Womens Toolbox

Womens Toolbox The premier destination on line for women in business to share practical advice!www.womenstoolbox.com

Janet Powers, company founder, first recognized the need for the Women’s Toolbox™ when she built her first home and had a million questions. Luckily she had a wealth of family, friends and colleagues to help her. As time went on and she renovated her home, invested for retirement, bought a new car and insured her investments, the questions kept coming. She realized there were millions of women, ju

st like her, who needed answers but lacked the support system she had. Realizing an opportunity and wanting to help, the Women’s Toolbox™ was born. The privately owned company is headquartered in Woburn, MA. The Women’s Toolbox™ is a natural outgrowth of its founder’s combined life experience. She started the company following a successful corporate career at Fidelity Investments, where she served as Vice President of Program Management. There she served as a liaison between its business and technology departments, sourcing and building technology solutions to solve the business problems of Fidelity’s internal and external customers. She was also part of a team that brought new products and services to the market. Earlier in her career, she worked for a global non-profit delivering health programs to expand opportunities for women and families. There she was responsible for educating the group’s regional representatives on how to use technology to run and report on local initiatives. Travelling internationally to deliver onsite training, she witnessed the challenges women face in developing countries. Known for her direct approach, her desire to see women business owners succeed, her ability to get directly to the problem, and her smile, Janet is all over the internet using social media, audio, video, and blogging to get her word out and help women entrepreneurs build successful businesses and live a balanced life. Janet will be sharing her own on line success strategies at The Unconventional Convention during this event. Outlining how she grew her business into a 6 figure business with tens of thousands of websites visitors and social media connections in less than 2 years.

Kathy I thought you would like this graphic Kathy Platcow, Harbor View RE Corp.

Kathy I thought you would like this graphic Kathy Platcow, Harbor View RE Corp.

Outta the way, kids


Use fresh lemons, oranges, or flowers to add a chemical-free scent in your home. Keep in mind not to mix lemon and orange, however! It's been said you should stick to one at a time for open house guests.

Contact me:
[email protected]
License # 9556129


This backyard has a space for every season - A pool and outdoor dining area for spring and summer and hot tub for fall and winter!

Contact me:
[email protected]
License # 9556129


Thinking about moving but wondering what your current home is worth? Click the link to find your home’s Sale Price Estimate, free!

Want to know how much your home is worth? Find out now! https://homeasap.com/53720/homevalue

Contact me:
[email protected]
License # 9556129


Home Buying Tip of the Day!

Do you research when looking for a Realtor to work with! Read reviews, and visit their website - this will help make sure the one you choose is a perfect fit for you!

Contact me:
[email protected]
License # 9556129


What’s another word you could calll A porch for example you could cll it a deck what other words could you call it just for fun post showered


Boston, MA


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