Our missions is to Educate & promoting the legalization of Cannabis in all countries of the world for both medicinal and recreational use, along with the legalization of industrial h**p. We advocate the immediate legalization of the herbaceous plant Cannabis sativa in all its varieties, products, and uses, including cannabis for medicinal purposes, cannabis for recreational use, and h**p for fiber
and other products. We call upon the governments of all states and nations, and we call upon the United Nations, to terminate their policies and practices of cannabis/h**p prohibition. We celebrate liberty with the residents of those states and nations where cannabis and h**p are already legal. The need to end prohibition of medicinal cannabis is especially urgent, and the rationale for legalizing it immediately is especially compelling. People with illnesses and ailments should be able to purchase medicinal cannabis without fear of breaking the law.We post what we want no matter what it may be if you do not like a post skip it...or unlike us and move on in peace. We'll keep spreading the truths about cannabis/h**p,facts,news,fun,music,art & etc. Related to Medical Ma*****na (CANNABIS). See more here:
THE FACTS SUPPORT LEGALIZATION! GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/malaysian420group/
PAGES: https://www.facebook.com/malaysian420
Legalize Ma*****na (G***a) use in Malaysia. VOTE NOW! https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/legalize-marijuana-ganja-use-malaysia/psL44pz4