VOICE of Builders

VOICE of Builders Voice of builders is a platform for discussing issues peculiar to the youth and an effort to help create solutions to contemporary challenges.


You need to know this about us!

Do you want to lead your life, your family and others around you successfully? Follow this series.

Do you want to lead your life, your family and others around you successfully? Follow this series.


Leadership is a subject of universal interest. It is central to the organization or disorder observed in societies or nations. When leadership is well understood and deployed, a community experiences order, civility, development, and prosperity. Leadership is equally vital in families and organizations. Segun Akande (Reverend) once remarked that “whether things are good or bad, leadership is the way forward”.

What then is leadership?

Myles Munroe defines leadership as the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by passion, generated by vision, produced by conviction, and ignited by a purpose. John C. Maxwell corroborated this by emphasizing that “leadership is influence; nothing more, nothing less”. Leadership is so critical that Segun Akande (Reverend) concluded that “leadership is God’s method of meeting needs, solving problems, winning battles and establishing His purpose on earth” (Genesis 1:26 – 28).

In summary, I define leadership as the art and science of rallying people about a vision, coordinating resources, communicating direction, and helping people connect with and motivate them to pursue a worthwhile assignment. It is both goal, and people-oriented.

At this point, it is important to note that every man has a leadership destiny. This is because the creation of man in Genesis 1: 26 was a response to the need for leadership on earth over creation. The created man is an extension of God’s system of leadership on earth. However, the corrupt nature of man due to sin produced a different kind of leadership which reflects evil and creates disorder (Genesis 3).

True leadership is God-sponsored leadership. It is characterized below;

Leadership is a calling, a divine vocation (Romans 13:1, Daniel 2:20 – 21)

Leadership is a call to Stewardship (Matthew 24:45 – 46, 2 Corinthians 4:1- 2)

Leadership is a call to personal development and that of people (Act. 20: 28)

Leadership is people focused. (Act. 20:28)

Leadership is a purposeful activity (Act 10:38)

Leadership is service, a sacrificial kind. (John 10:11, 17)

Leadership is a privilege. (2 Corinthians 4:7)

Leadership is an endless journey. (Luke 19:15 – 19)

The world is suffering because we have disconnected from God and His kind of leadership. We must return to God in repentance and receive His leadership in our lives and world again. God still wants His kingdom leadership to rule and organize our world today. He has presented Jesus as the way back to his kingdom and leadership (John 14:6, John 1:12). Isaiah remarked in Isaiah 9:6;

“For unto us a child is born, unto us, a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace”

Therefore, I encourage you to confess Jesus as the LORD and saviour of your life so you can embrace the new life that flows from God and begin to reflect the God kind of leadership on earth.

Kolawole Osunniyi
0703 522 0244
[email protected]
©VOICE of Builders, February 2023.
[email protected]

The Spirit of Leadership by Myles Munroe
21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell.
Think Leadership by Segun Akande, Leadership Solutions Series on YouTube
The Holy Bible, King James Version.

How greedy are you? Check the Greedometer.

How greedy are you? Check the Greedometer.


Have you heard of the speedometer? It is a device that is used in a car to measure the speed of a car in motion. It helps the driver to regulate how fast the car moves and avoid accidents. A driver needs a working speedometer and must always check it to have a good idea of the car's speed. A faulty speedometer puts the driver and people in a vehicle at risk.

Two things largely drive a man’s passion in life; his needs and his greed. Just as speed keeps a vehicle moving, so does a man’s need or greed drive him into action. Survival influences need while wants fuel greed. The major difference between need and greed is that the former usually adopts legitimate means while the latter employs powerful means to satisfy its demands. Needs can be satisfied but greed is insatiable. Greed will make a man gather beyond what is needed; in fact, it is a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (such as money) than is needed (Mariam Webster Dictionary). Greed is selfish and brutal in its pursuit. It toxifies human relationships and destroys society.
Greed reflects a deep-seated sense of emptiness, self-doubt, low self-esteem, and a poor sense of value. That’s the reason, it is interested in gathering things and having more than enough to create a false sense of abundance or good life. Greedy people always hurt themselves and everyone around them. Greed is a good way to characterize poverty; the poverty of the mind.
Let me acknowledge that, every human has a tendency to be greedy. You therefore must watch out for the element of greed in you and deal with it intentionally. A man entreated Jesus to ask his brother to release his share of their parent’s inheritance and got a shocking response;

“…Beware! Guard against greed; life is not measured by how much you own.” Luke 12:15 NLT

You can identify greed using the checks below;

Selfishness: Do you think about yourself alone?

Empathy: Do you care about or consider others in your plans?

Caution: Do you exercise self-control or pursue your desires without restraints?

Impatience: How well are you patient with people and things?

Materialism: Do you love things more than people?

Methods: Do you manipulate your way to things and people?

Contentment: How satisfied are you with your possessions?

We must not be crazy about having things; Life’s true meaning is in making positive contributions to life and society. The Scripture counsels in 1 Timothy 6:6 - 7 that godliness with contentment is a great gain for we brought nothing into this world, neither can we take anything out of it (Paraphrasing).

How greedy are you?

Kolawole Osunniyi
0703 522 0244
[email protected]
©VOICE of Builders, January 2023.
[email protected]

The Greed Syndrome: Seven Signs, The Freeman articles, September 16, 2017. www.philstar.com
The Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV), and American Standard Version (ASV).

A lot of people have habits, behaviours and world world views that are destructive to them and others around them. You c...

A lot of people have habits, behaviours and world world views that are destructive to them and others around them. You can help them overcome these weaknesses. Find out in this article how to do this.


Have you watched a drowning person struggle for life? it is very exhausting. However, it is not advisable to try pulling them out with hands when they are still struggling. This is because, the rescuer could become a victim just like them. It is therefore advisable that a floating object be stretched to aid the victim to float and to also be dragged out of the water.

Like a drowning person, many people are struggling with weaknesses of various forms. They need a rescue. However certain principles of lifeguard rescue mission could be useful in helping people overcome their weaknesses; Be trained, use floating objects, have an anchor to support you, don't get into the water with the victim unless the victim no longer have strength to swim.

Before I discuss practical implications of these principles, let me classify people with weaknesses into three categories;

Swimming But Drowning:

These refer to people who indulge their weaknesses and find pleasure in them. Though it is obvious to others that their habits, wrong views of life or behaviours are harmful to them and others, they do not see anything wrong about them. They do not admit their weaknesses.

Drowning and Struggling:
This describe a set of people who are aware of their weaknesses and admit but will rather try to figure it out themselves. They hardly ask others for help. They exact so much personal effort to overcome their weaknesses. They hardly admit they need help. They are the 'I can fix it' kind of people.

Drowning and Passed out:
This set of people are tired of struggling with their weaknesses and are open to help. They easily communicate their helplessness by admitting their weaknesses and by not trying to fight it all by themselves. They are willing to embrace help from others.

Among the three, the third category is the easiest to rescue. However, all three can be helped by investing time, patience and skills into the rescue mission.

The Rescue Mission

Situation Analysis:
To offer help for anyone to overcome their weaknesses, first do a proper identification of the problem and ascertain the risk involved for the victim.

Risk Analysis:
The one offering help should also check for possible risk factors for him/her and then put measures in place to ensure safety.

Create Awareness:
Help the victim understand the problem and what is at stake if it is not addressed.

Offer Possible Solutions:
Give counsel, create better alternatives to behaviour patterns, interest, perspectives, habits and lifestyle. Help the person find a new direction and possibilty.

Be Present to Provide Support:
Next be available to help the victim go through the process of rebirth, renewal, change and growth. It is tough to do these alone without help.

"Brothers and sisters, if a person is caught doing something wrong, you who are spiritual should restore someone like this with a spirit of gentleness. Watch out for yourselves so you won’t be tempted too." (Galatians 6:1, CEB Version).

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©Voice Of Builders August, 2022

Weaknesses often create a sense of inadequacy that limits productivity. It dampens courage and incapacitates the mind. F...

Weaknesses often create a sense of inadequacy that limits productivity. It dampens courage and incapacitates the mind. Find out specific provisions for your victory in this piece.



Weaknesses often create a sense of inadequacy that limits productivity. It dampens courage and incapacitates the mind. You therefore need to be intentional about overcoming your weaknesses so they do not overwhelm you. I shall discuss some ways to achieve victory after identifying and admitting your weaknesses below.

The new birth

Human weaknesses are largely connected to the sinful human nature and can only be adequately addressed through a new birth experience (2 Corinthians 5:17). When a person confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour, the spirit of the individual is renewed and God’s nature is introduced. The Holy Spirit then begins to produce godly character such as love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness and so on to make up for the natural character flaws of the individual (Galatians 5:22-23). The Power of God is also released to heal, strengthen and address other possible weaknesses as the individual permits (Act 10:38). Invite Jesus into your life (Romans 10:10).

Address risk factors

One way to deal with weaknesses is to watch out for triggers or factors that motivate them and then address those factors. Job said “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman” and David also wrote “Your word I have hidden in my heart that I may not sin against you” (Job 31:1, Psalm 119:11). Putting checks and feeding your hearts with God’s word are ways you could guard your heart against harmful thoughts. You may also need to adjust your diet, engage exercises and review your relationships for health and social related weaknesses.

The grace advantage

Paul who had an infirmity in his body cried out severally for God to take it away got a surprising response “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). This reveals that some weaknesses such as in this case are permitted by God to make us learn to humble ourselves and trust Him for strength. It is God’s way of saving us from self righteousness, pride or self-confidence. Therefore we must ask God for grace to be productive regardless of our weaknesses. Grace supplies needed strength per time (John 1:15 -16).

The People Advantage

Recall the paralytic man who was brought to Jesus by his friends for healing. His friends climbed up the roof and opened it in order to drop him before Jesus because the crowd will not let them go through the door. He would have remained paralytic if not for his friends (Mark 2:1-12). You may also need people who can help you get help to address your weakness. These people may help with information or referral or support. Appreciate and leverage the strength of others.

The Prayer advantage

Jabez noticed a limitation around his life occasioned by his background and birth and became uncomfortable with the constraints it brought and so prayed to God to increase his capacity and bless him. Bible recorded that God heard him and did as he requested so much that he excelled above his brethren (1 Chronicles 4:9 - 10). You too can pray about your weaknesses or limitations.

The place of wisdom

When weaknesses are in the form of ignorance about certain truth or information, the best thing to do is to ask God for wisdom. God gives wisdom in his word, by revelation and through people. You must learn to admit you need help and then ask. “Does anyone lacks wisdom let him ask …” James 1:5

Leverage your environment

Sometimes people have challenges due to certain limitations; it could be in skills, knowledge, technology or resources needed to achieve a goal or vision. Zacchaeus the short man who wanted to see Jesus but his height would not let him (Luke 19:4 - 8) did something we could learn from. To overcome this limitation, he leveraged his environment by climbing a tree and he was able to see Jesus. You too may need to look around you for God’s provision around you to make up for your limitations.

Kolawole Osunniyi
[email protected]
©VOICE of Builders, August, 2022
VOICE of [email protected]

Weaknesses undermines human abilities and prevent utmost performance. Do you wan to be free from your weaknesses? Read a...

Weaknesses undermines human abilities and prevent utmost performance. Do you wan to be free from your weaknesses? Read and find out how to do this.


Everyone loves to talk about things that constitute an advantage, strength, an asset or a pride not many want to talk about their vulnerabilities, minuses and limitations. We all tend to project those traits and attributes that make us valuable before others. However, we can’t hide our flaws forever; they are like flames, soon people will detect them. It is usually difficult to admit that we aren’t perfect because imperfection has been tied to punctured self esteem. How do we deal with this deception?

The first step will be to properly define ‘weaknesses’ then learn how to identify elements of weaknesses and track them through sincere self evaluation. The next step is to classify them as those within your control and those beyond your control. Finally develop both a workable plan to address the ones within your control and a coping plan for the ones beyond your control. These are necessary if you want live a meaningful life.

A weakness is any trait, attribute, condition or/and circumstance that makes a person vulnerable to exploitation, helpless, less valuable, unqualified, disadvantaged, limited or excluded with regards to honour, opportunity, performance, advancement and success. A weakness may be physical, psychological, social or/and spiritual in nature. These weaknesses to a large extent can be regulated or even completely ruled out.

Physical Weakness

This is any form of illnesses, deformation of body parts, amputation, defective organs, fatigue, and other health conditions. Some could be treated while others may have no medical cure.

Psychological Weakness

This is associated with wrong thinking patterns and poor management of one’s emotions. It may result from negative mindset, ignorance, low self esteem, low Intelligence, phobia, self indulgence among others.

Sociological weaknesses

These are largely connected with poor emotional intelligence, lack of social skills, poor communication skills, bad habits or mannerism, poor language skills and ignorance about other people’s cultures. Such weaknesses make it difficult to relate with people.

Spiritual weaknesses

These are related to poor knowledge of God, lack of faith in God, moral decadence/ Sin, viewing life only as physical, inability to connect non physical realm of existence to the physical.

Weaknesses undermine the abilities of any person and reduce productivity of such individual. If we must live up to our full potential, we must work on our weaknesses. However, you can’t address a limitation which is not known and to which you haven’t admitted. Identify your weaknesses and partner with God and counselors/doctors to address them.

Jesus declared “…Healthy people don’t need a doctor-sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.” (Mark 2:17, NLT)

Isaiah also testified of God that “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak”

You can overcome your weaknesses if you ask God for help and engage the people he has placed in your life.

Kolawole Osunniyi
©VOICE of Builders, August, 2022
VOICE of [email protected]
[email protected]
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People all need a supportive environment to thrive. Can you help create such for young people around you?

People all need a supportive environment to thrive. Can you help create such for young people around you?


Every seed with great potential needs a healthy soil, water and good weather to thrive. Similarly, a child needs a healthy physical, psychological, spiritual and relational environment to realize his/her full potential. Education is good, holistic education is rewarding but in the presence of negative human influence on a child, they amount to a waste of time. Hence the need to ensure that a child daily interacts with people who create positive impressions on his/her minds; for only a healthy mind can make profit of the education received.

A study on 659 African American, ninth-grade adolescents, revealed that adolescent’s exposure to negative adult behavior was associated with increased substance using behaviour and negative school attitudes. The study also found that role models had protective effects on behaviours and compensatory effects on school outcomes and can contribute to the resilience of African American adolescents who are exposed to negative non-parental adult behavior (N. M Hurd, M.A Zimmerman, and Y. Xue, Journal of youth and adolescence, July 2010). There is therefore a need for adults to be intentional about being good role models to adolescents/youths around them.

Paul while addressing Timothy his mentee acknowledged some positive role models in his life; Lois and Eunice Timothy’s grandmother and mother respectively, pointing to the faith he had learnt from them. Paul then urged that Timothy should build on that faith. He admonishes Timothy to take advantage of the things he had also received from him (2 Timothy 1:2, 5 - 6). Paul was a good role model to Timothy, helping him develop his gifts, overcome his fears, acquire virtues, learn leadership and leverage his advantages (2 Timothy 1:6-8). Paul provides further guidance to his mentee in the first letter to Timothy.

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in Purity” (1 Timothy 4:12, NIV)

You and I must decide to be positive influences and godly examples to young people around us so that they can realize there potentials for their advantage, the good of their family, community and the society at large. By choosing to live right, love and stand for truth we teach children and other young people around us to value and embrace it too. We should also intentionally teach good values to young people in our zone of influence. Our society will be transformed when we all decide to be part of a supportive community providing positive alternatives to existing harmful social behaviours.

Be a better example; Change the narrative!

Kolawole Osunniyi
©VOICE of Builders, June, 2022
VOICE of [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

If you don't any good in people you can't help them to be better. it is what you acknowledge and appreciate in them that...

If you don't any good in people you can't help them to be better. it is what you acknowledge and appreciate in them that will grow.


Everyone loves commendation. We all love to be appreciated for both our little or big efforts. People naturally feel bad anytime they receive negative feedbacks about their action or personality. When dealing with people especially young people, there is need to employ some positive psychology to help them focus on developing virtues while shunning vices. To achieve this, skillful usage of reinforcement is required. There is need to concentrate more on acknowledging and appreciating the good behavior and traits in people than complaining about their wrong actions. This will help condition their mind on improving on the good behaviour.

A child who only receives a rebuke for the majority of his or her actions may find it difficult to have a positive view about him or herself and may become hardened. Parents who are quick to condemn or magnify errors of their ward miss out most times on the virtues or good actions of their children. For instance, parents who always react quickly the wrongs about a child or teenager may miss out on important things such as their improved score card, smile, appreciation, projects, new skills, sincerity and ideas. Every child has something good locked up in him or her; it takes a positive mind and patient heart to discover and unlock those things. Whatever you appreciate in them, increase in value.

In John 4, Jesus met a woman from Samaria at the well. This was a woman with a history of many failed relationships; she was emotionally messed up. She possibly suffers reproach from her community people and so visits the well alone to avoid people. When Jesus met her and a conversation ensued, she queried Jesus’ for asking her for water alluding to the feud between Jews and Samaritans. However, Jesus offered to give her ‘living water’ which will satisfy her life’s thirst. He then asked her to call her husband first. To this question, the woman who had had five husbands responded “I have no husband” (verse 17). She just lied to Jesus, you would say but Jesus responded

“you are right in saying, ‘I have no husband’; for you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband” (verse 18, Gideons Bible).

In contrast to the judgmental reactions an average person would give, Jesus acknowledged her sincere assessment of her situation and was willing to help her find a permanent solution to the problem.

Jesus overlooked the argument, accusation, allegation and horrible past of the woman. He acknowledged something about her; her sincerity and openness. This was the key that gave Jesus access to her heart in order to save and transform her life completely. The woman was liberated from her guilt and past and became a totally new person bringing others to Jesus to find rest for their troubled souls (verse 28 - 30).

You cannot help people grow in virtues if you don’t appreciate anything good about them. Your children, friends, siblings will not be attracted to you if all you see about them is negative. Celebrate the good in people, it will appreciate with time. Know this, if a person can do good today, he or she can do good every other day. All that is needed is encouragement. Appreciate that right action, affirm that good initiative, celebrate that display of intelligence and value every little effort. Anytime you tell someone ‘well done’, you have just asked for more!

“Let your conversations be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” Colossians 4:6, NIV

Kolawole Osunniyi
©VOICE of Builders, May, 2022
VOICE of [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Let's build the future we want to see in the children we raise today! Celebrate virtues and eradicate vices.

Let's build the future we want to see in the children we raise today!

Celebrate virtues and eradicate vices.


Celebrate the fruit in the seed; the future is real.

Preserve the seed and validate the future.

Plant the seed and activate the future.

Nurture the seed; release the future!

Happy children's Day!

How do you handle erring loved ones without breaking their hearts? Find out in this article. Read, comment and share.

How do you handle erring loved ones without breaking their hearts? Find out in this article. Read, comment and share.


Have you ever read stories of young people who committed su***de after disgracing or disappointing their loved ones and bringing them into public shame? In some cases it occurs after receiving outright rejection and merciless rebuke from their loved ones. People make mistakes. Some people address the mistakes or errors by overstretching discipline or by indulging the errors. However, there is a better alternative: Win-Win.

A win-win situation can be one in which both parties involved in a matter of dispute are meaningfully compensated by the decision reached. In every case of correction, the response of parents, guardians or community must achieve a win-win for both the person in the wrong and the concerned community. Jesus demonstrated this principle when he mediated between the woman caught in adultery and the Jews as recorded in the book of John chapter 8 verses 1 to 11.

The Jews had always sought to accuse Jesus of wrong doing so they could arrest and silence him; they could no longer bear his threat against their practices. It was in this context they brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus and asked for his verdict. They intend to put Jesus in trouble and leave the woman at the mercy of the event. The woman was their means to get to Jesus for questioning their authority as leaders of the people. Note the following; there was the case of wrong behaviour, there were concerned or aggrieved people and there was the presence of a judge-figure to decide the appropriate punishment.

The woman knew she had done wrong and was helpless, the Jews wanted the verdict to favour their interest and prove Jesus wrong and Jesus had to decide the appropriate response. However, Jesus approach revealed that he wanted all parties involved to win and not just for him to escape the trap of the Jew. Let us examine the actions of Jesus.

First he was silent after listening to them, secondly he asked them a question, and then he asked the woman a question and finally agreed with the conclusion of the answers the two parties provided to his questions. Bible scholars have opined that his initial silence was to discern the motivation for their question and study the environment of the event. Jesus listened to them and took his time before responding, a strategy that helps a lot in dealing with issues shaded by much emotions. Next he asked a clarifying question to help the Jews evaluate their moral justification to pass a death sentence on the woman. This helped to prevent them from committing murder. The accusers found themselves as guilty as the accused and left the scene one after the other till none remained. Next, Jesus asked the woman if anyone approved of her dying and she confirmed there was no one. Jesus then declared he would not condemn her to death either. Rather, he instructed her to go (be liberated) and sin no more.

‘Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?” “No one, Lord, “ she said. And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.” (John 8:10-11, NLT)

In the end, it was a win-win; the Jews were prevented from executing a wicked judgment, the woman was rescued and restored, and Jesus escaped the trap. We must learn to restore erring people without condoning their sins or covering their errors. Rebuke or correction must be mercifully administered. Any rebuke that leads to the death of the offender is evil and not justice.

Kolawole Osunniyi
©VOICE of Builders, May, 2022
VOICE of [email protected]
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[email protected]

An unconquered child is a free specimen for every evil experiment. Find out how you can save children and teenagers from...

An unconquered child is a free specimen for every evil experiment. Find out how you can save children and teenagers from the negative influence of their environment. Read, comment and share.

The purpose of the dominion mandate is leadership! find out in the piece how to explore and fulfill the dominion mandate...

The purpose of the dominion mandate is leadership! find out in the piece how to explore and fulfill the dominion mandate.

Knowing what to do is the starting point towards accomplishing a task but knowing how to do takes you many steps into th...

Knowing what to do is the starting point towards accomplishing a task but knowing how to do takes you many steps into the journey.

Knowing what to do is a step forward but knowing how to do it takes forward by many steps. Find out practical steps to e...

Knowing what to do is a step forward but knowing how to do it takes forward by many steps. Find out practical steps to exercising true dominion.

Do you desire to walk in dominion? Then this piece is for you!

Do you desire to walk in dominion? Then this piece is for you!

Do you want to walk in true dominion? Read this piece.

Do you want to walk in true dominion? Read this piece.


Most military invasions are focused on enforcing an identity over a people, stretching a territory and capturing the will of the people. A recent example is that of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. It requires some level of force to punish non compliance.

In Genesis chapter one and two, we observe the creator of the universe hand over a territory and a government to man in the Garden of Eden. Shared-Dominion was man's inheritance. He was to enforce God's nature, expand the territory and preside over the earth from Eden as the administrative centre (Genesis 2). However, through carelessness and rebellion, man yielded that authority and control to an enemy institution headed by the Devil- that ancient serpent (Genesis 3, 1 John 5:19). It was a legal transaction signed by both parties against God's counsel. As a result, men became hostile to the government of God and now answer largely to an enemy influence -the kingdom of darkness. This explains the magnitude of the cruelty of man on earth today and the inherent rebellion against God. Man and not God suffer from this loss of dominion.

How then is this dominion to be restored? Since the Dominion was lost through human agency, it must be restored through the same. John writes, that God had to send His son in place of the first Adam to destroy the works of the Devil by dealing with Sin (1 John 3:8). Jesus came to restore us back to God in relationship and submission again to His government (2 Corinthians 5:18).

Having reconnected back to God, how do we take over the lost territories for our God, is it by military exploits? The Scripture says:

“For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete” (2 Corinthians 10:4-6 ESV).

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:1-2 NIV)

The journey back into dominion begins with detaching from worldly influence and allowing God through His word, transform our thinking and inform our perspective to life. This will bring us to absolute obedience to God, a basis for God to come in and then punish disobedience for the non-compliance by His divine power.

We can't be commissioned to take back the lost territories of media, business, government, art, religion, family and education unless we are yielded to God first in these areas. The place of submission is the place of commission in God's kingdom (Isaiah 6: 5-8). Only a commissioned officer can truly enjoy dominion.

Has God taken over you? Is your will completely yielded to Him?

Kolawole Osunniyi
©VOICE of Builders, March 2022
VOICE of [email protected]
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