Galloway Studio

Galloway Studio Producer Engineer Mixer SOUND DIFFERENT, BE AWESOME

Galloway is a full service Recording Studio located in Nijmegen (The Netherlands).

We offer full tracking and mixing sessions in our beautiful old factory studio. Combining a knowledgeable staff of engineers, an array of gear, and utilizing both analog and digital recording techniques, Galloway delivers professional recordings for all types of projects. PERFECT BLEND
Blending artistry and technical knowhow to get the sound of your dreams is our utmost priority. No method, be it

tradition, mad science or voodoo is beyond our imagination as long as the creation
leaving the studio is to your expectation or above. Check out for more info. Come by for coffee and let us show you around the studio. We’ll be happy to answer all your questions and help you get your project running. STUDIO + HOME RECORDING
While the advent of Pro Tools and other computer recording systems has made it possible to make professional quality recordings in a home studio, tracking drums and finalizing a mix are two aspects of recording that are much harder to achieve in a home studio. We can work with you in both areas while you do all the overdub and initial mixing work at home. Here’s a typical scenario for how we work with clients who have home studios: The band comes in and tracks drums, bass and a rhythm guitar. With our killer mic-pres, mics and a good engineer, you’ll get a great drum sound. Make sure your bass and guitar tracks are cool, and you’ve got a solid foundation to build on. When you’re all done overdubbing, you come back in and check your mixes on our monitoring system. We also have some pretty high end outboard gear, plug-ins and very special echo chambers to finalize your mix to perfection.



Dub drum samples with

Dub drum samples with

New theatre lights. thanks to .nl for the advice! The high quality lights make for better video and photography during o...

New theatre lights. thanks to .nl for the advice!
The high quality lights make for better video and photography during our recording sessions and intimate concerts.
Our next concert will be the first label release by Kintsugi Empire.

Vandaag begint voor mij een periode van protest.De democratie, onze rechtsstaat en daarmee onze vrijheid zijn in gevaar,...

Vandaag begint voor mij een periode van protest.
De democratie, onze rechtsstaat en daarmee onze vrijheid zijn in gevaar, we moeten het tij keren en ons uitspreken tegen dit racistische kabinet.
In dit artikel kan je alvast wat informatie vinden over wat je kan doen als bezorgde burger.

Todays bass rig.

Todays bass rig.

Listening session with students of the .rockacademie

Listening session with students of the .rockacademie

Yacouba Sagara from Mali jammin’ on the stairs in the hallway. The song was recorded an hour later with the entire Naamu...

Yacouba Sagara from Mali jammin’ on the stairs in the hallway. The song was recorded an hour later with the entire Naamu band. It’s good to see people get inspired to write in all the spaces of the studio.

Taking in the previous session with

Taking in the previous session with

Working on some new  stuff.

Working on some new stuff.

Always nice recording with my buddies….

Always nice recording with my buddies….



And the always deliciousness of food cooked with love by

And the always deliciousness of food cooked with love by

Recording session with

Recording session with

New pre’s by  look nice, feel good and sound amazing! Put together by the wonderful

New pre’s by look nice, feel good and sound amazing! Put together by the wonderful

It’s always nice to be recognized.

It’s always nice to be recognized.

Thelonious Monk, Arthur Altman, Duke Ellington, Misha Mengelberg, Jelle Roozenburg, Han Bennink. Met zijn allen verenigd op een elpee. Dat moet iets bijzonders zijn, mag je denken. Dat is het ook, want de eerste vier (overleden) musici worden door de laatste twee (levende) muzikanten geëerd op een ...

That’s what’s up, catching sharks.

That’s what’s up, catching sharks.

De nieuwe Galloway Studio is af, maar niet alleen dat…Als ik zou zeggen dat ik erg blij ben met hoe het heeft uitgepakt,...

De nieuwe Galloway Studio is af, maar niet alleen dat…

Als ik zou zeggen dat ik erg blij ben met hoe het heeft uitgepakt, dekt dat de lading geheel niet.
Ik ben namelijk buiten mezelf van vreugde en trots, want het eindresultaat heeft mijn stoutste verwachtingen ruimschoots overschreden.

Samen met vele behulpzame handen en ondersteunende partners hebben we niet alleen een opnamestudio gerealiseerd, maar een heuse voedingsbodem gecreëerd voor alles dat te maken heeft met muziek, geluid en performance, en waar artistieke groei, onderzoek en kennisoverdracht essentiële uitgangspunten zijn.

Als producer en mixer zet ik mij vooral in voor de bijzondere muziek, de nichegenres, het experiment, en word ik het gelukkigst als we iets weten te vangen, uitwerken of ontdekken dat nieuw is en een hoge mate van eigenheid bezit, ongeacht het genre.

Als ondernemer met een sociaal-maatschappelijk hart vind ik het belangrijk om bij te dragen aan kansengelijkheid, inclusie en educatie. Om hier gestalte aan te geven organiseren we bijvoorbeeld concerten voor een klein publiek (40 mensen) waarbij jong talent gekoppeld wordt aan door de wol geverfde artiesten. Deze uitvoeringen worden opgenomen en uitgebracht op vinyl. Niet alleen is dit een springplank voor de beginnende artiest, het is ook een manier om mensen samen te brengen en kennis te laten maken met onbekende muzieksoorten.

Het doet me deugd om bij dezen de deuren officieel open te stellen en ik nodig iedereen uit om vooral contact op te nemen als er mooie plannen zijn, wilde ideeën vorm moeten krijgen, en/of fijne samenwerkingsverbanden gelegd kunnen worden.

Er is een gloednieuwe website waar je een goed beeld krijgt van de studio, de mensen en de mogelijkheden:

Ik hoor graag van je.

Sebastiaan van Bijlevelt
E [email protected]
T +31(0)6 54 73 31 39

Recording Afghan pop vocals with

Recording Afghan pop vocals with

In full preparation for this evening with  and

In full preparation for this evening with and

I used to see them play so many times at the old ‘Last Waterhole’ in Amsterdam, where I lived just around the corner, La...

I used to see them play so many times at the old ‘Last Waterhole’ in Amsterdam, where I lived just around the corner, Laberinto.
Great session with

Nice review in .nl of the Han Bennink &  album we recorded and released with  here at  in collaboration with

Nice review in .nl of the Han Bennink & album we recorded and released with here at in collaboration with

.         🇵🇸


Dry seventies drum sound? Our second iso-booth (dead room) provides just that. Here’s  testing the waters, he looks happ...

Dry seventies drum sound? Our second iso-booth (dead room) provides just that. Here’s testing the waters, he looks happy! :)

We’ll record a session soon with  A live version of his wonderful album Naamu. If you haven’t heard the album yet you sh...

We’ll record a session soon with
A live version of his wonderful album Naamu. If you haven’t heard the album yet you should really check it out. Today we’re shooting a promo vid for the Naamu tour in May.

Recording the wonderful Mt. Echo

Recording the wonderful Mt. Echo

Check out this very nice release by  I recorded it a while back in the old studio, it was great fun, thanks for sending ...

Check out this very nice release by
I recorded it a while back in the old studio, it was great fun, thanks for sending it over guys!

Photo shoot today with  so I can soon show off the new studio to you guys!

Photo shoot today with so I can soon show off the new studio to you guys!


JJ Koczan wrote a very insightful 'The Best of 2023' article over at The Obelisk and it featured the Iron Jinn album as debut album of the year, we are humbled! ''Dark, heavy, progressive in its approach and complex enough that I still feel like I’m getting to know it, Iron Jinn‘s self-titled so much brimmed with purpose that it seemed to go beyond a first record. My hope, honestly, is that Oeds Beydals and Wout Kemkens spend the next 30 years or so refining that collaboration and exploring where it can go, because if this is the starting point, it’s got enough to it to be the beginning of a lifetime’s exploring. One never knows how things will work out when songwriters work together, but clearly Iron Jinn drew from the strengths of all its members. Records like this, on the unlikely occasion they happen at all, don’t happen by accident.'' The full article:

Get your Iron Jinn record on double vinyl or cd through our webshop

Thank you Galloway Studio for recording and mixing it, Pieter Kloos for mastering it and Stickman Records for putting it out 🔥

 EP Purgatory out now!Mixed by

EP Purgatory out now!
Mixed by


Kolk 1


Wees de eerste die het weet en laat ons u een e-mail sturen wanneer Galloway Studio nieuws en promoties plaatst. Uw e-mailadres wordt niet voor andere doeleinden gebruikt en u kunt zich op elk gewenst moment afmelden.


Stuur een bericht naar Galloway Studio:



Producer Engineer Mixer

SOUND DIFFERENT, BE AWESOME Galloway is a full service Recording Studio located in Nijmegen (The Netherlands). We offer full tracking and mixing sessions in our beautiful old factory studio. Combining a knowledgeable staff of engineers, an array of gear, and utilizing both analog and digital recording techniques, Galloway delivers professional recordings and mixes for all types of projects. PERFECT BLEND Blending artistry and technical knowhow to get the sound of your dreams is our utmost priority. No method, be it tradition, mad science or voodoo is beyond our imagination as long as the creation leaving the studio is to your expectation or above. Check out for more info. Come by for coffee and let us show you around the studio. We’ll be happy to answer all your questions and help you get your project running. STUDIO + HOME RECORDING While DAW’s have made it possible to make professional quality recordings in a home studio, multi-tracking drums and mixing are two aspects of recording that are much harder to achieve in a home studio. We can work with you in both areas while you do all the overdub and initial mixing work at home. Here’s a typical scenario for how we work with clients who have home studios or just like to record in their own bedrooms: The band/artist comes in and tracks drums, bass and a rhythm guitar. With our killer mic-pres, mics and a top notch engineer, you’ll get an amazing drum sound. We’ll make sure your bass and guitar tracks are awesome, and you’ve got a solid foundation to build on. When you’re all done overdubbing you come back in and with our high end outboard gear, ship-load of plug-ins and very special echo chambers we’ll mix your songs to perfection.

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