogaamin lahaa Midowga Afrika. Waa in Da...

Xil. Fawzia Yusuf Haji Adam, Damac Qaran bay sidaa, waana doorkii Geeska Afrika hogaamin lahaa Midowga Afrika. Waa in Dawladda Federalka Soomaaliya taageero buuxda siiso muwaadinkeeda.

Runtii ceeb iyo liidasho weyn weeye in xil qof Soomaaliya geeyo lagu ergado wadan kale, lana hor-istaago muwaadinka. Arrintaani waa mid mudan taageero iyo baraarug shacab iyo dawladeed. Mana ahan mid la yareysan karo.

TCG KINALIADA: ARRINTA MARKABKA TURKIGA“Soomaaliya iney kamid noqoto wadama markabka Turkigu marayo ayaa kamid ahayd hes...


“Soomaaliya iney kamid noqoto wadama markabka Turkigu marayo ayaa kamid ahayd heshiiskii Turkiga iyo Soomaaliya. Balse, Markabka hawshiisu waa xus taariikeed u dhexeeya Japan iyo Turkey.”

Is-maan-dhaafku Xagee Ka Jiraa?

1. Turkey waxay cadeysay in markabku ku socdo Japan, ayadoo laxusayo qarnigii ka soo wareegay bilowgii xiriirka caalamiga ee labada dal. Waana arrin taariikh dheer leh. Wuxuuna markabku tagayaa 24 dakadood ama 20 dal oo caalamka. Sida ku cad qormada Daily Sabah ee hoos ku lifaaqan.

2. Dawladda Soomaaliya waxay sheegtay in markabku qeyb ka yahay heshiiskii difaaca xeebaha Soomaaliya iyo iskaashiga dhaqaale ee labada dal wada galeen kal dhaweyto. Mana faah-faahin qisada dhabta ee uu ku qotomo socdaalka dheer ee markabkan. Waxayna arrintu u ekaatay ama loo qaatay in markabku u yimid difaaca xeebaha Soomaaliya, sida filashada shacabku ahayd. Waxayna arrintu abuurtay is-maan-dhaaf iyo dood balaaran.

XAQIIQADA: Xaqiiqaduse waxay tahay
1. In markabkani socdaal dheer oo taariikhi ah ku marayo 20 wadan oo Soomaaliya ka mid tahay.
2. Balse, In markabku yimaado Soomaaliya, ayaa ficil ahaan kamid aheyd heshiiskii labada dal, taas oo muujineysa muhiimada weyn ee Soomaaliya u leedahay Turkiga.
2. Turkiga oo fariin Diplomacy oo weyn ka diray munaasabadii kolkii markabku ku soo xirtay dekeda Muqdisho, oo sheegay “in difaaca Soomaaliya uu lamid yahay kan Turkiga”. Waana fariinta ugu weyn ee arrintu xambaarsaneyd, laakiin dooda social media ha ka maqan. Waana arrinta ay DFS ku guul daraysatay iney shacabkeeda iyo caalamkaba u cadeyso.

Sidaas awgeed, Xaqiiqadu waa in Markabku yimaado, oo Soomaaliya lagu daro liiska wadamada uu tagayo ayaa kamid ahayd heshiiskii labada dal ee difaaca iyo iskaashiga dhaqaale. Balse markabkani uma imaan difaaca xeebaha Soomaaliya.

Türkiye's fourth domestically produced warship, the TCG Kınalıada, which is heading to Japan to mark the centenary of bilateral relations, has...

The treaty proposed by Kenya in consultation with Djibouti and regional bloc IGAD Undermines Somalia.The Two main facts ...

The treaty proposed by Kenya in consultation with Djibouti and regional bloc IGAD Undermines Somalia.

The Two main facts about the treaty

Fact #1: Access to a port
Ethiopia a landlocked county having access to a port means it has a direct route to a harbor or dock for trade or transportation purposes, accessible through agreements or infrastructure connections with neighboring Somalia, which is acceptable under international law.

Fact #2: Sharing Maritime Resources
However, Sharing maritime resources, which typically involves collaboration or agreements between Ethiopia and Somalia to utilize and manage resources such as fisheries, shipping lanes, Ethiopian navel base or offsh**e energy reserves that are located in international waters. This is the problem with the newly proposed treaty, which is unacceptable under any international law. Such arrangements are new and if true a direct violation of Somalia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

A landlocked county accessing a port is about connectivity, sharing maritime resources involves cooperation in resource management.

Read: Reuters News

Kenya has proposed a regional maritime treaty to defuse tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia over a deal allowing Ethiopia to set up a naval base and giving it port access in Somalia's breakaway region of Somaliland, a top Kenyan official said on Thursday.

Seven New American Candidates are running for office in Central Ohio. Franklin County Board of Elections Certified these...

Seven New American Candidates are running for office in Central Ohio. Franklin County Board of Elections Certified these candidates during the primaries 2024. New Wave and New Voices for change and embracing democracy.

, Hussein Jabiri, a Republican hopeful World Seven New Voices in Franklin County Elections 2024 “Dawn of Democracy: Seven New Americans Candidates Embrace the Dawn of Democracy and Vie for Change in Franklin County’s 2024 Primaries” ByAhmed Adan Published 56 mins ago Flipboard Reddit Pinterest...

The puzzling beauty of the Somali Peninsula: A tapestry of natural wonders and cultural heritage By Ogaal Star

The puzzling beauty of the Somali Peninsula: A tapestry of natural wonders and cultural heritage
By Ogaal Star

The Somali Peninsula stands as a testament to the Earth's diverse beauty and cultural richness. Its geographical expanse, diverse terrain, abundant resources, distinctive attributes, and prominent landmarks make it a region of profound significance. As efforts continue to address the challenges faci...

The Central Ohio Somalia Community is advocating for political representation at the Ohio State House. Abdirisak Diini a...

The Central Ohio Somalia Community is advocating for political representation at the Ohio State House. Abdirisak Diini and Hussein Jabiri, former refugees from Somalia, are running as candidates for state representative, representing the Northern and West sides of Columbus city and greater Central Ohio.

The Somali Flag

The Somali Flag

Somaliland’s Complex Path: From Union to Autonomy- A Closer Look at Somaliland

Somaliland’s Complex Path: From Union to Autonomy- A Closer Look at Somaliland

The dialogue between Somalia and Somaliland continues although it lacks seriousness on both sides. On January 1, high level delegations met in Djibouti, President of Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud with the Interior minister, met the Somaliland delegation led by President Muse Bihi Abdi. The two inter...

Via Djibouti: Maxaa kulmiyey Shirkii Jabuuti iyo Dhul boobka Ethiopia. Wiil-waal wuxuu yiri “war maxaa kulmiyey gabadha ...

Via Djibouti: Maxaa kulmiyey Shirkii Jabuuti iyo Dhul boobka Ethiopia.

Wiil-waal wuxuu yiri “war maxaa kulmiyey gabadha qayladeeda iyo waranka.

Kadib kulankii Jabuuti ee wafdiga Madaxweynaha DFS iyo Wafdiga Madaxweynaha DGS. Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi wuxuu toos ugu duulay Addis Ababa, Ethiopia wuxuuna saxiixay MoU ama Heshiis Ethiopia lagu siinayo 20km dhulka Soomaaliya kamida. Wali lama hayo nuqulka rasmigaa ee heshiiskaas.

Dawladda Soomaaliya iyo mida Jabuuti midna xogta qorshahan Ethiopia ee mudada dheer soo socday, xogtiisa ma hayn miyaa?!
Maxay tahay kabax-kabaxdani!

HOGAAMIYAHA - NINKA REERKA LAGA DILO!Soomaalidu, hogaamiyaha dhabtaa waxay u taqaan “Ninka ama qofka reerka laga dilo” w...

Soomaalidu, hogaamiyaha dhabtaa waxay u taqaan “Ninka ama qofka reerka laga dilo” waana iska dishaa - waana sababta ay hogaamiye la’aan u tahay waligeed.

Noocyada badan ee ay u dishana waxaa ka mid ah:
1. Dil ficil ah ama toos ah - midka ugu badan
2. Mucaaradad, khilaaf, xaqiraad, iyo dhaleecayn.
3. Marin-habaabin, Jaahwareerin, talo-xumo, nacab iyo nacayb abuurid, munaafaqad, iwm.
4. Takoor, qab-Jabin, yasid, niyad-jabin, iwm.
5. Quurid la’aan - magaca, mansabka iyo mudnaanta midna looma ogola.
6. Libtiisa iyo Gartiisa midna toos looma siiyo.

Iyo Qaabab kaloo badan - Maxaad ku dari?

Soomaalidu hogaamiyeheeda ama naftay dhaafisaa ama niyad iyo ruux ahaan bay u dishaa. Kol hadaad wax u qabaneyso ama hogaamineyso LAFAHAAGA ILAASHO - ABAALNA HA KA SUGI.


Exploring Somalia: A Comprehensive Guide to its Culture, History, and People. Somalia, located in the Horn of Africa, is a nation with a rich tapestry of history, culture, and resilient people. This article delves into various facets of Somalia, from its time zone and map to its flag, language, civi...


In a country plagued by political tension and economic uncertainty, Eng. Barre and Haji Dahir's unwavering friendship stood the test of time and adversity, becoming a symbol of honor and integrity in Somalia.

CADAALAD, CADAALAD, CADAALAD Waxaan Bogaadinayaa - Madasha khibrad iyo aqoon Is-weydaarsiga Istaraatijiyadeed ee Golaha ...

Waxaan Bogaadinayaa - Madasha khibrad iyo aqoon Is-weydaarsiga Istaraatijiyadeed ee Golaha Wasiirrada, oo uu furay Madaxweynaha JFS, ayaa manta waxaa soo xirey Ra’iisal Wasaaraha XJFS, oo soo saray War Saxaafadeedka hoose.

Runtii arrimaha madashu yoolka saartay waa kuwo dhiirigin iyo bogaadin mudan. Balse qaranimo iyo dawladnimo aas-aaskeedu waa CADAALAD, horutabinta gollahana k**a dheegan.

Ra’iisul Wasaare Xamse; “Waxaa muhiim ah in aan ka baxno duruufaha iyo maraxaladihii h**e u jiray ee caqabadda ku ahaa dowladnimadeenna iyo horumarka ...

Kawkib Mohamud, a six-year-old Somali boy, was one of the top 10 first prize winners in the “My Dream” painting competit...

Kawkib Mohamud, a six-year-old Somali boy, was one of the top 10 first prize winners in the “My Dream” painting competition for African youth. His painting, titled “Soomaaliya oo Nabdoon” or “Peaceful Somalia”, claimed the eighth spots in the composition.

The winning painting of a dove for peace created by six-year-old Kawkib Mohamud. Photo by Chinese Embassy, Mogadishu, Somalia

Essential insights into Somalia and its people: A Comprehensive Guide.

Essential insights into Somalia and its people: A Comprehensive Guide.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of this fascinating nation and its people, it is important to explore ten vital aspects that define Somalia and its inhabitants. Discovering their deep-rooted traditions, resilience, and communal harmony will unveil the true essence of this extraordinary country...

Somalia, a country known for its famous pirates, mesmerizing landscapes, and a never-ending love for camels. It was a la...

Somalia, a country known for its famous pirates, mesmerizing landscapes, and a never-ending love for camels. It was a land of contrasts, where beautiful sandy beaches met anarchy and chaos. Now, grab your popcorn, because we're about to witness the factors that led to the collapse of this intriguing nation.

Somalia is a country in the Horn of Africa. The country has been plagued by years of instability, conflict, and civil war. The collapse of the Somali state in 1991 was a pivotal moment in the country's history, with the subsequent period of civil war lasting for a decade.

Ancient History of Somalia Part One of Somali Historiography Through the Ages. Somali History and Political Context publ...

Ancient History of Somalia
Part One of Somali Historiography Through the Ages. Somali History and Political Context publications by Ogaal Star of Ogaal Media Group.
Read more on and follow more on our YouTube channels. Thank you

Somali Historiography Through the AgesIntroductionUnveiling the changing Somali History and Political Context from Ancient history to modern days. Explaining...

The Importance of Direct Elections in Somalia. Why the country must end the indirect election system and the way forward...

The Importance of Direct Elections in Somalia. Why the country must end the indirect election system and the way forward for Somalia. Ogaal Star Editorial.

Doorashada Dadban waa dalku ka baxaa.

Ogaal Star Editorial: The Author discusses in this editorial piece; Why Indirect Election process is no longer unsustainability in Somalia. Stating the importance of direct elections as the only way forward.

New look to the Somali History and Political Context, gives new perspective to the topic. Summarizing 150 years ethnic c...

New look to the Somali History and Political Context, gives new perspective to the topic. Summarizing 150 years ethnic community history into seven short chapters, while also stating few facts about Somalia as an introduction. It is a piece of work that both Somali and non Somali readers will sure appreciate. Link Below

By Ahmed Adan
Ogaal Star Publications
Ogaal Media Group, July 2023.


Somalia will hire 10,000 New Teachers: This week the Somali President said that the government is giving great importance to the development of education, and announced that about 10,000 new teachers will be hired. Also, reported is that the Education Minister is conducting Regional Consultative Meetings on education reform. Ministry of Education, Villa Somalia, Somalipm, Somali PM


$21 Millions FGS revenue missing and government is taking measures to address corruption. Somali President called corruption the #1 challenge of progress & economic development, while addressing the nation on the Eid-Al-Adha occasion on Wednesday. After the fact that this week the Auditor General handed over incriminating corruption report to the Attorney General. The report states that a total of 21 million USD missing revenue from the work permits issued to foreigners in Somalia. Source: SONNA

Xagee laga raadiyaa CADAALADDA Soomaaliya. Fikirkaaga ku darso fadlan.

Xagee laga raadiyaa CADAALADDA Soomaaliya. Fikirkaaga ku darso fadlan.


2572 Cleveland Avenue Suite 8
Columbus, OH

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9am - 5pm




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