Viburnum Viburnum is the personification of girlish beauty, tenderness, love and family happiness

Previously, viburnum was classified as a member of the Honeysuckle family, but after the classification was updated in 2...

Previously, viburnum was classified as a member of the Honeysuckle family, but after the classification was updated in 2003, botanists identify viburnum as a member of the Ax family.

Its fruits are bitter, but after the first frosts, the bitterness decreases, and the taste becomes bittersweet. This bea...

Its fruits are bitter, but after the first frosts, the bitterness decreases, and the taste becomes bittersweet. This beautiful berry is successfully used for food. It is used to make marmalade, paste, compotes, as well as liqueurs, liqueurs, seasonings for meat dishes, and medicines.

A small tree with a height of 1.5-3.5 meters or a branchy shrub is an ordinary viburnum. Viburnum branches are covered w...

A small tree with a height of 1.5-3.5 meters or a branchy shrub is an ordinary viburnum. Viburnum branches are covered with gray-brown bark, which is covered with longitudinal cracks. Viburnum fruits ripen in late August - early September. Ruby clusters, on bad autumn days, give viburnum a special beauty.

Vibúrnum ópulus is the scientific name of common viburnum, as well as the ancient Roman designation of common maple, whi...

Vibúrnum ópulus is the scientific name of common viburnum, as well as the ancient Roman designation of common maple, which emphasizes the similarity of the leaves of these two plants. The Ukrainian name viburnum comes from the Proto-Slavic word "kalyty" (to temper, heat up) for the similarity of the color of viburnum fruits to the color of red-hot iron.

Viburnum and willow are symbols of Ukraine. "There is no Ukraine without willow and viburnum," people say.

Viburnum and willow are symbols of Ukraine. "There is no Ukraine without willow and viburnum," people say.


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