#punctuality #BeEarly# #showupearly
No one is coming to save you
A man has feelings the same way a woman does. Showing his vulnerability does not make him less of a man. #men #menhavefeelings #emotions #emotionsmatter #BeAMan
Give those you care about their flowers while you still can. Don’t wait until they’re dead.
Give people their flowers while they’re still alive
Learn to let God help you. It costs nothing. #God #LetGodHelpYou #TrustInGod
Expressing your emotions when you feel broken and overwhelmed goes a long way to help and heal you.
How do you express your emotions?
Growing up, I constantly compared my family with other families and it never came out well.
Love your family the way it is and stop comparing
Watch this if you judge and condemn people people
Can you let your child/ren go to live with your relative?
#family #relatives #children #people