Mom always said:
"Stop watering the things that are not supposed to grow in your life. And don’t act like you don’t know what I am talking about. You know exactly.
The day you are not thankful for the little you have is the day you must realize that you will never be thankful for more either.
Be mindful when you tell others your private things. There are people with long and loose tongues and others whose shoes are too big for their feet.
If you can't keep your own secrets, don't be surprised if those you tell them to, don't either.
We ourselves are all stories that are woven into the stories of others from time to time. Make sure your part of the story always brings a good feeling when it is recalled later.
When you look at people around you, make sure you are wearing your mercy-glasses. You would want people to wear them when they look at you too.
Your desires and wants are not the same as your needs. Work for what you want and desire, ask and trust God to provide for your needs.
Never forget The One who created you. He is always by your side. It’s for you to talk to and build a relationship with Him. It will be your most precious relationship in and of your life.
Always Mom’s Daughter"
🖊Author|Luzette, Welcome Home pg
*** I just loved every word in this piece! I hope you enjoyed reading it too! ~ A Friend♥️
🎨Artist|Laurie Snow Hein, Mothers Day Beach Painting