Dutch Fork Genealogical Society
Saturday, April 15, 2023 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Dutch Fork Chapter w, SCGS, Inc., will hold its annual reunion, at St. Jacobs Lutheran Church, 40 Columbia Ave, Chapin SC
Our day includes your turn to talk, swap, shop and browse the book tables, plus interesting topics from our guest speakers.
Our speakers are:
Morning Speaker: Joe Long, “Burning Bridges, February 1865”
Summery; The vastly outnumbered Confederates defending Columbia against Sherman’s advance, relied on natural obstacles to slow him down- particularly streams and rivers. Bridges including the Congaree Creek, Saluda, and Broad River Bridges became a major strategic objective. Using firsthand account by participants, Joe will discuss the defense and capture or destruction of crucial bridges before the sack of Columbia.
Afternoon Speaker is Kenneth Robinson, “Hessians in the Fork”
Who were they and what did they do?
Our lunch will be catered by Shealy’s Barbecue of Leesville, SC.
Pre-Registration fee will be $18.00 Per person. Registration at the door will be $20.00, $5.00 participant without meal.
We must receive you reservation by April 2 in order to have an accurate lunch count for Shealy’s. For more information or last-minute reservations, please contact Carroll Derrick at 803-920-8928 or email [email protected] If you would like to donate a door prize, please bring it with you to the reunion.
Pease detach the below form and mail it along with your registration fee to:
Dutch Fork Chapter, SCGS, Inc., P.O Box 481, Chapin SC, 29036-04081
……..……………………………………………….….cut along this line……………………………………………………………………..
Dutch Fork Chapter Genealogical Reunion 2022
Please return this registration form with your payment, make checks payable to Dutch Fork Chapter , SCGS or include all of this information on a Pay Pal payment.
Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________ City________________________ State_____________
Zip Code_____________________ Phone_____________________________ Email ___________________________________________
________ # of persons attending the reunion with meal @ ___________ each
________ # of persons attending the reunion without a meal @ ___________ each
_______ # of vendor tables if needed, no charge for one.
_____________________________________________ Total enclosed $__________________