MY LASER EYE ASSAULT. '32. What should I do if I see someone misusing a high-power laser pointer (eg, shining it at people’s eyes or at an aircraft or another vehicle)?'
'Call the Police and make detailed notes of what is happening including the location, time and a description of the event. Collect any identification details (eg, vehicle registration numbers) and take photos (or video) if you can safely.'
I did that, and nothing happened.. it is now 12 years and no one actually cares... even with the photo! because the shutter was open at the time.. so i withdrew from Astronomers and Astro Societies to prevent more eye and camera damage...
The fascinating outcome of that was that I saw the societies and members for their true selves; emo, self centred wierdo's, squabbling and clamouring for personal ego, putting down anyone that pursued change, such as Astro Art, Astro Music, Astro Culture, Astro Outreach.... they were mean and unrestrained in their ugly behaviours.. Typically old white men, racist and bigoted..
Questions and answers on the new controls on high-power laser pointers.