Radio Värnhem

Radio Värnhem Welcome to an adventurous radio show! Radio Värnhem (Explorations) is a series of musical discoveri [email protected]

Welcome to an adventurous radio show @ Radio AF, Lund and Radio Skanstull, Stockholm! Explorations is a series of musical discoveries, a travelling radio show that takes you to undiscovered places and countries! Upcoming shows will be sent live on Radio AF (every other Saturday at 3pm).

February 11, 2017
February 25, 2017
March 11, 2017
March 25, 2017

The s

how is been sent in Swedish, but don't be shy! And in the end, it's all about music which I think will make the nonverbal connection for everyone. So don't forget to tune in and let me take you to a new unexperienced place of music!




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