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HowZzat UMPIRE! Think Local Sport.

A sport newspaper based in Trinidad & Tobago that captures local sporting events at a community level. We aim to feature the sports and activities that are not given due prominence within the media and bring the people who make these sports fun, competitive, interactive and distinctive to the forefront. HowZzat design & layout

It was crucial for the team to have the exact look and feel they envis

ioned, to be cutting edge in delivering the experience of reading and interacting with a community sports newspaper. To achieve this, they partnered with the best - Congo Mania Design. Christian continues to deliver exceptional, intuitive interpretations of concepts in an appreciatively imaginative way. A thrilling plead known to any cricket fan, now synonymous with local sports thanks to the vision of Jason & Sean. A community sports newspaper that highlights the beauty of our local sporting calendar via brilliant photography, quippy captions and relevant advertising. HowZzat intends to bring to the fore, the sports and sporting practitioners who do not make current mainstream media and drive home to the country to Think Local Sport. HowZzat inspiration

We are inspired by local sports, by the victorious smiles and passionate tears of its players, by the fervent patriotism instilled when describing a sport that is all TRINBAGO.

Team Guyana repping at the World Cup!

Team Guyana repping at the World Cup!


The draw for the 2023 MyDieselClaim World Cup of Darts has been released!

Team USA (Jules van Dongen and Leonard E Gates) 🇺🇸 is in Group F and will play 10th-seeded Austria 🇦🇹 and Denmark 🇩🇰

Team Canada (Matt Campbell and Jeff Smith) 🇨🇦is in Group H as the 12-seed and will face India 🇮🇳 and Hungary 🇭🇺

And for fans of our Latin American affiliate, Championship Darts Latin America and Caribbean-CDLC, Team Guyana (Norman Madhoo and Sudesh Persaud Fitzgerald) 🇬🇾 is in Group C and will clash with 7th-seeded Australia 🇦🇺 and Gibraltar 🇬🇮!

Canada and Guyana will both be in action on Thursday, while the USA will play its first matches on Friday. (Order of play TBD)



Guyana első ízben képviselteti magát a június 15-18. között megrendezésre kerülő World Cup of Darts-on, miután a Sudesh Fitzgerald és Norman Madhoo alkotta páros nyerte meg a Costa Ricában megrendezett latin-amerikai selejtezőt. Közép- és Dél-Amerika, valamint a karibi térség nemzetei vettek részt a május 12-14. között zajló latin-amerikai selejtezőn, ahol a guyanai duó zsinórban három győzelmet aratott a körmérkőzéses szakaszban, mielőtt a jamaicai Mark Birthwright-Shawn Noteman kettőst legyőzve bejutottak az elődöntőbe.

Fitzgerald és Madhoo az elődöntőben a costa rica-i Jason Calderon-Guillermo Soto alkotta páros ellen nyert, majd a döntőben egy másik hazai duót (Andres Montero-Diego Orozco) is két vállra fektettek, ezzel pedig kiharcolták a világbajnokságon való részvételt.

A guyana-i csapat mellett fény derült az olaszok összetételére is: a taljánokat ebben az esztendőben Dante Massimo és Michele Turetta képviseli majd Frankfurtban, míg a gibraltári páros kiléte is hamarosan kiderül. Annyi már bizonyos, hogy a Development Tour sorozatban vitézkedő Craig Galliano helye már biztos a csapaton belül.

Azok a nemzetek, amelyeket a PDC-ranglistán szereplő játékosok képviselnek, május 29-én, hétfőn hirdetik ki csapataikat, míg a skandináv és balti régió országaiban a kvalifikációs határidő június 5.

Az eddig már biztosan részt vevő csapatok névsora:

Bahrein: Baszem Mahmud, Abdulnasszer Juszuf
Kína: Hsziao-csen Cung, Li-hao Ven
Guyana: Norman Madhoo, Sudesh Fitzgerald
Hongkong: Man Lok Leung, Lee Lok Yin
Olaszország: Michele Turetta, Dante Massimo
MAGYARORSZÁG: Kovács Patrik, Sárai Levente
India: Prakash Jiwa, Nitin Kumar
Japán: Jun Macuda, Tomoja Goto
Új-Zéland: Ben Robb, Warren Parry
Fülöp-szigetek: Christian Perez, Lourence Ilagan
Portugália: José de Sousa, Luis Ameixa
Szingapúr: Paul Lim, Harith Lim
Dél-afrikai Köztársaság: Devon Petersen, Vernon Bouwers
Thaiföld: Attapol Eupakaree, Tanavat Gavinuntavong
Ukrajna: Vladiszlav Omelcsenko, Illija Pekaruk

Professional Darts Corporation


DARTS star Sudesh Fitzgerald is set to return to the sport just nine MONTHS after a serious car crash left him in a coma and on life support.Just last year, the 36-year-old from Guyana, who reached…


Brian Lara presents Tagenarine Chanderpaul with his West Indies cap ahead of his test debut against Australia. Lara was present when Tagenarine's father made his debut in 1994.

Photo Credit Doordarshan Sports.



10 Delhi Street
Port Of Spain


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Our Story

A sport newspaper based in Trinidad & Tobago that captures local sporting events at a community level. We aim to feature the sports and activities that are not given due prominence within the media and bring the people who make these sports fun, competitive, interactive and distinctive to the forefront. HowZzat design & layout It was crucial for the team to have the exact look and feel they envisioned, to be cutting edge in delivering the experience of reading and interacting with a community sports newspaper. To achieve this, they partnered with the best - Congo Mania Design. Christian continues to deliver exceptional, intuitive interpretations of concepts in an appreciatively imaginative way. Big up! HowZzat vision HowZzat UMPIRE! A thrilling plead known to any cricket fan, now synonymous with local sports thanks to the vision of Jason & Sean. A community sports newspaper that highlights the beauty of our local sporting calendar via brilliant photography, quippy captions and relevant advertising. HowZzat intends to bring to the fore, the sports and sporting practitioners who do not make current mainstream media and drive home to the country to Think Local Sport. HowZzat inspiration We are inspired by local sports, by the victorious smiles and passionate tears of its players, by the fervent patriotism instilled when describing a sport that is all TRINBAGO. Think Local Sport.

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