1. Why are Nigerians docile to act while their future is being destroyed?
2. What are really these films that have clogged the visions of Nigerians that they no longer see that their present is already destroyed and their future being messed up? Or what do Nigerians alive today actually think they are living for? What could Nigerians justifiably be afraid of?
3. Why are Nigerians just ok with suffering the pains brought upon them by a few individuals, and yet watch these individuals live in affluence (off them), while still controlling the government, and clearly creating more pains for them and their children?
4. Are 200 million Nigerians unaware that they are being punished for the offenses of those who commit the offenses?
5. Are Nigeria youths across board so dumb to know that these parasites of their present and future are the ones paying and nurturing bigotry among them to occupy them?
6. Are Nigeria youths home and abroad still in doubt that there is no other way to reset Nigeria than to peacefully violently attack and push out of power these wicked individuals that are bent on destroying everything about Nigeria?
7. Nigeria youths! Are you so daft thinking that anybody including those defending these destroyers of Nigeria will really stick their necks and fight for them when you hit the streets and invade the Government houses and demand that they leave peacefully or be forced by your numbers to leave by all means?
8. Aren't you aware that 99% of those on social media defending the nonsense going in Nigeria today are very hungry and eagerly looking forward to a beter Nigeria, but are only trapped in stùpidly because they lack the courage to look into the eyes of those rogues and call them by their names - rogues?
9. What kind of opposition do you, dear Nigeria youths honestly think, will get these political vagæbonds and bastæds who have neither bond of heritage nor that of patriotisn to Nigeria (which they so brutally destroy), to change their ways, or hands off power?
10. They'll continue to play you as they have been successfully doing; at some time they will do what you clamour for, and patronise you with 'victors' feeling' that you have forced them do what you want, when in actual sense they will still find a route B to steal the monies they made you feel you stopped them from stealing via route A, and so they'll continue the cycle until another election cycle and they will keep all you off the streets with the 'no movement' order, while they heighten your fear with military tanks everywhere, and still go ahead to steal your votes and mandate.
11. Watch their hungry minions come here and ask me to lead the way with my family, or even tag and to come for me. What they fail to realise is that even the officers of these institutions are seek and tired and hungry (with their children) themselves.
12. Nigerians, stop delaying, stop lamenting, just get up from your mats of fear and move in your numbers and chase these destroyers of Nigeria away.
13. For those that come on X spaces to say; "I will not tell Nigerians what to do", what exactly do you thinking you're saying? What point do you think you're making, or how immune do you sincerely think you are against what is going on, even if you're in diaspora or so rich in money? Please stop this language or keep quiet! There is only one way to save Nigeria, and that is to occupy every physical space out there and push these rogues out of power. Please if you can't boldly say this, just shut up I beg you.
14. What in heaven's sake is this weakness and cowardice. What life are we exactly afraid of losing? The lives we live as Nigerians today, aren't they already messed up by these rogues?
15. I write from the wilderness!
MC Virgin boy
Darlington Opara