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Fact and Sentiment: The Power of Science over Religion Truth remains elusive. No one  knows the ultimate reality.  What ...

Fact and Sentiment: The Power of Science over Religion

Truth remains elusive. No one knows the ultimate reality.

What people hold onto are their perceptions, not the absolute truth.

It is the collectivity of these perceptions that forms our understanding of the whole.

When individuals cling to their perceptions as the sole reality, they become blind to the equally cherished perceptions of others, each crafting their own versions of reality.

What we know and defend are our perceptions of reality.

Untill we acknowledge this, conflict will persist, and we will find ourselves locked in unending disputes with others, driven by their own perceptions.

Perception is merely a part of the whole, and it's crucial to remember that the part isn't the whole. 😊

Misunderstandings and conflicts arise when we overlook this fact.

Unchecked perceptions can give birth to sentiments that stands in opposition to facts. Every belief stems from perception.

It's therefore imperative for individuals and religious institutions to understand that beliefs, devoid of empirical evidence, are merely perceptions.

The sooner we understand that others hold beliefs similar to ours which are perceptual, the sooner we can give them the benefit of doubt. With this understanding, human society can find peace and harmony.

It could be seen by some Christian religious brethren that it is possible for one to know it all through the power of the Holy Spirit. This needs to be constantly checked as some spirit-induced claimed knowledge is given channel of expression by the individual or group perception. If not, Apostle Paul wouldn't have admitted saying:
"For we know in part and we prophesy in part"(1 Corinthians 13:9 NIV).

No individual or institution, when viewed through the lens of perception, can claim absolute knowledge of reality. Perceptions that haven't been scientifically or factually validated tend to present themselves as the ultimate truth. This was evident in the case of the Church, which perceived Earth as the center of the universe, with the Sun and planets revolving around it. This perception clashed with Galileo Galilei's view, leading to a conflict with the Church that tried and sentenced him to death for heresy. However with time, empirical scientific validation vindicated him, confirming that the Sun is indeed the center of our solar system, with Earth and other planets orbiting around it.

Sentiment aims to protect and guard what one holds dear or knows from criticism/attack. Its problem when blindly held is lack of openness to admit or accept corrections, learn or unlearn, thus posing limitation to growth.

However, I should admit without sentiment that religion offers science what it lacks and science offers religion what it lacks, hence opined Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists ever lived, thus: "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

I am a skeptical scholar, a student of conflict resolution strategy, and I hold without denial of the fact that some of my beliefs are mere perceptions, and hence should give others benefits of doubt in what they hold too as reality or truth, all which are knowing in a part.

(Let me remind you that we are still committed to making your dream of becoming an author come true, offering a range of services from ghostwriting, editing, proofreading, to publishing at Solosoph Books and Publications)

I am the son of a nobody!DeniedRobbedManipulated Lied toSegregatedDisadvantaged...I was told that tomorrow is mine,but m...

I am the son of a nobody!

Lied to

I was told that tomorrow is mine,
but my tomorrow has been mortgaged before I could get to it.

Like a termite in the labyrinth of lost hope
I wallow in confusion wondering where my hope will come from...

So, today I found it.
I saw my hope riding like a king upon his chariot...
Decked with promises, aspiration, compassion, and the burden to fix what was broken.

So, I ran towards him!
I could be stopped, yet I ran.
I could fall down, but I ran.
I could be shot.., I know I won't.
I ran...

With my hands stretched out, wide-open
I ran towards him.
I couldn't hug him, but hope hugged me... Faith kissed my chicks, and the pureness in his heart flowed from him to me when he cast his gaze upon me with such a beautiful smile

He didn't say a word but all he said was heard ...

I can hear him saying weep not child, your future won't be stolen no more.
Hold steady my child, this victory is for you and every citizen.
The sun will rise again
You will walk in the rays of a beautiful sun.
I will make you proud before the comity of nations...
You will stand up tall and boldly say, I am a Nigerian.

I looked at him again and silently said.., so be it papa...
So be it!!

©️Kingsley PA Okoruwa


Many are literate but still ignorant of many things. That is the cause of ideological conflict in our world today.

Knowledge is a child.  Wisdom is the mother, life and security.  As you seek knowledge on earth in multitude of books, a...

Knowledge is a child. Wisdom is the mother, life and security.

As you seek knowledge on earth in multitude of books, ask the mother in heaven to guide you in the application.

Do not allow the naive knowing child on earth to lead you to errors. But let the aged experienced mother guide you to safety
"For wisdom is a defense as money is a defense, But the excellence of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it" ( Ecclesiastes 7:12

My reading of the above Judeo-Christian scripture made me to begin to have a rethink on the age- long opinion of Sir Francis Beacon that Knowledge is power. I am of the view now instead that wisdom is power. Knowledge is not an absolute power without the guidance of wisdom!

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Solosoph Books and Publications


If you're in your 20s, prioritize these 6 tips to avoid regrets in your 40s and 50s:

• Don't get married too early before discovery of self

Too many people get married before they know who they are or what they want out of life.

Getting married is one of the most important decisions you can make.

Learn more about yourself, including your strengths, weaknesses, and inclinations.

• Don't waste your time

Spend your time wisely on activities that will help you improve.

Financial arrangements, savings and investments are very important.

When you start investing early, time is your best ally.

Spending time on social media just looking at photos and videos is a waste of time.

• Surround yourself with quality friends.

Spend time with people who are ambitious and want to improve their lives.

You will eventually push each other and make progress.

Most successful people have people around them that they rely on for guidance and support.

• Avoiding Procrastination

Procrastination is the dream killer.

If you always procrastinate on important things in your twenties, you'll have to catch up later and have a lot of regrets.

Do the hard work today and in the future you will be glad you did.

Either you play today and pay tomorrow or you pay today and play tomorrow.

• Build your skills

Your degree will get you the door, but it's your skills that get you a seat at the table.

Learn new skills that will help you stand out from the crowd, earn money and accumulate wealth.

Every successful person has a unique set of skills.

The fastest way to lose focus, die young and drain your energy is to watch p**n. Do your best to avoid this habit.



"Plurality of Humanity" by Charlsee Awuzie

Healthy Plurality: Understanding Why Good People Do Bad Things and Bad People Do Good Things...

Humans are plural - we possess the ability to be good and to also be evil. The good side of us can be tapped into just as the evil side can be provoked by environment, greed or society.

In my dealings with all humans, whether Priest or Pr******te, Monk or Ju**ie, I've kept it at the back of my mind that inside the priest lives a pr******te and inside the pr******te lives a priest, inside the good lives the bad and inside the bad lives the good. In every beauty, there's a beast and in every beast, there's a beauty. Inside that CALM HEADED guy is a violent beast while inside that violent beast is a baby seeking for attention. Inside the humble person is an unseen pride and inside the arrogant fellow is an unheard humility. This is the plurality of our Humanity.

Nobody is entirely good..and no one is entirely evil. They once called Yeshua a good man and He declined to accept the title declaring that "no mortal is good". This is a confirmation that inside the good exists a certain level of evil.

This philosophy is the reason I do not condemn bad people entirely. This is also the reason why I do not trust good people 100 percent. So you will always find me giving the bad girl or guy a second chance while keeping an open eye on the one who projects himself or herself to be good.

Accepting your plurality will help you to avoid hating yourself when you make bad decisions. It will also keep you humble when you do charity knowing that you are not really as good as you project yourself to be. And lastly, Accepting your plurality will keep you REAL. YES. People don't understand what being real is. If someone projects himself to be a saint without a sin, they are not real. And if someone for whatever reason projects himself/herself to be A BAD HARD GUY/GIRL without showing the broken but good side of them, they are also not real. If you are too good, you are fake. If you are too bad, you are also faking being bad. Healthy Plurality means accepting a balanced view of your personality without rejecting any of your realities.

One of the trainings of a Private Investigator is to hack personalities. That's why the FBI can easily make a scammer to confess to a crime by simply hacking into their good side which seeks to do things right.

As an employer, you need this mindset to deal with your employees.
As an employee, you need this understanding to connect with those in your team.
Everyone you trust today has the ability to betray you tomorrow. And everyone who betrayed you today also have the ability to defend you tomorrow. Inside your present betrayer lives your future defender and inside your present defender lives your future betrayer. Plurality of humanity.

Do you now understand why good people possess the ability to do bad things? And why you shouldn't trust the generosity of bad people because even the evil can do good and it doesn't make them good.

Have I challenged your philosophy?

Research more on plurality.

My name is Charles Awuzie and I am not one thing - I am all things to all men.


5 INVESTMENTS YOU MUST BE READY TO MAKE BEFORE YOU WRITE A BOOKAs an author who wants to write a outstanding book, here ...


As an author who wants to write a outstanding book, here are the necessary investments you have to make:


The first investment is the time it is going to take you to write your book. This is the most significant investment. You need to commit your time to the writing of your book.

Some people commit themselves to it for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year or even 5 years. You need to be ready and able to commit your time to it.


You can't have a great book without investing your money in it. You need money to produce an outstanding book. You need money to edit your book. You need money to design your book.

You need money to publish your book. You need money to market your book. You need to be ready to invest your finances in order to have a successful book.


Writing a book changes who you are. Writing a book can be tiring, overwhelming, and burdensome. So, you need to be emotionally prepared for the journey of writing your book.

Going through the process may be tough, but in the end, it will be worth it. You need to be emotionally attached and committed to the success of your book. You need to prepare your mind ahead.


When you're considering writing a book, you need to accept the fact that you'll have to commit yourself to consistent learning, thinking, and reasoning.

When you're writing a book, you can't assume you know everything. You need to keep learning, unlearning, and relearning a lot of things.

You need to know how to package the content of your book in a way it resonates with your audience.

You need to know how to present your knowledge and thoughts in a way that is attractive and mind blowing. You have to be mentally prepared for this journey.


The truth is this, after writing your book, you'll need to sell it. You'll need to market it to people. So, you need to make social investments.

Network with people, pitch your book, make noise about your book, share your book on various social media handles and publishing platforms. You need to be socially ready and visible before you think of writing a book.

I hope this helps.

© Elizabeth Samuel

Content Writer and Book Editor

KING CHARLES & KING DAVID(Road to the Throne) King Charles was heir to the British throne at just three years old. Yet, ...

(Road to the Throne)

King Charles was heir to the British throne at just three years old. Yet, he had to wait for seventy years to ascend the throne. The seventy years was a time of preparation--- he had been preparing for the crown his entire life. He stood by his mother (Queen Elizabeth II) and fought her battles. He did not consider equality with his mother by rebelling against her. He did not strive to pave his path to the throne in a world where men murder families for inheritance. After the long wait, today, he goes into the history books as the oldest person to ever assume the British throne, becoming King Charles III. His patience & endurance has led him onto the throne & into history.

King David was heir to the throne of Israel at a very younger age. Yet, he had to wait for many years to ascend the throne. The many years were a time of preparation---God was preparing him to lead his people by training him in the field to care for his father’s flocks. He stood by his rival (King Saul) and fought his battles, including slaying the giant Goliath. He played music for King Saul when he was troubled by evil spirits and loved his son (Jonathan). He did not consider equality with King Saul by rebelling against him. He refused to kill King Saul to ascend the throne when he had the opportunity, calling him “the Lord’s anointed.” After the long wait, he went into the history books as the king who won many battles. His patience & trust in God made him undefeated.

Moral Lesson

1. Don’t forcefully take what God has not given you yet, even though He has promised.
2. Your time of waiting is a time of preparation---God is making you equipped for the tests in life.
3. What is God-sent and meant for you shall never elude you.

Be patient! Persevere and Endure. Your blessings shall never tarry, not even for a second. Be Blessed! God Loves You! - Michael Agyemang Adarkwah

Patient Matters 🤴 👑.
𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨


Coca Cola only sold 25 bottles of Coke in their first year of operation. Today, they sell 1.9 billion everyday. So don’t be afraid to take a loss to be the boss. Give yourself time, that business WILL succeed. Progress has a process. It comes over time, not overnight! And persist even if you encounter a rough patch. Put things into perspective. You are having a bad day. You are not having a bad life. You are broke. You are not poor. You are angry with a client. You do not hate them. Someone broke your heart. They did not break your life. Perspective is effective and supportive!


Victoria Island





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