Governu organiza Forum Negósiu iha Pequim la’o ho susesu
Pequim, 30 Jullu 2024
Sua Exselensia Prezidente Repúblika José Ramos-Horta ne’ebé akompaña husi Sua Exselensia Vise - Primeiru - Ministru no Ministru Koordenador ba Assuntu Ekonómiku, Ministru Turizmu no Ambiente Francisco Kalbuadi Lay hamutuk ho Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, Bendito dos Santos Freitas no Embaixadór Timor-Leste nian iha Xina, Maubere Lorosae da Silva Horta realiza Fórum Negósiu ba Oportunidade Investimentu la’o ho susesu, tanba konsege atrai no hetan partisipasaun husi setor privadu no públiku Xina nian besik 200 iha Pequim, Xina iha loron Tersa, 30 Jullu 2024.
Fórum ne'e destaka relasaun metin entre nasaun rua ne'e durante tinan 22 no Xina nia signifikadu nu'udar poténsia globál no rejionál.
Prezidente Ramos-Horta subliña nesesidade ba governu atu atua lalais hodi hadi'a kondisaun sira ba investimentu nian, liuliu iha dezenvolvimentu lei sira ba protesaun investimentu nian ne'ebé maka'as. Nia nota katak enkuantu interese investidór nian aas, ministériu relevante sira Timor-Leste nian tenke akompaña ho asaun konkretu sira, inklui rezolve preokupasaun sira kona-ba dupla tributasaun ne'ebé levanta hosi investidór potensiál sira.
Durante eventu ne’e, aprezenta oportunidade investimentu oioin iha Timor-Leste ba negósiu xinés sira, ne’ebé kobre setór sira hanesan infraestrutura, agrikultura, no turizmu. Delegasaun timoroan subliña lokalizasaun estratéjiku nasaun nian, forsa traballu joven, no rekursu naturál hanesan vantajen prinsipál ba investidór potensiál sira. Partisipante Xinés sira hatudu interese partikulár ba Timor-Leste nia planu ba diversifikasaun ekonómika no dezenvolvimentu sustentável.
Sua Exselensia Vise-Primeiru-Ministru no Ministru Koordenador ba Assuntu Ekonómiku, Ministru Turizmu no Ambiente Francisco Kalbuadi Lay hateten, business forum Xina hanesan oportunidade ba dezenvolvimentu iha Timor Leste.
Iha mós aprezentasaun husi Ministru Agrikultura, Peska, Pekuaria no Floresta Marcos da Cruz, Ministru Petróleu no Rekursu Minerais, Francisco da Costa Monteiro, kona-ba oportunidade investimentu iha área agrikultura no minerais inklui oportunidade sira seluk ne’ebé sei explora liu husi interese ba peskiza hodi hare potensialidade investimentu iha futuru.
Vise - Primeiru - Ministru hateten, nu’udar priviléjiu hamrik iha ne’e hodi kompleta eventu importante ba Business Forum ida ne’ebé Timor-Leste hein iha tinan lubuk nia laran atu hetan oportunidade investimentu ida ne’ebé di’ak hodi lori dezenvolvimentu ba nasaun.
Iha oportunidade ne’e mos Vise-Primeiru-Ministru ne’e hato’o agradesimentu ba Governu Xina, no empreza públiku no setor privadu sira hotu Xinan nian ne’ebé hatudu ona interese maka’as atu hatene klean liután kona-ba posibilidade investimentu ne’ebé eziste iha Timor-Leste liu husi Business Forum ida ne’e.
Nia hatutan, Timor-Leste nia relasaun ho Xina la’ós de’it iha diplomátika maibé, iha relasaun istória ne’ebé ho fundasaun ida forte ba afiliasaun amigavél no kle’an ne’ebé fahe durante tinan hirak nia laran, no desde Timor-Leste restaurasaun independênsia Xina sai ona belun di’ak no parseiru ida ne’ebé besik liu.
Apoiu sira ne’ebé Xina iha ba Timor-Leste, nu’udar reforsa ida husi Prezidente Xina, Primeiru-Ministru no Konsellu Jeral ne'ebé hatudu sira-nia hanoin rasik no kompromisu ne’ebé presiza atu tulun Timor-Leste.
“Tan ne’e husu atu seitór privadu nasionál iha nasaun rua ne’e tau liman-hamutuk hodi halo esforsu investimentu sira ne’ebé bele tulun dezenvolvimentu iha nasaun foun Timor-Leste,” katak Vise-Primeiru-Ministru no Ministru Koordenador ba Assuntu Ekonómiku no Ministru Turizmu no Ambiente Francisco Kalbuadi Lay iha nia diskursu.
Xina kontinua hato’o ninia komitmentu sira hodi apoia Timor-Leste nia Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentável (ODS). Ida ne’e sai nu’udar testemuña amigavél ida no mós hakarak atu hametin relasaun ekonómika entre nasaun rua.
Timor-Leste iha rekursu naturál ne’ebé riku, iha oportunidade ba investimentu hanesan aprezentasaun husi membru Governu no delegasaun sira Timor-Leste no ne’e hatudu ona posibilidade ba investimentu iha país foun ne’e.
Iha fatin ne’ebé ohin halibur hamutuk atu harii relasaun Povu ba Povu no halo Xina sente kmaan no fiar-an hodi tulun dezenvolvimentu iha Timor-Leste.
“Ami-nia objetivu mak atu hametin relasaun ekonómika entre ami-nia povu no hametin merkadu entre ami-nia nasaun. Xina iha interese prinsipál atu ajuda Timor-Leste iha área irrigasaun no dezenvolvimentu ekonomia Azul no verde. Setór hirak-ne’e importante tebes ba dezenvolvimentu sustentavel no ita entuziazmu kona-ba prespetiva ne’ebé sei iha ba oin. Ita-nia governu iha komitmentu atu halo buat ne’ebé di’ak liu, atu proteje no fasilita forma investimentu sira hanesan ne’e. Ha’u esensialmente husu atu iha formasaun ba Parseria Emprezarial sira,” esplika Vise-Primeiru-Ministru.
Timor-Leste hein katak, planu negósiu ne’ebé iha ho apoiu husi governu Xina bele hasa’e signifikativamente Dezenvolvimentu Ekonomiku hodi hasa’e sidadaun rua nia prosperidade.
Vise-Primeiru-Ministru esplika ba partisipante sira iha forum negósiu ne’e katak, Timor-Leste halo ona pasu signifikativu iha implementasaun lei no regulamentu ne’ebé komprehensivu hodi proteje investimentu inklui mapa reforma investimentu tuir mai iha empréstimu. Iha Lei Kompetisaun nian, ho Kodigu esportasaun no regulamentu importasaun no atualiza lei impostu. Asaun ida-ne’e garante baze legál forte ba investimentu ne’ebé halo iha nivel nasionál no internasionál.
Vise-Primeiru-Ministru ne’e mós esplika katak, foin lalais ne’e Timor-Leste adere ona ba organizasaun OMK nu’udar membru. OMK simu tiha ona Timor-Leste nu’udar membru iha loron 26 fulan-fevereiru tinan ida-ne’e iha Abu Dhabi.
Ida ne’e nudar adezaun ba padraun internasionál ba operasaun investimentu nian ne’ebé bele realiza liuhusi pasu istóriku ida-ne’e hodi inklui iha sistema Mundial Komersiu no nivel nasionál no internasionál sira. Ida ne’e hanesan pasu esensiál ida hodi promove no proteje investimentu.
Timor-Leste iha hela prosesu diskusaun ba adezaun ba organizasaun rejionál ASEAN ne’ebé iha no Estabelese tuir poténsia merkadu ho Ema millaun 100 liu hale’u rejiaun ida-ne’e tanba ne’e ita-nia seksaun ida iha tinan oin mai nu’udar ita-nia membru tomak iha ne’e la’o hela.
Ekonomia Timor-Leste nian sai parte ida-ne’ebé sei hadi’a liu tan liuhusi integrasaun rejionál ida-ne’e, ne’ebé sei loke mós oportunidade barak liu tan ba kresimentu no investimentu.
Biban ne’e governu Timor-Leste nafatin fo Obrigadu ba governu Xina nian ne’ebé fó apoiu hodi hasa’e kapasidade atu partisipa iha kooperasaun rejionál no internasionál. Kooperasaun entre Xina no Timor-Leste ba futuru bele ona hare benefísiu reál ba povu pais rua ne’e.
Governu estimulu fiar katak Xina sei hakarak investe barak liu tan iha Timor-Leste, liu-liu iha setór sira hanesan petróleu no gás, minerál sira, Agrikultura no ekonomia sira ne’ebé iha ligasaun ho Chin, importánsia iha rejiaun Azia no Pasifiku.
The government successfully organized a business forum in Beijing
Beijing, July 30, 2024
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His Excellency the President of the Republic Jose Ramos-Horta accompanied by His Excellency the Vice-Prime-Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Minister of Tourism and Environment Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Bendito dose Santos Freitas and the Ambassador of Timor-Leste in China, Maubere Lorosae da Silva Horta, held a successful Business Forum on Investment Opportunity, which was attended by almost 200 Chinese private and public sectors in Beijing, China on Tuesday, 30 July 2024.
The forum highlighted the strong relationship between the two countries during the 22 years and China as a global and regional potential.
President Ramos-Horta highlighted the need for the government to act quickly to improve the conditions for investment, especially in the development of strong investment protection laws. He noted that while the interests of the investor are high, the relevant ministries of Timor-Leste should be accompanied by concrete actions, including addressing the concerns about double.
During the event, several investment opportunities were presented in Timor-Leste for Chinese businesses, covering sectors such as infrastructure, agriculture, and tourism. The Timorese delegation highlighted the strategic location of the country, youth workforce, and natural resources as the main advantage for potential investors. The Chinese participants showed a particular interest in Timor-Leste's plan for economic diversification and sustainable development.
His Excellency Vice Prime Minister and Minister Coordinator of Economic Affairs, Minister of Tourism and Environment Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, said that the Chinese business forum is an opportunity for development in Timor-Leste.
There was also a presentation by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock and Forestry Marcos da Cruz, the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Francisco da Costa Monteiro, on investment opportunities in agriculture and mining including other opportunities that will be explored through interest in research to see the potential of investment in the future.
The Vice Prime Minister said that it is a privilege to stand here to complete an important event for a Forum that Timor-Leste is waiting for over the years to get a good investment opportunity to bring development to the country.
At the same occasion the Vice Prime Minister thanked the Government of China, and all Chinese public and private sector companies who expressed a strong interest in knowing more about the possibility of existing investments in Timor-Leste through this Business Forum.
He added that Timor-Leste's relations with China are not only in diplomacy but also in history that has a strong foundation for friendly and deep. It has been shared throughout the years, and since the restoration of independence China has become a good friend and close partner.
The support that China has for Timor-Leste is strengthened by the President of China, the Prime Minister and the General Council who demonstrate their own views and commitment to helping Timor-Leste.
Therefore he requested for the national private sector in both countries to put their hands together to make investment efforts that can help the development of the new country of Timor-Leste," said the Vice-Prime-Minister and the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs and Minister of Tourism and Environment Francisco Kalbuadi Lay in his speech.
China continues to express its commitment to support Timor-Leste's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is a friendly witness and is intended to strengthen economic relations between the two countries.
Timor-Leste has rich natural resources, opportunities for investment such as the presentation of members of the Government and delegation of Timor-Leste and this has shown the possibility of investment in the new country.
“We are gathered today to build the People's relationship with the People and make China feel comfortable and confident in helping development in Timor-Leste.”
"We aim to strengthen economic relations between our people and strengthen the market between our country. China has the main interest in helping Timor-Leste in terms of irrigation and development of a blue and green economy. These sectors are very important for sustainable development and we are enthusiastic about the future. Our Government is committed to doing its best to protect and facilitate such forms of investment. I specifically ask for training for Business Partnership," the Vice Prime Minister explained.
Timor-Leste hopes that the business plan available with support from the Chinese government will significantly increase Economic Development to increase the prosperity of both citizens.
He explained to the participants in the business forum that Timor-Leste has made significant steps in implementing comprehensive laws and regulations to protect investment including the next investment reform map in the loan. In the competition law, with the export code and import regulations and the update of the tax law. This action ensures a strong legal basis for investments made at national and international levels.
The Vice Prime Minister also explained that, recently, Timor-Leste has joined the WTO as a member. The WTO has already received Timor-Leste as a member on February 26 this year.
This is an accession to international standards for investment operations that can be carried out through this historical step, including in the World Trade System and at the national and international levels. This is an essential step towards promoting and protecting investment.
Timor-Leste is in the process of discussing the accession of the ASEAN regional organisation and establishing in accordance with the market potential of more than 100 million people around the region as a result of which one section next year as the entire member of our country is going through.
Timor-Leste's economy is part of further improvement through this regional integration, which will also open up more opportunities for growth and investment.
On this occasion, Timor-Leste expressed its gratitude to the opportunity being given by the government of China. Thank you to the Chinese government for its support in increasing the capacity to participate in regional and international cooperation. Cooperation between China and Timor-Leste for the future can have real benefits for the people of both countries.
The Government believes that China will want to invest more in Timor-Leste, especially in the oil and gas, minerals, agriculture and economic sectors linked to China, and the importance of the Asia and Pacific region.