36_you separate bricks...
35_LEGO mystery box! Part 16 (Full video on my youtube!) #lego #legos #mysterybox #legotiktok #legotiktoker #rare
34_Replying to hype_profits I’ve even got plans for another year long experiment after this is over! #lego #legos #expe
33_Time to take this experiment to the next level! There’s no question that UV light discolors or “yellows” plastic but
32_I always like picking orders like this! #satisfyingthings #legoparts #legotiktok #HomeBusiness
31_it's going to be bigger than a lot of dogs 🐕 🤣 #lego #legotiktok #legotiktoker #atat #starwars
29_“Alex” “akro mills” & “sterilite” are my go to drawers #lego #legotips #satisfying #organize #sorting
28_full disclosure. I thought it was going to explode 😂 #lego #legos #legotiktok #legotiktoker #speedrunner #speedrunnin
27_Reply to captian_badjur these results are beyond pleasing so far! #lego #legos #legotiktok #legotiktoker #experiment
#legotips #lego #legohack #tipsandtricks #epikbricks #legotiktok #legotiktoker #rare #experiment #mybusiness
25_follow for daily LEGO content 🧱 #bricktok #notcandy #packanorderwithme
24_Replying to Alexx this works great for large batches but ill have a small batch tutorial up next week as well! #lego