Zacx Digital Agency

Zacx Digital Agency Brands, Products and Services Promotion,

Web design & development, Graphics Design Google Map and Google My Business Setup, Social Media Management, Digital Marketing; WiFi Marketing for Hotels, Restaurant and Retails store Marketing Expert. We At Zacx Digital Agency our goal is to provide professional and highly creative result-oriented digital marketing services and other related advisory and consulting services that will assist bus

inesses, individuals, and non-profit organizations in promoting their brands and reaching out to a wide range of potential customers all over the globe by utilizing customer data as a Win to win using our new technology marketing tools and Strategy such Wifi Marketing Analytics and SEO/SMO Software etc.

FREE WEB HOSTING AND DOMAIN Get people coming to your Business everyday


Get people coming to your Business everyday

Hello Everyone, its Zachariah Meshach here, I am going to share with you three things that I’ve discovered In Recent Yea...

Hello Everyone, its Zachariah Meshach here, I am going to share with you three things that I’ve discovered In Recent Years which has really worked well for us and has equally change our financial Life.
I am very angry In my spirit and it pains me seeing how I’ve suffered back then and I know lots other people are also passing through same thing and I cannot keep this to myself.
The First thing is what I tag as The Business Professional Business Model
The Second thing is The reason why I quit Affiliate Marketing
The third thing is The solution I’ve Proffered that has worked very well for us
1 The Business Professional Business Model
Are you a busy professional, who want stream of income but doesn’t have the time to invest in countless hours into growing an 0nline Business or Managing a Blog?
If your answer is YES, then our Business model is for you.
This Business model is particularly aimed at the Business Professionals.
If you are someone who runs a business or is currently worked to near-breaking point by your existing employers, then you are going to find that our business model uses a concept and strategies you are already familiar with but in a new way.
This business model will show you how to escape the rat race.
2 the second thig I want to share with you is the reasons why I quit affiliate marketing. I’ve explained 3 reasons why 80% of the affiliate marketers don’t get rich and I also gave 3 Reasons why only 20% of the affiliate marketers are rich.
Well, let me tell you, just like in the real world, if you really want to be rich, you won’t be able to do it working for somebody else. You know that you probably would not become fealty rich working for somebody else.
Here I Paused.
All this and more are in the link below in pdf and article format click it now
3. Finally, The PLRmoney Business model; Hmmn! This is where I revealed the Business model we’ve used in recent years. This is where you get all the resources I’ve used and I am still using up to now that is making me over N500k monthly on autopilot
I am given all this to you Today and NOW
All the information you need are in the description link below in PFD and Article Format

THE BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS BUSINESS MODELTo this day, it amazes me that more people aren’t aware of the HUGE potential t...


To this day, it amazes me that more people aren’t aware of the HUGE potential that the internet represents when it comes to earning money.

This is not just an option for those lucky, tech-savvy entrepreneurs; this is something that anyone can start doing with amazing effects. If you know how to use a computer, tablet or a phone,
then you could be earning money 0nl1ne. Not only that, but you could be earning passive 1ncome. That means you could be earning money while you sleep. And those passive income business models don’t need to be complicated to set up by the way. This is something you can start doing in days if not hours.
Some online business models are so shockingly simple that they literally involve doing little more than ‘copying and pasting’ an exciting business model to start making it work for you.
That All Sounds Great! But I Don’t Have the Time or the Knowledge! Maybe you’ve heard some of this pitch before. Maybe friends have told you how their lives changed when they started earning money online. Maybe you’ve read the blogs of other internet marketing gurus that promote the benefits of earning money on the web. Maybe you’re just smart enough to see the opportunities there in front of you. So why haven’t you done anything about it yet? Well, if you’re like a lot of other people, then the answer likely comes down to two factors:


And knowledge

You probably don’t know enough about the web or how it operates in order to see the precise opportunities that are there for you. You probably don’t yet know how to go about setting up a website, let alone filling it with the kind of content that people fall over to read, creating a product to sell from it, or promoting it so that people all around the world are able to discover it (without trying to!). And perhaps you’re not yet familiar with all the different types of business that you can create 0nl1ne. Perhaps for instance, you didn’t know that you could start making m0ney by selling software and courses or services that you didn’t even create! And the other issue is time. You’d love to learn all this stuff, but do you really have the time? Then there’s the idea of actually running the business day-to-day. If you’re already a busy professional, how
can you possibly afford the time to build an additional business on top of the one that already takes up the vast majority of your time? Especially if you’re also a family man or woman, or even just someone with an active social life!

That’s where this eBook comes in. In these pages, you’re going to discover everything you need to know to start running a massively successful business in your spare time. You don’t need to know a single thing about SEO, building a website or even business just yet: you’re going to learn how the web works, how people make their m0ney and how you can get in on the action.

We’re going to focus on the fastest and most effective ways

to start making m0ney 0nl1ne. You’re going to discover business model that you can easily implement in a matter of hours or even less. And you’re going to discover how you can create businesses that run themselves so that you don’t have to.

I’m serious: you can start making thousands of dollars each month from a business that will take you less than a few hours to set up. There’s no element of luck involved sure, but the worst case scenario is that you’ll earn a few hundred a month.

A few hundred a month.


From a few hours’ worth of work. It sounds mad, right? It sounds impossible! But it really isn’t.

Who is This eBook for?

This eBook is really for anyone who wants a stream of income and learn more about 1nternet marketing and how to make m0'ney from the web, but who doesn’t have the time to invest countless hours into growing an 0nline business or managing a blog. If you think you could benefit from earning several hundred dollars’ minimum for a few hours’ work a month, then this eBook is for you.

But this eBook is particularly aimed at the business professional.

If you’re someone who runs a business or is currently worked to near-breaking point by your existing employers, then you’re going to find that this eBook uses a concepts and strategies you’re familiar with but in a new way. This will help you to understand how to use internet marketing in the workplace or how to use it to escape the rat race.


Since we're on the topic of making m0-ney in a smart, quick and effective way that is sure and proven or monetization, one of the most important questions that you’re probably asking is how do I take things to the limit? How do I truly maximize my ROI? Well, let me tell you, just like in the real world, if you really want to be rich, you won't be able to do it working for somebody else. There, I said it. Unless you become a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, you probably would not become filthy rich working for somebody else. It's just not going to happen. The same logic applies to making m0ney 0n-line. If you really want to maximize your income, you have to sell your own products. Sure, affiliate marketing can earn you quite a bit, but there are serious drawbacks there. You don't control the product, you don't control the sales page, you don't control payment processing, and you don't control the overall experience of the customer. There's just so many things you don't control.

The flip side is true when it comes to selling your own product. You craft the product based on the actual needs of your list members. By constantly listening to your list members, you can come up with a custom crafted product that truly delivers value to their lives.
Second, you are in full control of the sales page of the product. This is a big deal because you can maximize conversion rates. If you're doing list marketing and you're posting affiliate links, you are at the mercy of your sponsor. You're hoping against hope that they are competent
enough that their sales page converts at a decent clip. But that's anybody's guess. You don't have that uncertainty when you are selling your own product because you are in full control of the sales page. In fact, you can keep tweaking it and optimizing it until it converts at a very, very nice rate.
When you sell your own product, you also are in control of the upsells of that product. For
example, when somebody goes to a sales page, they can enter an email address. Once they submit, they are taken to another page, which is an actual affiliate offer. They can fill that out and you can make more money from that. There are just so many opportunities you can take.

Finally, you can also create an escalating scale of value. In other words, you can set up your
product series in a way where people initially buy something that's worth one dollar. You add
value to their lives, they like what they get, so you then convince them to buy something that's $10. After they've signed up for that, you can then upsell them to something that is $50 or $100, and so on and so forth. Note I didn’t actually quit affiliate marketing but I don’t regard it much.


Earn Instant Money using the PLR Business Model.

PLR Products So far, you’re either intrigued by all this theory or rolling your eyes because you’ve heard it all before. Either way though, it’s just that - theory – it’s time we started putting things into practice.
Just before we do though, I want you to consider one more thing: the way you think about earning money 0nline as a business. A paradigm shifts if you will. Because this is where a lot of people who set out to make money online will go wrong. Hopefully, you’re less likely to fall into this trap if you’re already successful in business, but it still bears mentioning. Because a lot of people will approach online business with a plan to become the next Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs.
The web is new, it’s exciting and it’s ‘high tech’. This is where entrepreneurs are made and huge
businesses are born overnight.

This is your opportunity to create something truly new, something life changing and something that will make you rich while changing the world. Except that’s the very worst way to think as you go into this.
We’ve already seen that the web works very similar to the rest of the economy. The money comes from people selling hair shampoo and holidays. And these aren’t businesses that are changing lives. These are every day, regular old businesses. They’re also proven, simple and easy to replicate. They’re lower risk. And as a business person, you probably understand them. So instead of trying to transform the way we communicate, how about you just take a business model that you know works and then replicate it? It might sound less inspiring or amazing. But it’s also MUCH more likely to help you make lots of money 0n-line. Because it has done the
same thing for countless other people including myself that wrote this piece. There’s nothing wrong with looking at a business model that works well and then simply replicating it precisely, knowing that it will do the same for us.

It’s quicker, smarter and more effective.

And in this next section, we’re going to take that notion to its most extreme conclusion: by literally copying and pasting someone else’s business. With their permission of course! PLR Products:

The Fastest Way Imaginable to Start Making Reliable Income 0n.line

The business in question simply revolves around selling PLR products. PLR stands for ‘Private Label Rights’ and is a type of license – meaning that you have certain rights when it comes to how you can use the product that you’re buying. Specifically, a PLR license gives you the right to

a) resell and
b) edit a product.

These are normally digital products – which means things like software, eBooks or online courses. That means you can buy them just once and then sell them as many times as you like to keep making profit 100% yours. All you need is the resell rights. PLR products give you that and then go one step further by also giving you the right to edit the product and make it your own.

This is a big deal in the world of internet marketing and it’s a very regular practice in fact. Thus, you can find plenty of private label rights products that are just sitting there waiting for you to make money from them. Better yet, the creators expect you to do that and as such, they have made their products with that use in mind and they will often provide a ton of extra materials and freebies that you can use in order to do this even more successfully.

Specifically, most PLR products will also come with all of the marketing materials that you need in order to sell them. That means you’ll get the sales page – the page through which you promote and eventually sell the product – as well as lots of ready-made adverts and even emails that you can send. This massively reduces the work that you need to do and means that you can literally copy and paste the entire business.

It’s this simple: you find the PLR product that you think will sell well. Then you purchase it (normally for around $100-$200 – if you don’t have such amount don’t worry I have a product for you that is too far not close to this amount, it’s almost FREE containing all you need to get started today) and then you get that product, along with the rights to edit and sell it and with all the materials that you need to start making a profit. And from there, you can then edit the products in order to add your name as the author and perhaps to add your branding to the cover. If you wish, then you can change the title and maybe some of the interior. Then you change the ‘Pay Now’ button using PayPal, paystack, remita, or fluter wave etc so that it will credit your account instead and then you upload it to your own internet hosting account connecting to your personal Bank account.

Now you can start selling the product – with your name on it – and all without having to lift a finger. The best part is that you can choose a PLR product that you know is already selling well, thereby avoiding the scenario where you invest a huge amount of time, money and effort into a product only to discover that there’s no audience out there for it {I’ve one in a hot niche for you to check out}.

Your only job is to make sure that people can find the product and this is where the internet marketing comes in. I've discuss the countless different ways you can drive people for FREE to this product in My Product called but just to highlight one example that is not free, you could use PPC advertising. PPC stands for ‘Pay Per Click’ and this is a form of advertising where you only pay for people who click on the adverts. If the advertising campaign isn’t successful, then you don’t pay.

So as long as you know how to sell and you make sure that your sales page is convincing people to buy (I am given you my landing page and lots more you can make tweaks to), then you should be able to convert a high percentage of your visitors into buyers. And if you can do this, then you should make returns on the investment you make on advertising.

This is a business that will take hours if that to set up and require a very small up-front investment. Despite all that, it can earn passive income for you – generating money while you sleep – and continue to do so indefinitely.

Finally, PLR products provide one fantastic way to start earning money through internet marketing without needing to know anything about business and without needing to be any kind of tech whizz. In fact, you don’t even need to be a business whizz or even to commit much time to it.
This is the perfect business model for the busy business person that will allow you to employ just a modicum of basic sales knowledge in order to earn money indefinitely from a single
This is the system that has made us hundreds of $ every month, and I've Delivered my promised and I’ve decided not to only share with you but I have everything for you to get started within hours. I recommend you
Check out my Special Discounted Offer, you cannot get this offer anywhere this great and cheap with lots of Bonuses and I will give you all the support you need to get started. I don't talk much
Click the Link Below and take action now

Earn Instant Money using the PLR Business Model​PLR Products So far, you’re either intrigued by all this theory or rolli...

Earn Instant Money using the PLR Business Model​
PLR Products So far, you’re either intrigued by all this theory or rolling your eyes because you’ve heard it all before. Either way though, it’s just that – theory – it’s time we started putting things into practice. Just before we do though, I want you to consider one more thing: the way you think about earning money online as a business. A paradigm shift if you will. Because this is where a lot of people who set out to make money online will go wrong. Hopefully, you’re less likely to fall into this trap if you’re already successful in business, but it still bears mentioning. Because a lot of people will approach online business with a plan to become the next Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs. The web is new, it’s exciting and it’s ‘high tech’. This is where entrepreneurs are made and huge businesses are born overnight. This is your opportunity to create something truly new, something life changing and something that will make you rich while changing the world. Except that’s the very worst way to think as you go into this.

For every Mark Zuckerberg, there are millions of people who never make it. These are rare, fluke occurrences and actually they do not represent the majority of the big successes on the web at all. Most of those big successes look nothing like Mark Zuckerberg – they look like you. And they look like your colleagues at work. We’ve already seen that the web works very similar to the rest of the economy. The money comes from people selling hair shampoo and holidays. and these aren’t businesses that are changing lives. These are everyday, regular old businesses. They’re also proven, simple and easy to replicate. They’re lower risk. And as a business person, you probably understand them.

So instead of trying to transform the way we communicate, how about you just take a business model that you know works and then replicate it? It might sound less inspiring or amazing. But it’s also MUCH more likely to help you make lots of money online. Because it has done the same thing for countless other people. There’s nothing wrong with look at a business model that works well and then simply replicating it precisely, knowing that it will do the same for us. It’s quicker, smarter and more effective. And in this next section, we’re going to take that notion to its most extreme conclusion: by literally copying and pasting someone else’s business.

With their permission of course! PLR Products: The Fastest Way Imaginable to Start Making Reliable Income Online The business in question simply revolves around selling PLR products. PLR stands for ‘Private Label Rights’ and is a type of license – meaning that you have certain rights when it comes to how you can use the product that you’re buying. Specifically, a PLR license gives you the right to...

Read more in my blog post and Get my FREE Gift for you to get you Started
And take action




At Zacx Digital Agency our goal is to provide professional and highly creative result-oriented digital marketing services and other related advisory and consulting services that will assist businesses, individuals, and non-profit organizations in promoting their brands and reaching out to a wide range of potential customers all over the globe by utilizing customer data as a Win to win using our new technology marketing tools and Strategy such Wifi Marketing Analytics and SEO/SMO Software etc.


12 Garba Street Sabon Kaura


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