Morz Walrus is a species of marine mammals, the only modern species in the walrus family of the pinnipeds

This population is distributed from Arctic Canada, Greenland, Svalbard, as well as in the western region of the Russian ...

This population is distributed from Arctic Canada, Greenland, Svalbard, as well as in the western region of the Russian Arctic. Based on the vast geographic distribution and movement data, eight subpopulations of the Atlantic walrus are believed to exist - five in the west and three in the east of Greenland.

The Atlantic walrus has been nearly extirpated by uncontrolled commercial fishing, and its population is much lower. It ...

The Atlantic walrus has been nearly extirpated by uncontrolled commercial fishing, and its population is much lower. It is currently difficult to accurately estimate the number, but it probably does not exceed 20 thousand individuals.

A small number of males are found in the summer in the Gulf of Anadyr, on the southern coast of the Chukotka Peninsula, ...

A small number of males are found in the summer in the Gulf of Anadyr, on the southern coast of the Chukotka Peninsula, as well as in the Bristol Bay. In spring and autumn, they concentrate from the western coast of Alaska to the Gulf of Anadyr. They winter in the southern parts of the Bering Sea, along the eastern coast of Siberia south to the northern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, and also along the southern coast of Alaska . A 28,000-year-old fossilized walrus fossil was found near San Francisco Bay, showing the distribution of the walrus all the way to the coast of northern California during the last ice age.

Most Pacific walruses spend their summers north of the Bering Strait, in the Chukchi Sea along the northern coast of eas...

Most Pacific walruses spend their summers north of the Bering Strait, in the Chukchi Sea along the northern coast of eastern Siberia, near Wrangel Island, in the Beaufort Sea along the northern coast of Alaska, and are also found in the waters between these places.

The bags inflate under the skin of the neck, turning upwards, and allow the walrus to float vertically in the water whil...

The bags inflate under the skin of the neck, turning upwards, and allow the walrus to float vertically in the water while sleeping. In addition, they are involved in the publication of some sounds.

The incisors of the upper jaw are small or completely reduced; there are no incisors in the lower jaw. The testicles are...

The incisors of the upper jaw are small or completely reduced; there are no incisors in the lower jaw. The testicles are hidden under the skin-fat layer and are not located in the sc***um. Males have paired air sacs without closing valves, formed by a protrusion of the upper esophagus.

The very wide muzzle is covered with numerous thick, hard, flattened bristles-whiskers (vibrissae), which in a walrus on...

The very wide muzzle is covered with numerous thick, hard, flattened bristles-whiskers (vibrissae), which in a walrus on the upper lip can be from 400 to 700, they are arranged in 13-18 rows . There are no external ears, the eyes are small.

The walrus is a large marine animal with very thick skin. The upper fangs are extremely developed, elongated and directe...

The walrus is a large marine animal with very thick skin. The upper fangs are extremely developed, elongated and directed downwards.

An adult walrus is easily recognizable by its prominent tusks.

An adult walrus is easily recognizable by its prominent tusks.

Walrus  is a species of marine mammals, the only modern species in the walrus family of the pinnipeds.

Walrus is a species of marine mammals, the only modern species in the walrus family of the pinnipeds.




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