Be Updated to the new development in your Area. #CreatingLifeinASBATANGAS
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Message: 👍 @gelo_cerrado
#Avida #AvidaLand #Ayala #AyalaLandCompany #AvidaLandCorp
#AvidaTowers #AvidaSettings #AvidaEstates #AvidaHouseandLot
#MetroManila #MetroManilaPeeps
#SouthDistrict #TarasaSouth
#NorthDistrict #TigaNorth
#SafeSecure #Convenient #Accesible #ReasonablePrice
#AvidaLife #AvidaExperience #PeaceofMind
"A special day to remember to those who are no longer here on Earth, but always remain to our hearts. Send them our prayers, love and feel them at peace"
Prayers for their Soul is the best gift
Don't Forget to Follow me and Hit the Like Button on my Social Media Accounts⬇
Message: 👍 Angelo Cerrado
Instagram: 📷
#Avida #AvidaLand #Ayala #AyalaLandCompany #AvidaLandCorp
#AvidaTowers #AvidaSettings #AvidaEstates #AvidaHouseandLot
#MetroManila #MetroManilaPeeps
#SouthDistrict #TarasaSouth
#NorthDistrict #TigaNorth
#SafeSecure #Convenient #Accesible #ReasonablePrice
#AvidaLife #AvidaExperience #PeaceofMind