Ad Astra

Ad Astra Roosevelt's Undergraduate Research Journal Ad Astra aims to publish a selection of excellent papers written by UCR students.

Ad Astra, Roosevelt's Undergraduate Journal, reflects the academic excellence, cultural diversity, and intellectual pursuits of students of University College Roosevelt. To guarantee that the journal reflects the broadness of the educational program at University College Roosevelt, papers from all departments are accepted. For a free copy or for any other questions, please contact us at: adastra@u The Editorial Board
Rashi Nair - Editor-in-Chief
- SSC Sub-Editor
- SCI Sub-Editor
Tyler Mulders - A&H Sub-Editor



The AdAstra Print Editions are here! We will be distributing them soon, so look out for them around campus!
If you would like us to reserve a copy of the Fall 2020 or/and Fall 2021 you can fill out this form and collect them at the reception:

For now AdAstra's Fall 2021 Issue is available online on the RASA website:

Happy Reading! :)



Hey UCR!

Interested in being a part of UCR’s own undergraduate journal? Do you like reading academic articles and perfecting them? And lastly, are you down for a fun board year?
We have an opportunity for you!

AdAstra is looking for a Science Sub-Editor and Social Science Sub-Editor.

Don’t hesitate to apply!
All you have to do is send in a short motivation letter, not more than a page.

The deadline is fast approaching so be sure to apply soon!

For any questions or concerns email us: [email protected]



Good news everyone 🥳 Ad Astra is still looking for section editors for the Social Sciences and Sciences section for the upcoming year so you still have the opportunity to apply! Please send you applications to [email protected] . We look forward to recieving your applications✨


Good news everyone!🥳

Ad Astra is officially looking for a new board for 2021/2022! If you would like work on UCR's one and only undergraduate research journal do not hesitate to apply for a position! The positions available are as follows (with the names of people who currently hold the positions in case you have any questions):

Editor-in-Chief - Alisa Adams
SCI Editor: Tiara Dusselier
SSC Editor: Anja Herrmann
Arts and Humanities Editor: Theresa Ruf

All the positions are available! All interested candidates should send a motivational letter to [email protected] by the 30th of April. There will be a short interview process after that date for applicants who proceed.

Good luck! We look forward to receiving your applications ❤️

Hello everyone! Ad Astra is looking for native English speakers to do the final proofreading of all of the papers that h...

Hello everyone! Ad Astra is looking for native English speakers to do the final proofreading of all of the papers that have been selected. Depending on how many people are interested, you will likely have one paper which you will have to proofread for spelling and grammar.

Thank you in advance!✨


Lange Noordstraat 1


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Our Story

Ad Astra, Roosevelt's Undergraduate Journal, reflects the academic excellence, cultural diversity, and intellectual pursuits of students of University College Roosevelt. Ad Astra aims to publish a selection of excellent papers written by UCR students. To guarantee that the journal reflects the broadness of the educational program at University College Roosevelt, papers from all departments are accepted. For a free copy or for any other questions, please contact us at: [email protected]. The Editorial Board

Farina Shaaban - Editor-in-Chief Jedidja van Boven - SSC Editor Petrouschka Verdouw - SCI Editor Jing-Yi Magraw - A&H Editor

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