Inikpi, self- sacrificing Igala Princess
Princess Inikpiwas a beautiful andintelligentyoung woman, whose selfless sacrifice savedher people from doom. Shewas the only daughter of her parents— the Atah AyegbaOma Idoko and queen Omele.
The Igala Kingdomat about the 15th and16th century was at loggerheads withthe BiniKingdom, one oftheir strongest enemies. The Bini warriors persistently attacked Igala land to the extent of wantingto annihilate the people. TheBini warriors employed different tactics, includingpoisoning the streams, sudden attacksin the day andnight, andlaying siege to their farmland. The Igala people then livedin constant fear, as they could notgo to the farm or to the stream.
Owing to this, the chiefs consulted the oracle, which proclaimed that the only remedy to the safety ofthe kingdomandvictory inwar, was for the kingto bury his most beloveddaughter, Inikpi, alive. The kinghadfour male children —Akogu, Agada, Eleme, Ohiemi Obogo —and Inikpi his onlyfemale child. He loved Inikpiso much, which was oneof the reasons she wasalways inthe palace withthe father.
The kingwas distraughtand for days could noteat or drink. He pleaded withthe oracle to acceptslaves, butit insisted it mustbe royal blood —Inikpi.
The Princess noticed his father’s unhappymood and tried to find out why, but he would nottell her. She became worriedtoo and persistedto ask until the seventh day, the kingtold her whatthe oracle saidhe should do to saveIgala land andthe people from destruction.
Knowing the reason for her father’s sad mood, Inikpi promised to offer herself. Her acceptance brought mourning across the land, especially from Omele, her mother.
On the appointed day, Inikpi went to the bankof River Niger at Idaandwas buried alive alongside nine virgin slaves that wouldhelp her thereafter.
After the sacrifice, asthe Bini warriors advanced they saw the whole Igala land in flames andretreated, believing that there wasnoneed taking the war to a townalready onfire. But it was the blood of Inikpi that deceivedthem, accordi