Forgiveness brings favour:

Forgiveness brings favour: forgiveness brings favour: will help u to accomplish your light or goals,

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If you are a parent, this is for you

It is your responsibility to impart the light of God’s Word to your children. Once light gains access into them, no matter where they find themselves on earth, it becomes impossible for darkness to overcome them. When the light shines in them, they will become masters over darkness.

Please share it, you most be there, and they most be there also.

Please share it, you most be there, and they most be there also.

Joshua 21:44 and the Lord gave them rest all round just as he has promised.

You just won't be left out 👌🏾.

Join us tomorrow for a time of refreshing and entering into all round rest.

In faith tabernacle and all winners chapel across the globe.





We all need FORGIVENESS both from the LORD and also our fellow man.

How we love to ask GOD for FORGIVENESS every now and then!
How we love to receive FORGIVENESS from GOD but yet find it difficult, very difficult to release FORGIVENESS to our fellow man even when they sincerely ask for it.


The same way that we hurt JESUS and He still forgave us freely, it's the same way that He wants us also to forgive everyone that hurts us in any way freely.

You can wear a smile on your face and gently tell your offenders;
But it is your action towards them that determines if you have truly forgiven them or not.
Besides even when you pretend and they believe you have truly forgiven them, remember you can't deceive GOD the One Who knows what is really in the heart of every man.

Never forget this:
You are building a wall between you and God and also giving the devil legal right to do whatever evil or nonsense he wants to do in your life anytime you refused to forgive anyone from your heart.
And you know what that means?
So be good to yourself.

You don't need to wait for them to apologize before you forgive them, and if that is what you are waiting for, then believe me, you are just wasting your time and doing yourself more harm than good because most of the time your offenders will never apologize even when they know very well that they have offended you.

I know that it hurts but since you can't do anything to reverse what they have done to hurt you, why don't you just let it go and focus on pleasing God, your Creator, the Only One Who truly matters in everything?

Never forget that at the end of everything, it's not going to be between you and them but it's going to be between you and God.

If you believe you can't forgive and love your offenders for whatever reason, then think about the number of times you have offended God but He never struck you down; He never withheld His mercy from you neither did He stop doing good to you.

For your own good, please learn to forgive your offenders both the past, the present and even the future offenders.
Remember that in the past you too have offended other people and you still have the tendency to offend anyone now or later because you are a human being, and when that happens, I know you will want them to forgive you and not hold it against you.

No matter what they have done to hurt you o dear one, receive the GRACE to forgive them in Jesus Name!

Remember that JESUS FORGAVE YOU too!

There is no benefit in fighting back or keeping the pain in your heart, just allow JESUS to heal your heart and give you the GRACE to LET GO...

Because the same way that we hurt KING JESUS and He still forgave us freely, it's the same way that He wants us also to forgive everyone freely.

Humbly ask the LORD for GRACE and you will receive GRACE in abundance.

It is well with everyone that obeys the word of God.


My love and prayers be with you all.

Remain Rapturable!


That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
(For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)
That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.
This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:
But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.


The first commandment. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your mind and serve only him. Second commandment. Love your neighbor as yourself and do good to them that hate you.


I am what I am.


God of heaven and Earth.... I thank you for abandoned blessed upon the life of your people.... As a son unto you Lord.... I pray for that favour which you have set before your people..... To comforth in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord.... Father i prophetic as I'm writing, that whatsoever your children desires of you Father before the end of this month, meet them at the point of there the name that is above everyother names... The name of Jesus Christ..... our Lord...... Father thank you for your bankqueity healing upon the life of many people... I return the glory unto you Lord.....


Father Lord, I thank you for as many as come before your Holy alter, my father by the covenant I have with you Lord, meet them at the point of there needs in the name of Jesus Christ.


Father God of heaven, I am your son I stand before your Holy place, commanding the rain of blessing upon your people, that whosoever see and read, father there life will never remend the same, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray?


I prophetic to your life that whatsoever is not of God plans in your life, shall be distroy in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, if I be a son of God, i put and end to that sickness and that diseases, affliction, in the name of Jesus Christ, disappointment will not longer be your portion again, miscarriage will not longer be yours again, in the name of Jesus Christ, Bible make it clear to us that them that serve the Lord your God, he bless thy bread and thy water, and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.


God Here I Am Sent Me Again. Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet, And A Light Unto My Path,,.


I prophecies as am speaking, that whatsoever is holding your destiny as I speak to God Almighty in heaven this hour be for end of this month, your destiny is release in the name of Jesus Christ, unless thy do not believe, God said all things are possible for he that believed. I prophecy saying go and give your textimone God in the church... God said, we overcome the world by the word of our mouth and by the world of our textimony.


my brethren let us lead how to forgive and forget, by so doing we will received favour from the Lord,

Forgiveness brings favour:

Forgiveness brings favour:

people of the world submit urselves therefore to God , an resist the dvil, an he will flee from u.. for the bible say, be sober, be vigilant; bcoz ur adversary the dvil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in ur brethren that are in the world. today............................
satan will flee only when u resist him it take some force for him to bow. he is an enemy an u are engaged in a battle with him, he is not someone to be begged or cajoled. we are wrestlers..
for we wrestle not against flesh an blood,
but against principalities, against powers, against the rule of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.......................


people of the world submit urselves therefore to God , an resist the dvil, an he will flee from u.. for the bible say, be sober, be vigilant; bcoz ur adversary the dvil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in ur brethren that are in the world. today............................
satan will flee only when u resist him it take some force for him to bow. he is an enemy an u are engaged in a battle with him, he is not someone to be begged or cajoled. we are wrestlers..
for we wrestle not against flesh an blood,
but against principalities, against powers, against the rule of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.......................


2017 my year of enlargement, as i continue to engage the virtue of meekness
there shall be no end to my enlargement this year matthew 5;5


Forgiveness brings favour:'s cover photo

Forgiveness brings favour:

Forgiveness brings favour:

Father, shed ur love abroad in my heart, both towards u an the interest of ur kingdom, so that my life will keep springing surprises among men, ( 1 cor 2;9)


Father i pray, endue me with the spirit of love, so i can continue to gain access to the deep things of life as contained in ur word, thereby turning me to a living wonder, among men, ( 1cor. 2:9-10)


Father, shed ur love abroad in my heart, both towards u an the interest of ur kingdom, so that my life will keep springing surprises among men, ( 1 cor 2;9)


My brethers an sisters, i tell u this, go ahead an forgive somebody u not he don u things u know like, tell him, i have forgive u, becoz no matter what the will do, can not stop ur dream to be established!! Go ahrad an do so?


Jesus is lord, i believe, what about u?


Pls pray this prayer befor u go to bed this night, says, father, by the holy ghost, strengthen me with might in my inner man, so i can continue to prevail on the altar of prayer ( Eph 3:16


I pray thee, that thy faith fail not. An the lord said, simon, simon, brhold, satan hath desired to have u, that he may sift' u as wheat; but i have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not... if u know that our lord can pray for u an ur faith can not fail then say Amen to u by typ it? Here is my Amen an Amen ( luke 22:31-32)


A strong man is nt de one who can lift de most weight, it is de one who can resist temptation. Every night we go 2 bed, we hve no assurance 2 get up alive de next morni bt still we hve plans 4 de coming day... That's hope. Can 2 humans live with a single breath? Yes! Hardly in 2 occasion.. When a child is inside its mother womb & when a person is inside ur heart..


When u learn 2 love an 4give, u are learning 2 be contented becoz 4giveness an love bring satifaction an contentment. It is better 2 4give an wish everyone well 4 us 2 hve a gud future. Lord say, do un2 others what u will want others 2 do for u, an u will be happy in life!!!


Favour of God 2 manifest in our lives, 4giveness will make our dreams come true. It is the possibility of hving a dream come true that makes life interesting. Dream ur painting an paint ur dream with courage. Courage is the most important of all virtues becuz without courage, u can nt practice any other virtue consistently to bring out ur dream for people 2 see an appreciate u, be humble an lean hw 2 4give, tank u


Verily verily i say unto u rejoice nt when thy enemy falleth an let nt thy heart be glad when he stumbleth: lest the lord see it, an it displs him, an he turn away his wrath 4rm him. The reason 4 dis warning or advise is dat we should think an study 2 know why the enemy is having the problem so dat we can avoid such situations in life or future.


Question, can we connstantly cultivate intimacy with de lord so dat in times of temptation, we will resist all desires to avenge any wrong done to us as david did?


As we can see, many gud things happened to david because he 4gave saul who was his enemy. 4rm the verses we read bove, saul lifted hs head and wept, what can make a great king as saul to weep, if nt forgiveness?


Forgiveness brings favour:


V. I Bonny Cantonmant


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