Amie Jobe is an activist against trafficking and irregular migration. She spoke about the solutions to women's trafficking and migration at the Let's Talk Migration Roundtable Discussion in Banjul, The Gambia.
Amie Jobe is an activist against trafficking and irregular migration. She spoke about the solutions to women's trafficking and migration at the Let's Talk Migration Roundtable Discussion in Banjul, The Gambia.
Emerging Migration Trends (Let's Talk Migration Season 4 Episode 45). Visit for the full episode.
Emerging Migration Trends (Let's Talk Migration Season 4 Episode 45). Visit for the full episode.
Tracing and tracking missing migrants (Let's Talk Migration Season 4 Episode 44)
In this 44th episode of season 4 of Let's Talk Migration, we looked at tracing and tracking missing migrants. Visit for the full episode.
Mustapha Sonko, Migration Officer at the National Youth Council of The Gambia reveals opportunities of voluntary return and reintegration programs for irregular migrants.
Mustapha Sonko, Migration Officer at the National Youth Council of The Gambia reveals opportunities for voluntary return and reintegration programs for irregular migrants at the WADR Migration Roundtable in The Gambia.
Mustapha Sallah, Secretary-General for Youth Against Irregular Migration speaking at the WADR Migration Roundtable in The Gambia.
Mustapha Sallah, Secretary-General for Youth Against Irregular Migration speaks on the risks of irregular migration and migrant smuggling, testimony, and solution to the menace at the WADR Migration Roundtable in The Gambia.
Dr. Chipo Rushwaya – Legal Officer, Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA) addresses the WADR Migration Roundtable in The Gambia.
Dr. Chipo Rushwaya – Legal Officer, Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA) talks on migration and human rights, rights of migrant workers, and the legal alternatives to migration at the WADR Migration Roundtable in The Gambia.
Jerreh Manneh – Senior Project Assistant (Communications for Development) at the International Organization for Migration speaking at the WADR Migration Roundtable in The Gambia.
Jerreh Manneh, a Senior Project Assistant (Communications for Development) with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) discusses patterns, issues, challenges, and the WADR Migration Roundtable in The Gambia.
The Gambia Press Union President, Muhammed S. Bah's speech at the WADR Migration Roundtable in The Gambia.
The Gambia Press Union President, Muhammed S. Bah speaks on the role of the media in combating irregular migration. Human trafficking business and addressing matters arising from misinformation or disinformation around migration through quality reporting and programs at WADR's Migration Roundtable in The Gambia.
Manding S. Saidykhan, Principal Secretary at the Interior Ministry of The Gambia speaks at the WADR Migration Roundtable.
Manding S. SaidyKhan, Principal Secretary at the Interior Ministry of The Gambia spoke on the role of state governments and institutions in fighting irregular migration, ensuring migrants' rights protection and integration at the WADR Migration Roundtable in The Gambia.
The opening remarks of WADR Station Manager, Agnes J. Thomasi's at the Let's Talk Migration Roundtable Discussion in Banjul, The Gambia
WADR Station Manager, Agnes J. Thomasi's opening remarks and a brief history about the station's🎙️ migration project that began in 2018 and the radio’s📻 mandate to broadcast informative and transformative content at the Let's Talk Migration Roundtable Discussion in Banjul, The Gambia.🇬🇲
Let's Talk Migration _Roundtable Discussion in The Gambia.
[Parlons Migration, épisode 43, saison 4, en français]
Comment se passe la recherche des migrants disparus? Les organisations non gouvernementales y jouent un important rôle. En plus de participer à la recherche des personnes disparues, elles soutiennent tant matériellement que moralement les familles en détresse.
[Parlons Migration, épisode 42, saison 4, en français]
Sans voyage, il n’est pas question de migration. Et les agences de voyages légaux ou pas y jouent un grand rôle. C’est leur part d’action dans la migration illégale et le contrôle des pays pourvoyeurs de migrants dans leurs activités qui est évalués dans ce numéro.
[Parlons Migration, épisode 41, saison 4, en français]
Les trafics de tous genres sont au cœur de la migration. Ce numéro Parlons Migration se penche sur le rapport entre les deux phénomènes. Il en ressort que le trafic d'êtres humains surtout est nourri par un réseau transnational de la migration.
Let's Talk Migration, season 4, episode 43 looks at the regulation of the business of travel agencies and agents.
Let's Talk Migration, season 4, episode 42 discusses the evolution of human trafficking and migrant Smuggling.
This week's package on Let's Talk Migration Season 4, Episode 41 focuses on migration policies.
Une idée, une entreprise, du concret qui suscite l’espérance, un stratagème qui révèle bien la détermination de deux frères jumeaux à vaincre l’idée reçue selon laquelle il fait bon vivre ailleurs. Les deux frères sont aujourd’hui des entrepreneurs sociaux modèles à Diaobé dans le Sud du Sénégal.
Prêt à tous les sacrifices pour réussir des jeunes partent sur les routes de la migration laissant leur famille sans nouvelles. L’inquiétude qu’ils laissent derrière eux, est plus vivante que l’espoir que leur départ suscite.
Audrey Kangah est sous le choc quand elle raconte l’histoire d’un proche. Le jeune, seul pilier de sa famille, prêt à tout pour devenir footballeur, a créé la peur et l’angoisse. On l’a cru mort à un moment donné avant qu’il ne réapparaisse