Steven Kylex

Steven Kylex Eliminating a Life of can't, Doubt and Impossibilities, Change your thoughts and world ✔️💙



By the time I got to where he was, it was already too late.

He has already brought the door down with the big axe he was carrying.

He grabbed my harmless and armless innocent brother by the neck as if he owned him some money. It was as if he wanted to strangle him to dea•th, and all I could do was just to observe from a distant, because if I try any obnoxious movement, he is going to probably hāck my brother to de•ath with the axe he was holding.

“What do you really want. Is there anything more to this?, I said in an attempt to initiate a conversation. “Just leave my brother alone and kil•l me instead. My mum and little sis are already de•ad because of you, do you want to add my brother too”, I added but he was not even shaking.

For some moments, I thought he was high on crystal mēth because he wasn’t even responding to me at all. He just grabbed my brother, held his neck to the sharpened part of the axe, and he kept on staring at me for more than 5 minutes, daring me to take the first step.

Of course, I couldn’t take the step because all it’ll take for him to ki•ll my brother is just a tiny push to the front and the axe will slice my brother’s throat.

“Guess I won’t get to watch you ki•ll yourselves after all. I’m going to ki•ll this one myself”, he said with a grin while emphasising on “this one” as if he didn’t know my brother’s name.

He made no move for about 20 minutes and when I realised that my brother has already gotten weak due to the way he held him down to the axe, I talked.

“What are you going to do now”, I asked.

“Ki•ll you, of course”, he answered immediately. “I’m just using this to wait for the buyers that are delaying me, they’ll want a much more fresher meat”, he spouted shamelessly which almost made me lose it.

“Can you just please, leave my brother out of this. You can k•ill me instead”, I screamed pleadingly. I started praying to God to save Ezekiel as soon as I said this, pleading with him to take me instead.

I closed m my eyes deeply to say more words of prayer, and immediately I opened my eyes, the next thing I saw was the head of my brother rolling towards me in a slow motion.

I thought that was all until I realised that he was already rushing towards me too with the axe. He wanted to take our heads in an instant.

I luckily dodged his blow and the next thing he did surprised me.

“Good one, boy”, he said cackling. He started laughing wildly and licking the blo•od of my brother that was on the axe. “You should have seen the look on your little brother’s eyes, but too bad, your eyes were tightly shut”, he added mockingly.

I looked at the two knives in my hands, and I thought that I’ll be merciful if I just stab him with that and he gets to just die like that. I threw the two knives on the floor as if I had something else I was depending on.

“Wow. You’re surprisingly getting more fierce”. he said again even though I wasn’t sure whether he was being serious or he was mocking me. “You know what, the buyers will soon be here. Let’s fini……”.

I charged at him before he could finish what he was saying.

He reacted fast and knocked me off with a slap. It was as if his hands wasn’t made of flesh because every hearing sense in that part of my cheek stopped.

I charged at him again and he did the same thing. I quickly grabbed one of the knives I left earlier when I realised that I might not be able to do anything without it.

I charged at him again, and the moment he raised his hands up again to slap me, I stabbed the hand.

He winced and screamed and cried when he saw the hole in his hand. That didn’t stop me from stabbing him again and again, until he could no longer defend him.

“Now, it’s time for you to feel what my family felt”, I whispered into his ears as I picked the axe up.

Without wasting time, I splitted his head into two.

It was as this moment that a knock came on the door.

I knew that it was the buyer. I was already expecting them too.

I tightened my grip on the axe, and I started tiptoeing towards the door.

I opened the door slowly and I was just about to strike the buyer when it turned out to be Mr Charles and Mr Dolapo, the two tenants that were directly living on top of us.

And in their hand were two sacks.

I wasn’t sure whether they were the buyer, or they were just there because of the noise they were hearing.


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I was so shocked, scared and afraid to accept that I just stabb•ed my little sister that I was meant to protect with my own hands. “How could he have possibly escaped that”, I whispered to myself with tears in my eyes.

I watched in awe and disappointment as my little sister breathed her last.

I screamed immediately after I realised that that my sister has stopped breathing, and I couldn’t even do anything, absolutely anything to save her.

My outcry was followed by a mo•cking laugh from my Dad.

“I think this is a good thing to watch. Watching my ba•stards kil•l themselves is pretty interesting”, he said with a smirk like that of a cat on his face. I watched as he tightens his grip on the k•nife he was holding onto.

My own sight became dark and all I could see was d•eath, d•eath and more deat•h. “I’ll kil•l you, no matter what it takes”, I screamed to his face.

“Well….,Let’s see you try”, My Dad said with a smile that was later followed by a giggle. While watching him giggle, I noticed a small cut on his shoulder. I realised that my k•nife just luckily missed his shoulder. The k•nife might have probably wounded him badly, or even ki•ll him, if he had failed to dodge the kni•fe.

Now, my Dad has two dea•ths on his hand. My Mum’s, and my sister’s. If a Jinn appears at that instant and he gave me a chance to make a wish, I’d have wished for a power to tort•ure my Dad for the rest of his life and I’ll tell the Jinn to keep the remaining two wishes. But nothing like that could actually happen, it was all in my head.

I removed the kni•fe slowly from my sister’s chest with the aim of charging at him with it. I was just about to charge at him when I realised that my little brother, Ezekiel has fainted too.

“What in God’s name is happening. Is everyone going to di•e on me”, I thought with tears in my eyes as I ran towards him.

I started shaking him vigorously, and he woke up just in time.

My Dad was just watching us as if we were a trending movie.

“Are you guys done already. Let’s be fast here. The dealers that’s going to buy your body will soon be here. Including your Mom’s head that I was not able to sell two days ago”, he said, after I just finished waking my brother up.

I couldn’t believe what he said, though it was very believable. “Has he been selling body parts or something. What’s really his job”, I asked myself after realizing that I don’t know my Dad’s job after 17 years of being with him. He just usually travels and comes home once in a while. He started coming home frequently when we moved into our new compound.

Immediately he said this, I carried my brother with full speed and I ran towards my Dad’s room, leaving my own kn•ife behind.

Surprisingly, he didn’t follow me. He was just watching quietly, as I ran towards his room. “No matter what you do, I’m going to kil•l you both. You’ll even watch your brother di•e”, My ears caught wind of that as I ran to the room.

“Do not leave this place, Ezekiel. I am going to lock you in and I’ll come back after I’m done with that mo•nster there”, I said as soon as I entered my Dad’s room.

I dropped my brother on the bed and I grabbed the bag of kn•ives that was under the bed. “We’ll kil•l ourselves today”, I said under my breath.

I locked my brother inside the room, pocketed the keys and I went back to the living room.

To my surprise, when I got back to the living room, my Dad was no longer there. I became more surprised when I realised that my sister’s co**se was also not in the living room.

Our apartment was actually wide and big, and he could have dragged my sister to only God knows room.

I dropped the bag immediately and I selected the next two best kni•ves among the kni•ves.

I heard a very loud “Gbaamm” immediately I dropped the bag on the ground.

Without doubt, I was so sure that the sound was coming from the direction of my Dad’s room.

The moment I heard the sound, I started running to the room.

When I got closer to the room, I was surprised to see him slamming a very big Axe on the door of the room I kept my brother in. His face was as mean and cold as that of terr•orist.

He increased his ferocity as soon as he saw me, and he started banging the door with the axe as if his glory was inside the room.

I realised immediately that it was only a matter of few hits and seconds for him to open the door and ki•ll my brother.

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I was shocked beyond comprehension. I went mute immediately and I started staring at him as if he has wings.

I started wondering about how he got to know that we were planning to abscond.

My siblings that were so scared before were now screaming so hard like a goat that is being cooked alive. I literally couldn’t stand their screams and cries. Their cries alone was deafening and scaring.

I got more scared when I saw the glittering kn•ife that my Dad was holding and threatening to sta•b me with.

The person that was before us now has an entirely different gait and gaze from my that of my Dad. My ‘supposed’ Dad now looks like a condemned criminal and the way he twisted his face left me in doubt. “This might be the face he was putting on when he was murd•ering my Mum”, I thought to myself.

My siblings wouldn’t stop screaming, neither did my Dad stopped grunting and thr•eatening. Despite their screams and cry, none of our neighbours bothered to come to our door to check what’s wrong.

“I’ll kil•l you three bas•tards. It’s time for you to see your mother”, he said with a smirk. His statement of calling us “bast•ard” eventually proved that we are not his children.

He has a kn•ife in one hand, and he carried his normal office bag in the other hand. He momentarily dropped the bag on the floor and he started walking towards us like a zombie that is going after its victim.

It was as if my leg was stuck to the ground.

My sister, Daniella has already fainted on the ground, while Ezekiel had no other strength to scream and cry.

It was when my Dad gave me a cut on my shoulder that my legs got released and I momentarily sprang back in fear, leaving Ezekiel and Daniella on the ground.

He made a devilish smile as soon as I did this and I couldn’t really grasp the reason why he was smiling.

It was when he tilted his head to the right that I realised what his next move was. He was planning to kil•l me sister first.

“I’ll rather d•ie than let you ki•ll any of my siblings”, I whispered to myself as I charged towards him like a ma•d bull that has been given we•ed.

He didn’t expect me to do that, so, he wasn’t prepared for it.

I ran towards him so fast and I pushed me so hard against the wall. “That serves you right”, I whispered to myself as the knif•e flew out of his hand.

He winced immediately his back hit the wall and he fell to the ground on his bu•tt. For about two minutes, he didn’t make any move. “Maybe he has probably fainted”, I thought to myself.

I thought of grabbing my siblings and fleeing the house immediately. Fortunately, I still have the cash in my pocket.

I was about to make a move when my Dad flinched and he started grunting in pain.

A sudden urge to mu•rder him for kil•ling my Mum came over me immediately and I started searching frantically with my eyes, for what I could use to finish him off.

I didn’t want to use the knif•e that was beside him, because he could probably get to the k•nife before me.

It was at this exact moment that I remembered the bag of kni•fe I encountered earlier.

I ran to his room immediately and I grabbed the biggest kni•fe I could see. I stared at it with a ki•lling intent before I went back to the living room.

When I got back to the living room, I was surprised not to see him on the ground that he was earlier. Rather than seeing him in pain, he was now on my little sister, with his hands raised up in the air.

I got the message instantly, he was about to sta•b my sister.

I became angrier immediately.

I charged towards him with an unbelievable speed and with my eyes shut tight, I jumped on him with a massive speed while holding strongly unto my own kni•fe.

“Wuusshhhh”,the knife went right into a flesh and bl•ood splattered over my face. I became relax and happy, having kill•ed my only threat.

I eventually opened my eyes and I was awed with what I saw.

Instead of sta•bbing my father, I had sta•bbed my sister.

I watched in ho•rror as her blo•od moved from my face to my mouth.

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It was so hard for me to accept the realization that my loving and caring Dad is the actual murde•rêr of my Mum.

Never in a thousand years will I believe that My Mum was actually k•illēd my Dad because they were the most loving couple I’ve ever seen in my life.

“Was it all an act. Was he pretending and waiting for a perfect time to ki•ll me Mum. Are we really not his children. Is my Dad a psyc•hopath”?, different questions started flooding my mind while was still staring at my Mum’s head that my brother has already dropped back into the box.

I watched my brother’s face and I saw the fear in his eyes. He was yet to recover from the blo•ôdy event he just witnessed.

“Is Mum really de•ad”, Ezekiel asked me with tears in his eyes. I realised that if I don’t take my two siblings somewhere safe tonight, Dad might ki•ll us in the middle of the night.

I was still thinking of what my next move is going to be when I realised that my Dad is going to be back anytime soon.

With the speed of light, I carried Ezekiel away from my Dad’s room and I took him to the bathroom to wash the blõ•od off his body.

After I was done with him, I went to my sister’s room to get her ready too.

I was still with my sister when a strange smell hit my nose.

I remembered instantly that I’ve forgotten the food I was preparing on the gas and it was already getting burnt. The smell was so strong to the extent that I thought the whole house is going to explode.

I dropped my sister that was bewildered and confused about the whole thing immediately and I ran to the kitchen.

The soup I was cooking has already got burnt, and the water I was boiling on the second burner has almost dried up. I put them off and I went back to my siblings.

The whole thing that was on my mind now is how to save my sibling and make sure they are safe. “If I couldn’t save my mum, I should at least be able to save my siblings”, I whispered to myself.

In less than 10 minutes, I was already done with my siblings.

We were about to step out when the thought of “money” flashed through my mind. Of course, I’ll need transport money to go to anywhere safe.

I was so sure that none of our neighbours will offer to help us. They will not even open their doors,talkless of giving us money.

“Wait for me Daniel. I want to check something in Dad’s room”, I said as I sprang back to look for some money in Dad’s room.

I started rampaging through his whole stuff as soon as I entered the room.

I almost turned the whole room upside down without finding any money. I went to the bed to turn it upside down, and I was about to do that when my sight fell on big black bag that was under the bed. It was few metres away from the box that housed my Mum’s head.

I brought the bag out and I opened it.

Lying in the bag was many knives of different sizes. The knives were more than I could count. It was like a weaponized bag.

I was about to push it back in when I sighted some stacks of cash beside the knives. I smiled to myself as I grabbed one and shoved it into my pocket.

After using almost 10 minutes, I ran back to my siblings. I was doing everything so fast because I didn’t want my Dad to meet us in the house. He usually get back from his work place around 9pm, and the time is already past 8pm.

“Let’s go”, I muttered to them as I opened the exit door.

I opened the door and was shocked to see our father looking at me with glittering knife in his hand.

“Where do you think you are going” he said with a devi•lish smile. Then he entered and locked the door.

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My Mum got missing two days ago. The obvious suspect, or rather, suspects were our neighbours.

My family is like the epitome of peace and harmony, no doubt. The families in the new compound we just packed into can attest to this.

Aside from the undying love that was between our parent, the cooperation between I and my siblings makes it more obvious.

The other families living in our compound often use us as a point of contact, especially I and my siblings, whenever they are scolding their derailing children.

The peace in my family might not be there if not for our parent. The undying love between them made everything easier.

From the story my ears caught during a conversation between my mum and my aunt, I got to know that my Dad met Mum when they were in secondary school.

My Mum was coming from the library one afternoon when some student attacked her. My Dad got there in time to save her from them and that was how they met.

The love they had for each other waxed stronger when they got to the higher institution, which eventually led to their marriage.

Now, we moved into our new compound two weeks ago.

We had to move away from our previous apartment due to the numerous false allegations our neighbours leveled against us

Apparently, they couldn’t stand having a family like us living with them, hence the reason why they did all they could to vacate us from the apartment. There plans seemed to work pretty well because the landlord gave us a quit notice without hearing our own side of the story.

We got a new apartment few days later, and this new compound seemed to be jammed packed with neighbours that are more m•ean and jealous that our previous neighbours.

They’ll always be warning their children to stay away from us as if we were the b•ad example.

They stopped conversing with my parent after our first week in the compound. They never said anything to each other, other than some frequent mumbling of greetings.

Due to this turn out of event, our parent warned us to always be careful when dealing with them.

We were even yet to use one month in the new compound and it’s already feeling like we are living with our long time ene•mies.

Nevertheless, we adhere to our parent’s warning and this continued for another two weeks until my Mum got missing, or rather, until she got kidn•apped.

It was days ago. We were waiting for her to get back from her place of work, but she never did.

Few minutes to the time she got missing, I got a call from her that she’ll soon get home, surprisingly, she never did.

“Let’s call the police, Dad”, I screamed at my Dad in fright when I realised that the clock”s hand is already on 11 pm, waking up my younger siblings in the process.

“Keep your voice down Daniel, your mum will soon be back”, My Dad replied, in a bid to calm me down. My mum never came back that night.

It’s already four days and my Dad is yet to contact the police concerning my Mum’s case. My younger siblings never stopped calling my Mum.

My Dad however promised to contact the police if my Mum isn’t back in the next two days. He presumed that my Mum must have gone somewhere urgent.

Of course, non of neighbours showed any concern. They were just going about their daily activities. They even seemed to be happier after my Mum’s disappearance.

My Dad was out one day and I was busy trying to prepare some dinner before my Dad get back when I heard a loud scream coming from a direction I couldn’t decipher.

The scream was coming from my little brother, Ezekiel. The excitement in the scream made me raise my hope up that maybe he probably seen my Mum.

I realised that the scream was coming from my Dad’s room and I rushed there with full speed.

I barged furiously into the room to realise that I was right. My Mum has eventually been found by brother.

I became dumbstruck when I realised that the “Mummy” I was staring at was just my Mum’s head, and there it was in my brother’s hand. My brother screamed when he found the head in my Dad’s room.

I moved closer to the box my brother took the head out of to see a pictures of I, my siblings and my Mum.

My Mum’s pictures has already being crossed❌ with blo•od, indicating that a target has been taken out. lying under it was a slip that looked like a note from a hospital.

It was a DNA result.

I went through it and discovered that my Dad wasn’t practically our father.

I checked the picture again and noticed that he has already put a mark on my head, too. That was when I realised that my fake Dad is out to k•ill us all.

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New story coming up Titled: Blood in the house 🥶🥶

New story coming up
Titled: Blood in the house 🥶🥶




Sorry everyone for the delay in updating episodes
School has been freaking me out and no time available on my side

So I was thinking If I should continue with the "THE BRIEF ROMANCE WITH THE DEVIL ". OR I SHOULD SKIP TO ANOTHER STORY

I need your replies on the comments section.............. awaiting replies.



Episode 5

Congratulations to you Mr. Bayo Fadipe on your well deserved appointment as our new Procurement Manager, the Board Chairperson will like to have a word with you in her private office “he shook my hand and directed me to her office”.

The environment was super dope as I had wished to work in a corporate environment’s as cozy as this with extremely neat ambience. I adjusted my tie and walked majestically towards the elevator as I did self admiration of my sharp look, stylishly touching my neatly shaved beards, observing my broad shoulders and not exempting my powerful Italian perfume which I took from Bunmi.

In couple of minutes I had arrived the sixth floor to meet the Board Chairperson of my new company, I took redress again and had a deeper breath to build my confidence because I wanted to live a positive impression with my new boss. Shockingly, I stepped into the office and had my mouth opened requiring special assistance to close it, this was because Bunmi and two others where seated.

Good day young man, kindly have your seat ” Bunmi said”. I had lost my confidence again as I stammered to say “Thank you”. Congratulations once again for joining the B-Stones Nigeria Limited the No. 1 Jewelry Hub in the whole of West Africa ” Bunmi said and shook hands with me”. She immediately requested they offer me black tea, cream and cracker. She immediately rounded up her meeting with the two persons who where initially seated with her.

Bunmi you are so cunning in your dealings, you sent me a link to apply for a job claiming its one of your friend’s company “Bayo said”. Hahahahaha nothing good comes so easy Bayo “she laughed and tapped me on my shoulders”. How does it feel to be under an interview panel? Imagine Bayo telling me he is busy studying for a test ” She said and laughed profusely “.

I stood dumbfounded watching Bunmi demonstrate are acting skills yet again, you truly amaze me Bunmi ” I said with a huge sign of relief because the job take home package was too cool to be true”. I closed my eyes and rested my head on one of the executive chairs as I had lost some pounds of blood within the shortest space of time. I raised up my head again only to see that Bunmi had taken off her suit left with her bra which is over flowing off already from her breast cup.

Not here Bunmi please “I said”, before I could say another word, she had taken off her mini shirt left with her s*xy blue pant, my p***s gave a standing ovation in appreciation of physiological performances as her waist bead waggled up and down on her very fleshy water stretched mark ass in a beautiful demonstration.

She pounced on me using her foretool to attack me, her breast kept pushing my head to the direction that pleases it, I wondered how she moves with these gigantic buildings called breast. Indeed this is the breast of life who ever sucks from it shall never ever get tasty again ” I said in satisfaction” while I had her repeatedly in her office.




Episode 4

Its been two weeks after my return from Bunmi’s custody though things are yet to normalise between my wife and I, because guilt has found its route to my conscience pricking me per second coolval stories . My wife had refused me going to work on her argument that she wants me to heal fast psychologically from the trauma I went through in the hands of the kidnappers, if only she knew the exact.

In line with the script being plotted and acted by Bunmi and I, it was required I informed my wife that Bunmi would be coming from Europe the following day and would be nice if I go wait for her at the airport to show how grateful I am in respect to her contributions on my feigned kidnap. In all loyalty, trust and support my wife obliged as she requested to host Bunmi for dinner if I could convince her to come over to the house, I assured her I will convince Bunmi.

I took off from the house at about 4:00pm neatly shaved and well perfumed, in less than an hour I had arrived Bunmi’s private lodge. From the balcony she sighted me and beaconed “lover boy come over here”. She instructed I took my clothes off immediately on her claims that we have limited time to get the deal done. Aggressively she pulled me to her self and instructed I carry her on my arms, jezzz I just raised an item of about 113kg at easy with her gigantic breast trying to strangle me pushing my lower jaw upward. Effortlessly, I carried her like an amateur heavy weight personnel to one of the jacuzzis and slowly dropped her and we swung into action of a four round waist movement fight.

At about 8pm we dressed up, several calls was already coming from my wife who was tensed over her meal prepared for Bunmi, my safety and our little apartment. I assured her that we where close but the traffic was much, finally at 9:06pm we arrived my house as I introduced my wife to Bunmi, my wife almost knelt down in appreciation, I quickly gave her a helping hand upward saying within ” if only you know Bunmi is the bad government who gives you crumbs to eat and end up eating the main share”. The devil truly always present himself in a lovable manner.

After eating Ewedu and Amala with lots of assorted meat which was my wife’s specialty, I was able to hit my hand on my chest that I married rightly. Bunmi broke the silence thanking my wife for being a strong woman and standing in for her husband in difficult times. She brought out some cash in hard currency amounting to about $5,300 equivalent to a little above 2million naira, in her order madam kindly offset the loans you took, get to cook another bigger pot of your sumptuous Ewede soup and start up a mini business so that you can assist your husband in difficult times. However, I will look around some of my businesses to fix Bayo in so that he can get stable in no time. I beg to take my leave now, she excused herself along side her 3 huge body guards.

My wife in her usual manner of getting wet at the slightest celebration rushed to kiss me immediately Bunmi zoomed off. I felt her excitement but the pains was much because she had collected the forbidden fruit from the devil for the second time in the garden of Eden, hence I would have to keep tilling Bunmi’s soil before we eat. Forcefully, I ended up having the 5th round of s*x for the day, not with passion and pleasure but with pity and pressure.




(Episode 3)

I was so much in haste to leave Bunmi so I can meet my lovely wife and my 2years old daughter, we had made out plans to stage a kidnap script in other to divert my wife’s attention for what the real deal has been. We had to put a call across to my wife in line with my rescue plan, a ransom of 2million was demanded from her which was an impossible figure for her to achieve.

I could feel the brokenness of my wife from her voice stating that she had been able to raise N270,000 barely which in no way could match the planned ransom demanded. In line with the ex*****on of our plan, I sent my wife Bunmi’s number to claiming she was my secondary school classmates who I usually assisted with her assignments that she night be able to add a little to what she had raised.

Without argument my wife called Bunmi and introduced herself, she pleaded for support from her, without hesitation Bunmi who was a natural script writer and interpreter acted the role so perfectly. She sent my wife 1.3million claiming she is out of town. However, she instructed my wife to get a loan and assured her of paying back when she returns to town. With all assurance and excitement my wife had entered into the streets of Lagos to get an additional loan just make up the 2million audio ransom.

That evening my wife and my pastor followed the instructions to drop the ransom and I was released, immediately I saw my wife guilt ate me so deeply like the cankerworm because stress her shown all over her face, she became so dark, wretched looking and thin all because of worries of my sudden disappearance.

I got back home, she had made hot water for me, prepared herbs to drink and gave me a very sumptuous meal according to her they would have starved me so much (In pains I shook my head saying within if only you know where I have been you might not have opened the door to let me in). I had missed my daughter so much getting home she had slept off, I thanked my wife for everything she did and kissed her repeatedly.

I knew how much she had missed me because we are both s*xually hyper active, that we sometimes might almost want to pull down the roof. Immediately she dragged me to one of the single chairs, placed me to sit and began real p***s lubrication with her saliva running through each of my active p***s veins, I grabbed her ass but couldn’t feel any thick water mark stretch marks unlike that of Bunmi, immediately my s*xual appetite went down. I just kissed her and pleaded being tired and zoomed to bed.



Atlanta, MI



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