I walked into my office that early Monday morning with the vibes of having a full week of work ahead of me.
My name's Michael. Michael Adewale. A tall and handsome chap with a solid shape. Long arms and broad shoulders with dark complexion and a gap teeth.
Working at Preston Construction as an HR manager was really fun and rewarding as it gave me the opportunity to mingle with a lot of people and live out my full potential. And besides, I've always had a crush on my boss, Miss Christine. (Shhh! That's a secret). Miss Christine was what I would term an embodiment of beauty or beauty personified.
I always looked for an opportunity to be in the same space with her but I never had the guts to speak my mind to her though I made it a duty to always go and greet her in her office every morning when I get to work.
I unbuttoned my suit and took it off. Sinking into my high backed, leather chair, I heaved a sigh before saying my normal hushed and rushed prayer before rearranging my desk to begin the day's business.
That was when a knock came on my door.
'Oh my God! Isn't it too early for this?' I mumbled and the knock came again.
"Who's there?" I yelled.
"It's me" the person replied.
Even without giving a name, I knew who it was. Laura was one of the problems I had in this company. She had a crush on me and she never hesitated to make it known to me but I wasn't interested as my interests were in my boss, Christine. I always felt Laura knew I had a crush on the boss though she has never said anything about it. Funny enough, Laura was Christine's secretary.
"Come in" I yelled when the knock came the third time and the door opened almost immediately. There she was, standing in the doorway. One would have a hard time deciding who was the most beautiful between Laura and Christine but to me, Christine was more beautiful.
"What do you want?" I asked
"Miss Christine asked me to call you. She wants to see you" she reply with a songsongy voice that seem less matured than her age.
"Okay. I'll be there right away" I was eager with my statement
She gave me a look that seemed to say 'what's wrong with this one'. I caught the look and I asked,
"Why are you doing this?" She asked walking sensually towards me
"Doing what?"
"Doing what you do. You and I know that you can't date Miss Christine. She's way above your league"
"So?" I interrupted getting up not wanting her to pin me to the chair. "At least I'll try. Every science discovery started with trials and errors"
"Not like this one. This isn't science project, you know"
"So what are you pointing at?"
"Look at me" she turned around "I like you and you know that. Why are you trying to make me look desperate? Open your eyes and see what is before you"
I looked at her from head to toe and shook my head.
"Hmmm no. I know what I want and this isn't it"
There's no denying the fact that I sometimes feel like having Laura in my arms but my excessive love for Miss Christine doesn't allow me to reason much about Laura.
She hissed lightly as I walked past her and I heard her say, "Laura, calm down. It's a matter of time" as I walked out.
As I walked towards Miss Christine's office, I kept smiling like a Christmas goat. There's always this kind of unexplainable joy that fills my heart anytime I'm going to have a one on one encounter with her and I always promised myself that one day, I'll muster up the courage to voice out my feelings for her.
I got to her office and knocked.
"Come in" the beautiful female voice came from inside.
I turned the lock and walked in. And there she was, beautiful and radiant as ever. If beauty was a person, she was it. Looking at her, the smile on my face turned into a broad grin and I had to scold myself with a slap before I could stop.
Jesus Christ, I just hope this isn't mere infatuation!
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