Power of Prayer

Power of Prayer We are the Choosing Generation, Giant Killers called upon to Spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus.

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With Faith Ask Jesus One Thing 🤲🤲🤲


Heavenly Father, As we rise to meet You in prayer this morning, I want to pray for everyone who reads this. I ask that You would bless the reader abundantly today. I pray that You would comfort those who are lonely, hurting, and in pain, be it physical or emotional. Heal them, and let them feel Your presence. Fill them with hope and give them peace. I ask that You would give strength today to all of Your people around the world. Fill them with Your Spirit, and help them lead the life You have planned for them. And I ask for Your financial, physical, and spiritual blessings on everyone who reads this. May Your perfect will be done in all of our lives today, In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Good Morning Everyone


Never underestimate what God's has in Store for you becus of your present situation.


Heavenly Father, As we gathered once again to start a new day and new work week, we give You honor, praise, and all the glory, for the blessings You’ve given us. We ask that would You go before us this week, and light our way. We will trust You and lean not on our own understanding. Give us the wisdom to handle any difficulties that may come our way. We know that some things we will face this week may be impossible for us, but what is impossible for us is always possible with You. In all of our ways we acknowledge You, and ask that You keep us on the path You would have us to walk, as the Holy Spirit continues to lead our way. In Jesus name we pray, Amen

Good morning Everyone and have a Productive Week.




Heavenly Father, As we gathered once again to meet You in prayer this Saturday morning, We pray for Your blessings and favor on our family, friends, and for anyone who is in need of a solution to a difficult situation occurring in their life. Father, today give those who are dealing with something beyond their control, the direction they seek, and let them know that You will be right there with them through this difficult time. The one who can and will turn this thing around for their good. Give them the assurance today that You are redirecting their steps, and bless all those who have a need with strength, hope, and peace today. In Jesus name we pray, Amen

Good Morning Everyone


In the book of Ephesians 6, talks about putting on the armor of God. The helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace, and the shield of faith. All these awesome things to protect us. What’s interesting is there is nothing for our back side. There’s no armor to cover our rear. That’s because God never created us to be running. He created us to confront our giants, to face our fears and predicament, to stand strong in faith. Don’t be like the Israelites and spend your life running from things God has already given you victory over. All He needs is for you to stop running. Deal with it. He’ll be right there to help you. Hallelujah!!!


Heavenly Father, As we gather to meet You in prayer this morning, we want to thank You for the many blessings You've given to us this week. How thankful we are for the Holy Spirit and Your precious word, which You use to teach, lead, and guide us while giving us peace. Today, I am asking for Your healing touch for all of Your people around the world. Heal anything You can see that needs healing in their life. Break any bo***ge, that may be hindering their walk with You, and set them free from all fear and anxiety. We know it is only through You Lord that that we can have true peace. Bless all of Your people financially, physically and above all spiritually today. In Jesus name we pray, Amen

Good Morning Everyone


The Bible says, “Come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy.” You can’t go as a weak worm of the dust, “I don’t deserve it. I’m so unworthy. I can’t do anything right.” No, go with boldness. “God, I know You have made me worthy. I believe You love me, that You are for me, that You have good things in store.” Don’t go as a beggar. Go as a believer, with confidence, with boldness, not because of who you are, but because of Whose you are. Amen


Heavenly Father, We rise to meet You in prayer this Thursday morning with a thankful heart. As we start our day, we ask that You go before us and prepare the way. You said eye has not seen, nor ear heard, and no one has conceived the good things that You have prepared for those who love You, and for that we are grateful. I am asking today that You would meet the needs of all Your people, be it financial, physical or spiritual. Hear the prayers of those who are living in difficult situations, and give them the solutions they need. Help all of us to appreciate what You have blessed us with today. In Jesus name we pray, Amen

Good morning everyone


The Bible says, “Come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy.” You can’t go as a weak worm of the dust, “I don’t deserve it. I’m so unworthy. I can’t do anything right.” No, go with boldness. “God, I know You have made me worthy. I believe You love me, that You are for me, that You have good things in store.” Don’t go as a beggar. Go as a believer, with confidence, with boldness, with faith not because of who you are, but because of Whose you are.


Heavenly Father, We are truly blessed to be able to awake this morning and meet You in prayer. Today, I want to ask for Your blessings upon my family, my friends, and for anyone who may be struggling and going through hard times. Father, give those who are dealing with situations beyond their control the assurance, that You are right there with them through this difficult time. Let them know that you are always listening to their prayers. The one who can and will turn things around for their good. Bless those in need financially, physically, and above all spiritually. Give them strength, hope, and peace today as we go on with the day. In Jesus name we pray, Amen

Good Morning Everyone


Trust God, He knows what He's doing.

God has been preparing you for the exact assignment that you are designed to accomplish.While you've been praying, God h...

God has been preparing you for the exact assignment that you are designed to accomplish.

While you've been praying, God has been preparing the way for you — don't be discouraged if you don't see what He's preparing.


Heavenly Father, as we gather this Monday morning to give you praise. We lift up our heart in gratitude for the gift of health and the blessing of safety. We thank you for the rest of the weekend and for the chance to begin anew. Lord, we seek your guidance as we embark on this journey through the week ahead. Grant us wisdom to discern Your will in every decision we make, and strength to carry out Your plans with diligence and perseverance. May our actions be a testament to Your grace and love, shining brightly in the world around us. We pray for divine inspiration to infuse our minds, enabling us to tackle the challenges and tasks that lie ahead. Father, we ask for Your blessings upon our relationships, both personal and professional. Grant us grace and patience as we interact with others, that our words may be filled with kindness, understanding, and encouragement. Lord, we lift up those who are burdened, weary, or in need of Your healing touch. Strengthen the weak, comfort the grieving, and provide solace to those who feel lost or alone. May Your grace be a balm to their souls, offering them hope, restoration, and renewed faith in Your unfailing love. We commit this week into Your loving hands, we surrender our plans, desires, and aspirations to your divine purpose, trusting that your ways are higher than ours. Fill us with your Holy Spirit, that we may radiate Your light and bring glory to Your name in all that we do. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

Good morning Everyone and have a Blessed week.


Heavenly Father, We know that Your ways are without fault, and Your words are pure. You are a shield to those who trust You, and that we do. As we start a new day and new month, we ask that You let this be a time of new beginnings for us. I want to pray for those who need to find closure in a certain area of their life, so that they can move on. Some are holding on to grudges, pain, and negative words, memories of their own making. There's grief and sorrow that has remained for too long. Help them to realize that the memories of the trials we’ve been through, are there to build perseverance and character in us. Give them the new beginning they seek this month. Let Your goodness prevail, and help them find the closure they need, bless and protect us all this new month. In Jesus name we pray, Amen

Good Morning Everyone and have a Blessed new month.


Some people are not going to like you and that’s okay. Some people are not going to accept you and that’s fine. Everyone is not supposed to be for you. Sometimes, we’re trying to change people’s minds that are never going to be for us. You keep honoring God, being your best, and God will cause the people you need to be for you and He’ll take care of your critics. When it’s the right time, just like He closed the mouths of hungry lions, He’ll close the mouths of those trying to discredit, hate and jealous of you. That’s not your battle. That battle is the Lord's. Amen


Heavenly Father, On this Friday morning as we approach Your throne of grace in prayer. We put all of our trust in You, because we know that when we pray, something wonderful happens for the ones to whom we’re praying for, and also to us. Therefore we come boldly to the throne knowing that You will hear, and answer when we pray. Today, we asking that You would let a spirit of peace and comfort surround those who are living in fear and filled with anxiety. Give them the peace and contentment that comes only from You. We're asking that You would heal them today of whatever You see that needs healing in their life. Let their day be filled with peace and Your presence. In Jesus name we pray, Amen

Good morning Everyone


God said in the Book of Psalm 32, “I will guide you along the best path for your life. I will advise you, watch over you, and instruct you along the way.” Notice how God takes you down the best path: He puts His desires in you. He advises you; He instructs you; He watches over you. You don’t have to worry about missing your destiny. “What am I supposed to do? What if this isn’t the right decision?” Because you’ve committed your ways to God, you can trust your desires. You can follow what He’s put in your heart. He’s watching over you. He’s going to give you the right desires at the right time.


Heavenly father, thank you for this day and all the blessings that you have bestow upon us. Thank you for all those who are in our life and whom we cherish. Bless them with your grace and love. As our day begins Lord walk with us and grant us peace that we may work with joy in knowing you are with us always. Show us our strengths and use them, forgive our weaknesses and help us through all things. I pray that we walk in faith throughout the day and beyond, In Jesus name. Amen

Good morning Everyone


God will prepare a table before your enemies, Keep trusting him🙌🙏🏼


Bottle match challenge prt2

Psalm 23:4

Psalm 23:4


Heavenly Father, You have brought us together once again to the start a new day with Your unmistakable peace in our heart. But, we know that because of all the evil going on in the world today, many people don’t have that peace and are anxious, stressed, and some are losing hope. Today, I want to pray for those who may be battling with the spirit of fear in their life. I ask that You would increase their faith and give them peace as You remove the fear they’re experiencing. For You told us that You have not given us a spirit fear, but of love, courage and a sound mind. We know that when everything around us is in chaos, we can still face whatever may come our way with peace, because You are in control of all things. This is a new day You have given us, and we will give You praise and rejoice in it, In Jesus name we pray, Amen

Good morning Everyone




Atlanta, GA



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