City On Down // On My Way gang vocal overdubs in Studio A with AEA R88 ribbon mic
@robncorrigan @melwashington @iangiancursio @gregorymkeys @aldensayre @allthewaylive777 #nashvillebythesea #truphonic #cityondown #charleston #music #studio #aearibbonmics
Building a groove with @michaelflynnmusic and @ronwiltrout using an AEA @ribbonmics R88. Yum.
@truphonic #michaelflynnmusic #ronwiltrout #nashvillebythesea #charleston #aea #r88 #ribbonmic
Distressor EL8-x in action on vocals - a mainstay my vocal recording chain.
@empiricallabs @truphonic @melwashington @aaron_hines_
#distressor #empiricallabs #truphonic #nashvillebythesea #melwashington
"Weeee-ner, weener-weeee-ner, weener-weener, weener-weener, weener-weener, weener-weener"
@seewatermusic @game of thrones @bsidesessions @truphonic #gameofthrones #seewatermusic #charleston #nashvillebythesea #truphonic #
Manny Houston's funky vibe is infectious on this See Water B-Side Session.
@seewatermusic @bsidesessions @truphonic
#nashvillebythesea #bsidesessions #truphonic #seewater #mannyhouston #chsmusic #charleston #music
@judsonthemusic @bsidesessions @truphonic
#nashvillebythesea #bsidesessions #truphonic #charleston #music #sound #chsmusic #judsonthemusic
@FusionJonez #nashvillebythesea #bsidesessions #truphonic #chsmusic
Marc Regnier in Studio A serenading Christopher Parkenings old Neumann TLM 170s.
@truphonic #marcregnier #christopherparkening #canรงรณdellladre #nashvillebythesea #charleston #music #neumann #tlm170 #truphonic
"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."
Thanks for the good eats on Spring Street, Bob - excited for the future!
@amscharleston @bobcook248 #charleston #nashvillebythesea #bobcook #yum #theendisnigh
Key overdubs with Jonathan Lovett for a new Kevin West record.
@kevinwestmusic @jazzkeys134 @leebarbour @truphonic #nashvillebythesea #truphonic #leslie #charleston #music #sound
Comfort Zone
#artisanmeatshare #charleston #nashvillebythesea #shavedporksandwich
#bobcook #superbad #burntandsalty #spicykoreanmustard #coconutsuka #koreanmustard
@amscharleston @burntandsalty
Best way to spend a rainy day.
#Sterbank #KevinWest #truphonic #nashvillebythesea #charleston #music #sound
#secondnature #nashvillebythesea #charleston #music #truphonic #blues
@bravebabymusic @bsidesessions @truphonic
#nashvillebythesea #bravebaby #truphonic #bsidesessions #yum #charleston #music
She Returns From War B-Side Session at Truphonic.
@shereturnsfromwar @hunterparkmusic @miscamie @west_ash @mala_mano @bsidesessions @truphonic
#shereturnsfromwar #bsidesessions #truphonic #nashvillebythesea #charleston #music
Grace Joyner B-Side Session at Truphonic.
@gracejoyner @bsidesessions @avid
#gracejoyner #bsidesessions #truphonic #nashvillebythesea #avid #chsmusic #charleston #music
Them Ohs guitar overdubs.
@them_ohs @truphonic
#nashvillebythesea #themohs #truphonic #prinetime #charleston #chsmusic
#youngmister #truphoniclive #bsidesessions
@realyoungmister @truphonic @bsidesessions
Morning drum and bass editing is my caffeine.