YouthBon is a Magazine for the Youth, which is determined in channelizing energy of those who wish to leap forward. YouthBon, has its Online and On-ground activities that take place throughout the year to enable and empower its members. It is run by Professionals who are persistent in driving Youth of the Nation, to learn and succeed in achieving their professional dreams. The idea for a youth mag
azine was conceived some three years back, in 2011, with a passion to build hope in young people for positivity in their lives and career. The idea got consolidated and we launched it with name of "YouthBon" in June 2013. The name, YouthBon, evolved through a thought process and leaving the original name behind. Passing though different steps, we developed "Inspiration" as a great motivation for our readers and our Team. And our tag line became "We share inspirations". This project is SBU of LXY Global, the parent company. The amazing part of this magazine is the TEAM behind it. A group of like-minded people is putting their heart and minds for this social cause.