
Ligatura International comics Culture Festival :: LIGATURA :: Międzynarodowy Festiwal Kultury Komiksowej

The idea of the LIGATURA International Comic Culture Festival is to create a pioneer genre of comics’ festival in Europe. A festival which by its focus on the cultural and social function of comics will present all the most important initiatives, publishing houses and all the trends in the general reflection upon the tradition and the development of the comics art. The main goal of LIGATURA festiv

al is to create an international event in Poland, which will attract publishers, artists, directors of diverse festivals as well as activists in order to exchange experiences and create new contacts. Apart from the goal to create a culture of professionalism of the activities connected with the promotion and artistic works in the field of comics LIGATURA through the integration of the majority of the central European comics initiatives, publishing houses and the best artists originating in this region has great opportunities to become a leader in the communication and transmission of activities between and among the central, western European and American comics artists. LIGATURA is a festival, which represents the comics art in the culture through its promotion and introduction of new ambitious comics projects.


One of three or whole set with the book you can order here:
Kickstarter Janek Koza

Next year poster now!By Kamil Złoty Macejko

Next year poster now!
By Kamil Złoty Macejko


Winers of Ligatura Pitching 2015

1. Sorina Vasilescu (Romania)
2. Alexander Robyn (Belgium)

Special mentions
Matt Boyce (UK)
Johanna Lohrengel (Latvia)
Malwina Mosiejczyk (Poland)

Winers of Comics Cookbook at Ligatura 2015
1. Agnieszka Świętek
2. Katrina Tungari
3. Ex aequo
Barbara Dziadosz
Van Laer Jo
Judith Bungerth


The winer of Ligatura Pitching is Sorina Vasiliescu from Romania and Comics Cookbook is Aga Świętek for work Apple pie
Details tomorrow.

Today 8 PM Republika Sztuki Tłusta Langusta Gwarna 11 streetExhibition and signing by Jan Soeken

Today 8 PM Republika Sztuki Tłusta Langusta Gwarna 11 street
Exhibition and signing by Jan Soeken

Over 120 works where received for Comic Cookbook competition during 6th international comics culture festival Ligatura, ...

Over 120 works where received for Comic Cookbook competition during 6th international comics culture festival Ligatura, Poznań, Poland.
The anthology includes 92 works by artists from Australia, Austria, Argentina Sweden, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Japan, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, UK, USA.
The verdict will be known 4th July 2015
The Comics Cookbook anthology will be launched at Ligatura festival, 4th July 2015

Just two days left for apply Ligatura Pitching 2015:

Just two days left for apply Ligatura Pitching 2015:

Competition LIGATURA Pitchings 2015 Is a series of meetings of artists with an international jury, which will judge projects of their comics. The idea of those meeting is to promote the most interesting artist and publish the winner work or works. The meeting are short, 5-minutes long presentations…

Also in The Netherlands

Also in The Netherlands

Dutch cover of Tuff Ladies from Uitgeverij Xtra

Second award at Ligatura Pitching 2014 has been published in Norway: Et annet sted by Xueting Yang, China

Second award at Ligatura Pitching 2014 has been published in Norway: Et annet sted by Xueting Yang, China

Et annet sted er laget de tre første årene etter at Xueting Yang flyttet til Norge fra Kina for å begynne på Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Et annet sted ble laget de første tre årene hun bodde i landet, og den bærer preg av to kulturer både visuelt og tankemessig. Tegneserieboken kan leses som et møte med…

Let's start!poster by Kamil Złoty Macejko

Let's start!
poster by Kamil Złoty Macejko

Kolejne wspomnienie tegorocznej Ligatury.

Kolejne wspomnienie tegorocznej Ligatury.


Jak mówi się po poznańsku na wyrostki z ziemniaków jak przeleżą? Bo jedna z opcji to ŁYNTY

Festiwalowe przedbiegi!!!

Festiwalowe przedbiegi!!!

Miejsca festiwalowe Ligatura 2014

Miejsca festiwalowe Ligatura 2014


Na Ligaturze będzie duuużo Cydru Lubelskiego.

CYDR LUBELSKI - naturalny, lekki, orzeźwiający!

Treści na fanpage'u są przeznaczone dla osób powyżej osiemnastego roku życia.

Wreszcie w komplecie!

Wreszcie w komplecie!


Ulepsz Poznań

Chcielibyśmy, by ten wpis został udostępniony przynajmniej tyle samo razy, co video-żart, które wrzuciliśmy kilka godzin temu.

Nasi ukraińscy sąsiedzi przechodzą przez piekło. Starcia pomiędzy protestującymi a specjalnymi jednostkami milicji zaostrzają się. Na ulicach ukraińskich miast zginęło już kilkadziesiąt osób. Niestety nadal brak zdecydowanej reakcji i działań ze strony Unii Europejskiej.

Pomóżmy ludziom Ukrainy! Jak?

1. Dołącz do sztabu antykryzysowego dla Ukrainy w Poznaniu:

2. Wezwij ukraińskie władze do powstrzymania przemocy i ochrony praw pokojowych demonstrantów!

3. Wejdź pod ten link, by dowiedzieć się na temat innych form pomocy:,nId,1108686 #

Zdjęcie: Sasha Maksymenko [flickr/cc]


“Dear subscriber, you are registered as a participant in a mass disturbance.”


5 Ligatura
Poznań, 7-10.08.2014
Poster by Kamil Złoty Macejko
See you there!

Tranzyt Festival

Tranzyt Festival

O 20.00 Meskalina Stary Rynek 6


The Love equation of Henry Fast / Niewiadoma Henryka Fasta, Agnieszka Elbanowska, Polska
Our Curse / Nasz klątwa, Tomasz Śliwiński, Polska
Without Spectator / Bez widza, Rafał Andrzej Głombiowski, Polska
Real Men’s Movie, Nebojša Slijepčević, Chorwacja
Albert cinema, Agnieszka Zwiefka, Polska
When I am a bird / Kiedy będe ptakiem, Monika Pawluczuk, Polska

Comica | Festival Detail

Comica Festival - London: Poles Apart: New Polish Comics & Graphic Novels Workshop, Platform Theatre Foyer, Friday November 8th, 2-4pm, more info:

To tie in with the exhibition POLES APART on display in the Windows Gallery until November 16th, three of the participating comics artists - Berenika Kolomycka, Agata Wawryniuk and Przemyslaw Truscinski - and the curators and members of the team behind the Lodz Comics Center and International Festi...


a Aleja Komiksu recenzuje katalog "Silence 2012": Zbiór niemych komiksów zaprezentowany przez Centralę z powodzeniem nazwać można minialmanachem światowego komiksu. Mnogość prac, zarówno poważnych, dramatycznych, jaki i lekkich i zabawnych, wykonanych różnorodną techniką, nadesłanych z najdalszych zakątków świata daje czytelnikowi przekrojowy obraz kondycji światowego komiksu autorskiego (od amatorskiego po profesjonalny).


Fredry 7/3

Strona Internetowa


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