Abyei complex secondary school student s

Abyei complex secondary school student s this group is for Abyei complexes secondary schools


🔮 If you really want to make something out of life this year 2023...do this.. ...

1. Be patient.

2. Make sacrifices.

3. Take reasonable risks.

4. All rules must not be obeyed.

5. Don't be lazy.

6. Know your motivation.

7. Always focus.

8. Remove shame from your eyes.

9. Take criticism as compliments.

10. Learn from your past mistakes.

11. You don't stop when you fail.

12. Don't let age be a barrier. It's not too late.

13. Choose your cycle wisely.

14. Believe in yourself 100%

15. Always prepare yourself for opportunities.

Happy New year in advance

complex secondary school Admin


Most FIFA World Cup goals scored :

🇧🇷Brazil - 232
🇩🇪Germany - 227
🇦🇷Argentina - 138
🇮🇹Italy - 128
🇫🇷France - 124
🇪🇸Spain - 106

Most FIFA World Cup winners :

🇧🇷Brazil - 5
🇩🇪Germany - 4
🇮🇹Italy - 4
🇦🇷Argentina - 2
🇺🇾Uruguay - 2
🇫🇷France - 2
🇪🇸Spain - 1
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England - 1

Most match wins in FIFA World Cup :

🇧🇷Brazil - 73
🇩🇪Germany - 67
🇮🇹Italy - 45
🇦🇷Argentina - 43
🇫🇷France - 34

Most FIFA World Cup points holder teams :

🇧🇷Brazil - 237
🇩🇪Germany - 221
🇮🇹Italy - 156
🇦🇷Argentina - 144
🇫🇷France - 118

Most participations in FIFA World Cup :

🇧🇷Brazil - 22
🇩🇪Germany - 20
🇮🇹Italy - 19
🇦🇷Argentina - 18
🇫🇷France - 16

Most free-kick goals in FIFA World Cup :

🇧🇷Brazil - 13
🇦🇷Argentina - 5
🇰🇷South Korea - 5
🇪🇸Spain - 5
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England - 4
🇷🇸Yugoslavia - 4
🇺🇾Uruguay - 4

Most FIFA World Cup Golden Boot win by country :

🇧🇷Brazil - 5
🇩🇪Germany - 3
🇦🇷Argentina - 2
🇮🇹Italy - 2
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England- 2
🇭🇺Hungary - 2

Most FIFA World Cup Golden Ball win by country :

🇧🇷Brazil - 7
🇦🇷Argentina - 3
🇮🇹Italy - 3
🇺🇾Uruguay - 2

It's all about Brazil's Heritage🇧🇷💛


“ babe , I'm disappointed about the way you act when you see me, smiling with me from a distance doesn't satisfy me , I want you to scream, jump, run to me, trip, Faint & roll on the ground whenever you see me😭 ”🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


South Sudanese women should know the reason why one man marry many wives:

First, we began with Zain nicely and in the middle it starts misbehaving... vivacell came and we shifted to vivacell leaving Zain behind not because we don't love it. As we know that we are in love with vivacell, MML suspended the vivacell and declined it up to date just like your wife has been taken by another person doesn't restrict you from getting another one. MTN came and we welcomed it with great joy because of wonderful words that says MTN EVERY WHERE YOU GO, again it starts misbehaving and we keep quiet just looking so closely at new network called Digital. Those of MTN company thinks they have made it in life and proud that, they're champions of networks because of every where you go🙄
Now we have shifted to Digital and starts misbehaving again.... we will never stop shifting just waiting for another new network 🤷 My question is: how many sim cards do you have?

Note: don't blames men for marrying more wives you may not know what's paining them, as we suffered in the hands of these companies.... that's how men suffered in the hands of women too

Now you have known the reason.copy🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂
But not really it is only for Fun 😂😂😁


Imagine you are arguing with your girlfriend and she says let's assume you're handsome.🤣🤣🤣😂😂


An Old Farmer writes to his Son who is in Prison:
"Dear Son, this year I won't be able to plant Potatoes because I can't dig the field by myself, I know if you are here, you would have helped me".

The Son writes back,
"Dad don't even think of digging the field because that's where I buried all the money I stole."

The Police read the letter and the next Day the whole field was dugged up looking for the money but nothing was found.

The following Day the Son wrote again,
'Now plant your Potatoes dad, it's the best I can do from here. '

©️S 𝓕𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓼✍🏼🌱


The donkey told the tiger: The grass is blue.
The tiger replied: No, the grass is green​.
The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, and to do so they approached the lion.
Before reaching the clearing in the forest where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey started screaming: ′′Your Highness, isn't it true that the grass is blue?"​
The lion replied: "True, the grass is blue"​.
The donkey rushed forward and continued: ′′The tiger disagrees with me and contradicts me and annoys me. Please punish him"​.
The king then declared: ′′The tiger will be punished with 5 years of silence"​.
The donkey jumped with joy and went on his way, content and repeating: ′′The grass is blue"​..
The tiger accepted his punishment, but he asked the lion: ′′Your Majesty, why have you punished me, after all, the grass is green?"​
The lion replied: ′′In fact, the grass is green"​.
The tiger asked: ′′So why do you punish me?"​
The lion replied:
That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave, intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and on top of that to come and bother me with that question
The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who doesn't care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on discussions that make no sense... There are people who for all the evidence presented to them, do not have the ability to understand, and others who are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren’t.
When ignorance screams, intelligence shuts up. Your peace and tranquility are worth more.
Adapted from an unknown ✍️ author.


Juba University's yearly Fee is questionable

1. Tuitions fees are 3 Cows
2. Functional fees is 1 Cow
3. Development fees are 3 Cows
Total =7 Cows per year ×5yrs or 4yrs or 6yrs study.

7×6=42 Cows which means the academic year is one (1) wife material with a pure heart in Abyei.

7×5 =35 South Sudanese cows equivalent to 1 beautiful, adorable, cute bae in Abyei here.

7×4=28 head of cattle equivalent with pet, cute and gorgeous wife in Abyei especially Townes girls holding diploma program or degree holder.

This life at Juba University shouldn't be tolerated anymore. Get married and bear kids




June 05, 2021
Thinking of Abyei

When I think of Abyei

My eyes open,

My heart beats so fast,

My uncontrollable body shakes

When I think of Abyei my tears roll down my chick endlessly

When I think of Abyei

I see the beautiful river of Nyamora,

the beautiful Abyei tree,

the Greenland of Abyeinjongyom

I see the amazing Maker Abior....

When I think of Abyei

I remember the Hai Kanisa,

Hai Awan-Chan,

Hai Mulmul ,

Hai Abior,

I remember the U.N. compound at the entry,

The South of Abyei !

When I think of Abyei

I see the lifecycle of abyei women,

fetching water from a distance, a borehole,

a young girl going to the market carrying sorghum to the grinding machine.

I see women carrying their farming tools to different locations to cultivate in the wilderness

When I think of Abyei

I remember the schools that are no more,

Camboni school where I Attended,

the blue and white uniforms,

Hukumia(government) schools

I remember boys and girls in their brown and creamy uniform!

When I think of Abyei

I remember the morning Parade,

The late Mr. Dau Monytoch,

how he nurtured school children,

how he died mercilessly

I remember how some Arab men Slaughtered him at Nyamora 2008

When I think of Abyei

I remember the youth life,

Church on Friday evening

And Sunday morning

I remember the alter boys and girls

For their entertainment for the congregation on Sundays!

When I think of Abyei

I remember the few Marrum roads,

the rainy season,

smart school children sliding and falling into the holes full of water and on the slippery muddy ground before reaching school

When I think of Abyei

I remember December of every year,

the preparations for Christmas,

the beautiful events of Christmas,

the first of January every year

I remember the buses taking people to MadingAchueng for the annual tours

When I think of Abyei

I remember the heroes and heroines,

a few like late. chief Kuol Adol and Alor Molana,

Late AjingPath and Edward Lino,

Nyankol and AjingMathiang

I remember all those who died in the land of Abyei!

When I think of Abyei

I see many prophecies that turned to be True,

Abyei is still undefined and has no final status,

the endless destructions and killings of innocent people,and the silence,

Abyei sons and daughters remain relaxed

I see innocent people run and come back home because they have no choice!

When I think of Abyei

I remember 2008, the year I saw what I have never seen,

the fighting began at the market,

how we left our homes and everything,

ran to unknown locations to be safe,

I remember the days we spent without our families, water and food!

When I think of Abyei

it’s been 13 years without being there

I don’t know if I shall remember our home again,

I want to go there but I am frightened,

I am scared of being a victim of death

Maybe death will rob me a future

There’s so much I have for Abyei and South Sudan!

*Akuot Sarah*

*Born in Abyei*

*Maternal Home*

Thank you❤️❤️❤️ for your deep expression toward ur maternal grandmother Land 👵

Credit : Patriot Akuot Sarah

tit baai we are proud of u sis.....😍😍😍😍




An old man meets a young man who asks:

“Do you remember me?”

And the old man says no. Then the young man tells him he was his student, And the teacher asks:

“What do you do, what do you do in life?”

The young man answers:

“Well, I became a teacher.”

“ah, how good, like me?” Asks the old man.

“Well, yes. In fact, I became a teacher because you inspired me to be like you.”

The old man, curious, asks the young man at what time he decided to become a teacher. And the young man tells him the following story:

“One day, a friend of mine, also a student, came in with a nice new watch, and I decided I wanted it.

I stole it, I took it out of his pocket.

Shortly after, my friend noticed the his watch was missing and immediately complained to our teacher, who was you.

Then you addressed the class saying, ‘This student's watch was stolen during classes today. Whoever stole it, please return it.’

I didn't give it back because I didn't want to.

You closed the door and told us all to stand up and form a circle.

You were going to search our pockets one by one until the watch was found.

However, you told us to close our eyes, because you would only look for his watch if we all had our eyes closed.

We did as instructed.

You went from pocket to pocket, and when you went through my pocket, you found the watch and took it. You kept searching everyone's pockets, and when you were done you said ‘open your eyes. We have the watch.’

You didn't tell on me and you never mentioned the episode. You never said who stole the watch either. That day you saved my dignity forever. It was the most shameful day of my life.

But this is also the day I decided not to become a thief, a bad person, etc. You never said anything, nor did you even scold me or take me aside to give me a moral lesson.

I received your message clearly.

Thanks to you, I understood what a real educator needs to do.

Do you remember this episode, professor?

The old professor answered, ‘Yes, I remember the situations.


How come the very ( known) border line of 1/1/1956, be intentionally made
(unknown)? ....

The many times 1th January 1956 is being made as reference of the borderline between the North-South Sudan.
The boundaries of 1/1/1956 is very much popular for those who are familiar with the Sudanese politics . It's the status of the internal and international borders of the republic of Sudan when it got independence in 1/1/1956.
In the constitution of the republic of South Sudan 2011 as amended 2021, article( 1) is defining the territory of the republic of South Sudan, which stated clearly that , it's the provincial border of the three provinces of Bahr el Gazal, Equatiria and Upper Nile as they stood in 1/1/1956 and,article 2/b reads as follows:

"The Abyei Area, the territory of the nine Ngok Dinka chiefdoms transferred from Bahar Al Gazal province to Kordofan province in 1905 as defined by the Abyei Arbitration Tribunal Award of July 2009 in the event that the resolution of the final status of the Abyei Area results in becoming part of the republic of South Sudan.

In the principles of Agreement On Abyei , known as ( Abyei Protocol), which was signed in Naivasha, Kenya May 26th ,2004, in article ( 8.3) which came in the context of Abyei referendum,it clearly says" The January 1,1956 line between north and south shall remain inviolate, except as agreed above.

On 2 October 2005 , the government of Southern Sudan wrote a letter to Dr.Duglas Johnson ( The letter will be attached), to help them in:

1- Define and demarcate the North-South borderline as of 1'th January 1956.

2- Define and demarcate the international borderline of Southern Sudan as of the 1'th January 1956.

3- Provide detailed catigraphical and mapping references for southern Sudan borderline as of 1'th January 1956.

On the 2 of march 2022 , after the communal fight had just erupted, the facts finding committee on Aniet incidents met with elders from Bahar Al Gazal and they propose the establishment of of a border demarcation committee to deal with inter- states disputes in the republic of South Sudan based on January the 1,1956.

Recently after the Abyei's Issue came back to light as a result of Ngok community endorsed the proposal for security and stability in Abyei, which demands for self-governance.

that move has awaken many Abyei's Issue- related institutions namely; the government of the republic of South Sudan( the president & South Sudan permanent representative to AU), Abyei's SPLM leaders( File holders) and the government of the republic of Sudan through it's Embassy in Adiss Ababa.

On 26'th September 2022 the embassy of the republic of Sudan in Adiss Ababa has stated the position of it's country on the Abyei Area final status.
Article 10 of Sudan's position says:
the republic of Sudan refuese to operate ( Athony) Airport in the Abyei Area, which poses a clear violation on national sovereignty and demands the cessation of all activities at the airport, including the cessation of unilateral measures taken by the republic of South Sudan to operate Agok Airport....

All the above mentioned indicate that the 1/ January 1956 borderline is being referred to as the border between north-soth and also between Kordofan province and Bahar Al Gazal province.
Bases of argument:

* According to the letter that the government of Southern Sudan sent to Dr Douglas, it is clearly stated that the borderline of the 1 January 1956 is determental to south sudan referendum for self determination, so if the government does not know that borderline,how did the Sudan's National Commission draw the polling centers?

I was the interpret for the Carter Center's team which was observing the referendum in warrab state and following the postponement related developments in Abyei, there were no any polling centers in the now areas claimed by Twic, the nearest center to Abyei's Area was south to Romkhor.

* The constitution of the republic of South Sudan is talking about the 3 provinces of Bahr el Gazal ,Equatiria and Upper Nile provinces as they stood on 1 January 1956, so If the government dose not know that borderline, why is it mentioned in it's constitution and where exactly does it practice it's territorial sovereignty and integrity?

Same constitution is saying" pending the final status, Abyei ,the area of Ngok nine chiefdoms will be part of the republic of South Sudan, means it is not yet part of south sudan,

where is the borderline south of Abyei located, and if to be the river Kiir as fraudulently and falsely claimed by Twic misleading politicians, why did they located SSPDF's Abyei independent brigade & Mijak Kol where they're and not at Akecnhial bridge?

* If Athony is part of Warrab/Twic Area, how the government of Sudan could veto and refused it's airport not to be operated?

*The government of Southern Sudan went to Hauge for ruling, the PCA has base it's rulling according to 1/ January 1956, doesn't the government know where is the south borderline of Abyei Area and Warrab which is also the borderline between Kordofan province and Bahar Al Gazal province?

* Is there any logic that the 1/ January 1956 is fictious, imaginary and still be indicated as the borderline between the north and south including in the constitution?

*Why did South Sudan remain silent when Sudan claims Sovereignty over Agok?

*If the borderline of 1/ January 1956 does not exist or not known by the government of South Sudan, how come Bahar Al Gazal elders/ politicians recommend a non existing line to be the base of border demarcation between Kordofan and Bahar Al Gazal?

If the government of South Sudan doesn't know the borderline of the 1/ January 1956 , that could amount to a political and constitutional disaster.

Agel R. Machar
Denk Chol
Malek Nyuat
Miyom Ngok
Bagat Makuac Angueik
Chabur Goc
Chaguor Bol
Chol Kat Mayol Kat

Hon .Jok Alor Bulabek.

To be continued.



A woman said to me, 'It took me years to really know that men cry too. I took my husband for a super human. I see him leave the house everyday and come back providing for us. One day as I have left the house and he was at home, I remembered that I needed to take something along, I turned back and headed home. As I got home, I tried going through the back door which was closer to the window of our room. I heard my husband crying like a baby asking God to help me get a job so I can help him fend for the family. He has never complained to me before but that day, I broke down in tears realizing that my husband has held much of his pains alone"

A young married lady went to her mother and complained that her husband has not always bought things she wanted from him. The mother asked her, 'How many of those things have you bought for yourself?". She stayed quiet and said, 'But he is my husband?". The mother replied her, 'Have you ever found out the things your husband wants you to buy for him?".

Men always try to hide their pains.

Men can be financially broke and pretend to have everything.

Most men are married but they have lonely life. Sometimes, ask your husband out. Men are not always busy as women think.

You have to understand that your husband has pains and needs too. Don't judge him by things you want from him. Sometimes, your husband doesn't have things you want.

Men also have emotional needs and problems. Men still cry for love...

Hope you enjoyed and learnt something from todays story.



1) No man is perfect

2) Men are like children. So be like his mother.

3) Hear quickly; talk slowly.

4) Never compete with a man.

5) Never try to be equal with him.

6) Be fast to apologize when you know you are wrong.

7) Don't be too jealous with him. This is good for your peace of mind.

😎 You may check on his phone if you want, but that isn't necessary.

9) Always be honest as a wife.

10) Never leave your house for a long distance without his permission.

11) Make sure you know the food he likes, and prepare that at least twice a week if money allows.

12) Don't let your husband get in the house with a parcel in his hand.

13) Try to make a budget together.

14) Be his adviser, not a critiser.

15) Don't ever forget that a wife is a helper of husband.

16) Learn good things from your mother.

17) When God blesses you with children, never give more attention to your children and forget your husband.

18) Learn to smile at your husband.

19) When your husband knocks off from work, greet him. If possible, hug him.

20) Don't let your husband leave the house without eating. This may mean "eat" and "eat".

21) When you husband becomes angry, stop talking.

22) Keep the bedroom clean always.

23) Never put cloths on the bed. Some men hate that.

24) Be a clean woman.

25) Look romantic.

26) Always remember to do what a wife should do. You are not his sister.

27) Treat his relatives as you would treat yours.

28) Oftentimes ask how his relatives are doing.

29) Go to church together.

30) Never compare your husband or your house to someone else's.

I wish you all the best in your marriage. And may the Lord bless us and give us the number of children we want.

To all members of this group ..am here by informing you as administrator of this group,that I will edit something in thi...

To all members of this group ..am here by informing you as administrator of this group,that I will edit something in this groups...which will include change of name and other things...thanks

I can't wait 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

I can't wait 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂






sometimes I wonder where you draw your strength from. You stay months without buying clothes for yourself all because you want to put food on the table. You stay hungry so that your family can eat and survive.

Sometimes you leave home with no direction but still be able to come back home with money. I know how you have derived yourself basic education so that your kids can have it. Your parents look up to you for survival whether you have a job or not. You just have to provide.

You pay huge bride price to marry a woman you love and end up taking care of her family, her siblings and even your very own.
You have to fight tirelessly for your mother, wife and kids.

Dear Men, May God bless you with long life and courage to go through each day.👏🏾👏🏾


A little boy goes to his dad and asks, "What is politics?"

Dad says, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I'm the breadwinner of the family, so let's call me capitalism. Your Mom, she's the administrator of the money, so we'll call her the Government. We're here to take care of your needs, so we'll call you the people. The nanny, we'll consider her the Working Class. And your baby brother, we'll call him the Future. Now, think about that and see if that makes sense,"

So the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what dad had said. Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him. He finds that the baby has severely soiled his diaper. So the little boy goes to his parents' room and finds his mother sound asleep. Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny's room. Finding the door locked, he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the nanny. He gives up and goes back to bed. The next morning, the little boy says to his father, "Dad, I thin k I Understand the concept of politics now." The father says, "Good son, tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about." The little boy replies, "Well, while Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, the Government is sound asleep, the People are being ignored and the Future is in deep s**t."


Lorsqu'une vierge couche pour la première fois avec un homme, le fait que la rupture de l'hymen provoque un flux de sang qui jaillit dans le sexe de l'homme signifie qu'une alliance a été établie entre eux, et seule la mort peut les séparer.
Quand un homme couche avec une fille vierge, il lave dans le sang de l'hymen et se connecte à cette fille par une alliance.
Beaucoup d'hommes et de femmes n'accompliront pas leur destinée à cause de celui à qui ils ont donné leur virginité.
C ' est à cause de cette alliance que Dieu ne veut pas que tu perdes ta virginité avant le mariage.
Lorsque vous couchez avec votre partenaire, c'est une façon de vous dire : ′′ Mes ennemis sont maintenant tes ennemis, et tes ennemis sont maintenant mes ennemis ; mes amis sont tes amis et tes amis sont maintenant mes amis ; je resterai à tes côtés ′′ Quoi qu'il arrive, je ne te quitterai jamais et je ne t'abandonnerai jamais. Je te défendrai jusqu'à la mort
Tu deviendras une seule chair, unie âme corps et esprit ! Ce genre d'alliance n'a qu'à faire par ceux qui sont mariés. Chaque fois que tu couches avec une personne, tu fais un pacte de sang avec cette personne.
Lorsque Dieu a fait une alliance avec Abraham, c'est par la circoncision qui incluait le sang. Lorsque Dieu a donné des commandements à Moise et des alliances, le sang des animaux en faisait partie.
Par le péché sexuel, le corps, l'esprit et l'âme sont liés. Tout ce qui est dans l'homme où la femme entre dans la vie de la femme ou de l'homme. Par le sexe, vous recevez toutes les iniquités de la famille de votre partenaire dans votre vie et même vos malédictions ancestrales parce que la vie d'un homme est dans le sang.
Vous pouvez découvrir qu'il y a certaines filles où des garçons sont calmes de nature et deviennent rebelles à cause du sexe qu'ils ont eu avec des filles où des garçons de nature rebelle.
Le péché sexuel peut transformer votre bonne destinée en mauvaise destinée. Et une personne peut voler votre destinée par le sexe.
Vous voyez certaines filles ou femmes qui après avoir couché avec un homme sur lequel pèse une malédiction traînent la même malédiction dans leur vie. Les choses ne fonctionnent pas pour plusieurs personnes à cause du genre de personnes avec qui elles ont couché. Beaucoup ont été initiés à des choses qu'ils ne comprennent pas eux-mêmes à cause du sexe.
Même le monde des ténèbres reconnaît que le sexe est un pacte de sang Si vous couchez avec quelqu'un qui fait partie d'une secte, vous êtes automatiquement initié spirituellement et dans vos rêves, vous ferez partie de réunions avec des gens étranges. Les forces noires de ce culte commenceront à influencer votre vie sans que vous le sachiez. Cela arrive à beaucoup de gens.
Fais attention à qui tu dors parce que tu ne sais pas d'où vient la lignée du sang de ton partenaire et de tes esprits.
Même le monde caché connaît le pouvoir derrière le sexe.
Par le sexe, tu peux ravir ta couronne, voler ton trône, arracher tes grâces, déchirer ta tunique, voler ton or et ton argent, changer ton étoile, détruire tes projets, sucer ta grâce, te tuer, t'enterrer vivant...
Plusieurs ont échoué après avoir eu des relations sexuelles de 5 minutes à cause de transferts d'énergie et d'esprits.
Plusieurs ont tué leur avenir à cause d'un échange de sang.
Tu te demandes pourquoi tout va mal dans ta vie, la malchance te suit partout ! Pourquoi avez-vous des couches à répétition des nuits (Visitation d'un esprit mari ou femme de nuit), vous avez de la frigidité, vous êtes bombardé par des pensées impures d'une relation passée (fantaisie) malgré que vous soyez avec votre partenaire ou votre partenaire,
Pourtant tu es la cause, tu couches avec n'importe qui. Après vous accusez quelqu'un au village et d'autres accusent même les membres de la famille alors que vous êtes vous-même l'auteur de votre mal
1 Corinthiens 3:16-19
1 Corinthiens 6 : 18-20

Texte - une vie unie



I really miss u classmates.this 😃😃😃😃😃😃one is for u


Who was the assistant head boy in Abyei mixed secondary school in 2017


Am proud of Abyei mixed secondary school because this year the crash Agok secondary school


Who was the first head boy in abyei complex secondary school



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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00





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