atypicalQ***r, is a new journalism-based website. We strive to provide fresh and relevant forward-thinking dialogue covering the corners missed by the mainstream. atypicalQ***r is a space dedicated to q***r, le***an, and bisexual women, as well as gender non-conformists. We strive to create an atmosphere for storytelling in a way that the community has not yet seen. For our launch in early 2014, t
he theme is “Firsts”. The theme is purposely generic. We encourage you to submit a story based on what “firsts” means to you - whether that’s the first time you discovered you were gay, the first car you owned, the first time you realized a universal truth, or something else entirely. While we do not require a story with q***r influences, it is recommended authors writing stories without direct LGBTQ+ ties feel comfortable disclosing q***rness either in the bio section. True accounts are preferred, but submissions within the scope of the theme from other genres are encouraged. A short list of acceptable submissions include; fiction, poetry, essay, erotica, photography, art, reviews (book, movie, theater, etc), and video. atypicalQ***r was founded by two q***r/le***an women who are based in Chicago. Both founders have a background with a popular and successful le***an website. Drawing on technical, PR, and writing expertise, both are confident that the new venture will bring exciting and new information to the community. Questions, inquiries, and submissions should be directed to editor@atypicalq***