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We are here to help you make your project come true. Walkabout is a recently created game studios builder.
Marszałkowska 89
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Wyślij wiadomość do Walkabout:
Walkabout is a recently created game studios builder. We are a part of To_Reforge - a company focused on investing in and creating businesses with global potential. As Walkabout, we focus on the individual treatment of developers. We respect their business and artistic autonomy. We look for quality - which is why we want to know each team in and out, spending our time on building close relations instead of managing mass investments. We do not follow patterns and beaten paths - instead, we approach each investment with a lot of flexibility. We offer financial support, sizeable resources, accounting and lawyers’ assistance, office space and everything needed to create fantastic game. As of now, we have invested in PolyAmorous - an international studio creating the Paradise Lost game, set for release in 2020.