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Mulhako Uliponso Chaka Chino!Bungwe la Chikhalidwe la Mulhako wa Alhomwe lalengeza kuti chaka chino chisangararo cha Chi...

Mulhako Uliponso Chaka Chino!

Bungwe la Chikhalidwe la Mulhako wa Alhomwe lalengeza kuti chaka chino chisangararo cha Chikhalidwe cha Mulhako wa Alhomwe chikharako. Izi ndi malingana ndi Bambo Jubeki Monjeza, yemwe ndiwapa mpando wofalitsira nkhani za chisangalalochi chaka chino yemwe anauza atolankhani kulikuru la bungweri kwa Chonde, m'boma la Mulanje.

Chisangalalochi chizachitika pa 9 October 2022, ndipo akumbekezeka kugwiritsa ntchito ndalama zosachepera 150,000,000.00MK.

Mwazina pa chisangalalochi kuzakhara zakudya ngati ntsapysa ndi chipere, magule, makhwara ndizina. Ngati njira imodzi yolimbikitsa umodzi, chomweso ndi mutu wachakachino, Mulhako wa Alhomwe wayitanaso anthu a mitundu ina, kuno ku Malawi ngakhaleso kunja.


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Mulhako wa Alhomwe’s Press Statement on the Slander of Alhomwe People through Circulated Audio Authored by Mr. Silrage P...

Mulhako wa Alhomwe’s Press Statement on the Slander of Alhomwe People through Circulated Audio Authored by Mr. Silrage Phiri
Dated: 1st July, 2022

The Lhomwe Cultural Grouping has learnt and painstakingly listened with shock and disbelief the repugnant and horrendous contents of a 15 minute long diatribe audio which was, undoubtedly, aimed at inciting Malawians into violence against fellow Malawians belonging to the Lhomwe tribe. In the clip, Mr. Phiri has made accusations against Lhomwe’s which are unfounded, antagonistic and a deliberate attempt to incite tribal and cultural hatred in a nation that has thrived on co-existence from time immemorial.

The demonization of a tribe on the basis of political and ethnic extraction is primitive, counterproductive to socio-economic development and further hangs a nation on the blink of conflict. Africa is awash of examples where inability to appreciate the power of cultural and tribal diversity led to disagreements that costed innocent people their dear lives. Malawi needs not to go through the same route. Malawians are peace loving people. Malawians live beyond the boundaries of ethnicity. Malawians are one, have been one and will always remain one regardless of tribal differences.

It is absolutely regrettable that the said Mr. Phiri alleged that Lhomwe’s are Blood Suckers, that all the problems in this country are caused by people of Lhomwe Tribe, that all Malawians are victims of Lhomwe’s exploits in different sectors, and that Lhomwes be declared persona non grata in their own country. This smacks the perpetration of a culture of character assassination and the hangover of tribal and ethnic alienation that others wish to vent on people that are innocent, peace-loving and development-conscious.

The Lhomwe Cultural Group premises itself on the foundations of love, respect for humanity and the preservation of the dignity of all human beings regardless of race, colour and ethnic extraction. Lhomwes are proud to have lived with people of different ethnic lines in peace and harmony, as brothers and sisters and together fostering social economic development. Lhomwes are further proud that they even contributed alot towards the significant development of this nation. Lhomwes have impacted greatly in economic, agriculture, education, medical, engineering, law and many other sectors of life and they still continue and will keep on without being threatened by ill-minded ethnic despots.
One would have anticipated that the Ministry of Unity and Civic Education would have been at the forefront condemning the disparaging remarks, vehemently and categorically rebuking the irresponsible and ill advised announcements that have the potential to ignite tribal fire in the country. Alas, we are greeted with deafening silence.

It must be clarified that Lhomwe tribe, just like any other tribe, has no political affiliation. Lhomwes do not entertain or encourage the practicing of politics that thrives on ethnic differences as that is a recipe for national disaster. It promotes nepotism and is retrogressive as it is lacks merit on the basis of its inability to accord people same liberties.

It is imperative to put matters in an appropriate context. Mulhako wa Alhomwe is an organization founded in 2008 to provide exposure to cultural traditions of the Lhomwe tribe. Its main focus is to expose children, and people from other tribes and countries, to the ethnic customs (dance, drumming, storytelling, poetry, tribal history, arts and crafts) as a means of promoting self-esteem, creativity and preservation of the Lhomwe tribal customs. By preserving a culture, one keeps the traditions, family values, sociological standards and morals, and language.

The Cultural Grouping has noble objectives which include, but not limited to:

(a) To assist government in developing and preserving culture, customs and traditions of this country and to cooperate with other tribes in Malawi and elsewhere in the preservations of African cultures, traditions and heritage.

(b) To play a key role in promoting and safeguarding of human rights particularly that of women and girls in regard to Girls Education, HIV/AIDS, Sexual Reproductive Health, Protection from Harmful Cultural Practices and Child Harassment including Trafficking.

(c) To assist Government in empowering communities through innovations in education, science and technology to mitigate issues of poverty, environment and climate change.

(d) To enhance unity and cultural diversity through promotion and protection of intellectual properties, genetic resources, expression of folklores, and traditional knowledge.

In the light of this retrogressive conduct exposed through the voice of Mr. Phiri, it is imperative that the government through the Ministry Responsible for Civic Education condemns the demonic message advanced by Mr. Phiri and his cronies that may have been resonating with his sentiments. Let churches, Cultural Heritage Groupings, Public Affairs Committee, CSO’s, International Organizations make their responses to the circulated audio as it puts the country at the risk of the cancer of cultural and tribal hatred.

Mulhako wa Alhomwe humbly demands that one Mr. Silrage Phiri, author of the audio massage, apologizes to all Lhomwe Chiefs, Entire Mulhako Wa Alhomwe Leadership and all Alhomwe Cultural Grouping through written communication and audio message within the next 48 hours. Failure to comply with the demand will leave the Alhomwe cultural grouping with no any other option than taking unspecified action within legal parameters.

All Lhomwes, being peaceful as they have always been, are urged to be stronger as ever before. Unity and strength, oneness and prosperity, is never stronger, than when tested. Lhomwes take pride in their cultural heritage and will always cherish their values in harmony with people of all ethnic extractions.

God bless Malawi, God Bless us All.
The Board of Trustees-Mulhako wa Alhomwe

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Tidzakhara "LIVE" pa page yathu ino. Komaso sabata imeneyi, tikhara tikukupatsiraniso magawo ena a zina zomwe malemu Bin...

Tidzakhara "LIVE" pa page yathu ino. Komaso sabata imeneyi, tikhara tikukupatsiraniso magawo ena a zina zomwe malemu Bingu Wa Mutharika zinali m'maso mphenya awo komaso malingariro awo ku dziko la Malawi ndi Africa.

Izi ndizomwe anazilemba mu book lawo lotchedwa "The African Dream, 'From Poverty to Prosperity'

Kharani pompo.

28 MARCH-MU MBIRIMu 1658, tsiku ngati lero sitima ya Dutch East Indus Company (VOC), yotchedwa Amersfoort inafika ndi ak...


Mu 1658, tsiku ngati lero sitima ya Dutch East Indus Company (VOC), yotchedwa Amersfoort inafika ndi akapolo okwana 174 ku South Africa, ndipo ichi chikukhara chiyambi cha zaka 200 za malonda a ukapolo pa doko la Cape ku South Africa.

Sitima yama Dutchyi sinari yotenga akaporo, koma inakumanizana ndi sitima ya Apwitikizi omwe anatenga akapolo 500, amayi ndi amuna kuchokera ku dziko la Angola.

Sitima ya Apwitikizi inalandidwa akaporo 250, nkuwasiyira ena. Ena mwa akapolowa anafika nawo ku gombe kuti apeze mpweya wabwino poti ambiri anafooka, kudwara ndi kufa. Potero chiwerengero chinafika pa 174. Izi zikufotokozedwa bwino muzolemba za Van Riebeck yemwe tikumuona mu mbiri kukhara mbari imodzi yayikuru malonda a ukapolo kuno ku Africa.

Malonda a ukapolo anali oipa kwambiri. Ana ndi akuru, amayi ndi abambo amagwidwa nkumawagulitsa ngati katundu. Amatengedwa nkumakagwira ntchito nyumba komaso m'minda ndi makampani ku maiko azungu mokakamizidwa. Kugwidwa, kutengedwa komaso kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati chinthu chabe osati anthu, ndi mbari imodzi ya mbiri za nkhanza zonse mtundu wa anthu akuda ku Africa unachitiridwira. Anthu ma million agwidwa, kuthawa, komaso kufa kumene kudzera mu mchitidwewu.

Mabungwe ndi anthu omenyera ufuru akhara akudzudzura mchitidwewu komaso kupempha kuti maiko omwe anatenga akapolo alipire, komabe izi zakhara zobvuta kuti zikwaniritsidwe.

Mu nkhani zathu zokhudzana ndi MBIRI pano pa Sapitwa tikhara tikufukura za malonda a ukapolo, chiyambi, kulimbana nawo kufikira pomwe anathetsedwa.

DESMOND DUNDWA PHIRI       23 February, 1931 - 24 March 2019     "Mzimu Wawo Uuse Mu Mtendere Wosatha"Amadziwika  bwino ...


23 February, 1931 - 24 March 2019

"Mzimu Wawo Uuse Mu Mtendere Wosatha"

Amadziwika bwino ndi dzina loti DD Phiri. Anali mlembi, katswiri pa nkhani zachuma, kachitidwe ka zinthu komaso katswiri wa mbiri (historian)

Phiri anabadwira ku Mzimba, pa 23 February, 1931 ndipo anatisiya pa 24 February, 2019. Kupatula kugwira ntchito m'boma ndikuluma mu 1972, amachitaso maphunziro mpaka a udokotala (Doctorate). DD Phiri amalemba nkhani zosiyanasiyana mu newspaper ya Nation. Anayambitsa sukulu ya Agrrey Memorial yomwe yathandiza anthu ochuluka m'Malawi ndi kunja.

DD Phiri anasindikiza mabukhu 17 okhudA zachuma, mbiri, kayendetsedwe kazinthu ndi zina. Amalembaso nkhani zopeka (fiction) ndipo nkhani zina amalemba m'chilankhuro chachitumbuka ngati bukhu lotchedwa "Ulanda Wa Mavunika".

Mu 2011 anapatsidwa ulemu ndi bungwe la Pan-African Writers Association lomwe limalimbikitsa zolemba za chi Africa. Ndipo anali gulu la alembi 20 omwe zolemba zawo zinali za mphamvu kwambiri muno mu Africa.

Malawi analuza nkhokwe ya nzeru ndi luso lakuphunzitsa kudzera muzolemba. Mzimu wa DD Phiri kudzera mu zolemba zawo upitirize kutilimbikitsa tonse ngati alembi ndi okonda kuwerenga.

Mzimu Wawo Uuse Mu Mtendere Wosatha

NYIMBO YOFUNIKA KUIMVERA"sikungomvera kokha, komaso kuphunzira, makamaka achinyamata"Agorosso Llyod Phaundi, yemwe nyimb...

"sikungomvera kokha, komaso kuphunzira, makamaka achinyamata"

Agorosso Llyod Phaundi, yemwe nyimbo zake zimaimbidwa mumamvekedwe a magule a kwathu kuno maka achigwa cha mtsinje wa Shire ndi ena, waturutsa nyimbo yatsopano yotchedwa .

Nyimboyi waimba ndi Local Girl Keturah yemweso nyimbo zake zimaonetsa chikhalidwe cha Malawi komaso Africa.

Mawa Friday, 25 February 2022, 14:00pm tikhara tikusanthura nyimbo imeneyi.

Mukhoza kumvera komaso kupeza nyimboyi pa masamba osiyanasiyana a internet omwe amapanga za nyimbo.

MIZINGA YA RUSSIA YIPITIRIRA KUKANTHA UKRAINE'Pomwe nkhondo yikulowa sabata ya chinayi.'Malingana ndi ma report a nkhond...


'Pomwe nkhondo yikulowa sabata ya chinayi.'

Malingana ndi ma report a nkhondo akuti zomwe yachita Russia zikhoza kukhara machitachita a nkhondo akuru kwambiri pa nthaka yaku Ulaya kutsatira World War 2, muzaka za 1938-1945.

Kutsatira zomwe Russia yachita kuthira nkhondo Ukraine kwachitika zambiri zomwe zakhudzaso maiko ambiri ndi umoyo wa anthu. Zina ndi monga: Kusalidwa kwa Russia pa nkhani za chuma ndi malonda, ndipo maiko akuganiza zochotsa Russia mu bungwe la maiko 20 olemera kwambiri pa dziko lonse. Anthu olemera aku Russia (Russian Billionaires) ayamba kusamutsa chuma chawo ku Russia. Ukraine kudzera mwa mtsogoleri wawo, Volodymir Zelensky wakhara akupempha maiko maka a bungwe la chitetezo la NATO kuti a chitepo kanthu kuthana ndi nkhondo yomwe Russia yayambitsa. Komaso kudzudzulidwa kwa Russia pakamenyedwe ka nkhondo yake yomwe akuti mizinga yawo ikufikira anthu omwe si asilikari ndi malo omwe si asilikari. Kufikira lero anthu osachepera 19000 aphedwa kapena kufa, ena 1900 avulazidwa, ndipo ena 100,000 akakamira mu mzinda wa Mariupol, komwe asilikali aku Russia akangalika kuponya mizinga. Ndipo ena 10million athawa komwe amakhara ndipo a kukhara ngati osowa malo (refugees) Nyumba 1700 zaonongedwa ndipo katundu okwana $119billion waonongedwaso.

Mafunao omwe akufunsidwa ndi akuti, m'chifukwa chani Russia inalowa m'dziko la Ukraine ndi nkhondo? Pali zomwe zadziwika, komaso zina sizinadziwike kapena kumvetsetseka. Sapitwa FM Radio yikupatsirani Zobisika Zokhudzana ndi Nkhondo ya Russia ku Ukraine.

Tidziwe kuti, Russia ndi Ukraine anali mbali imodzi ya United Socialist Soviet Republics (1917 mpaka 1991). Komaso m'chaka cha 2014 pa February 20, dziko la Russia lidalowaso ku Ukraine ndi nkhondo. Tidziweso kuti Russia ndi Ukraine alindi mzika zofanana za gulu lolankhura chilankhuro chachi Slavic, limodzi ndi maiko ngati Poland, Czech, komaso Bulgaria. Vladimir Putin, yemwe ndi mtsogoleri Wa Russia pachiyambi anati iyi sinkhondo koma kukhazikitsa bata maka kuthana ndi gulu la N**I, komaso kuchepetsa mphamvu za nkhondo za dziko la Ukraine lomwe linayamba ubare ndi bungwe la nkhondo la NATO momwe muliso maiko a USA, Britain, France and ena.

Kodi zoona za nkhondo iyi ndi ziti? M'chifukwa chani maiko a mphamvu ngati USA, France, Germany, Japan ndi ena sakufuna kulowerera potumiza asilikali awo?

Kondani (LIKE THIS PAGE) page ino komaso auzeni anzanu amene akufuna kumva za nkhondo ya Russian ku Ukraine.

MATENDA A POLIO ABUKASOPa 17 February 2022, unduna wa zaumoyo m'dziko muno unalengeza za kupezekaso kwa matenda a polio....


Pa 17 February 2022, unduna wa zaumoyo m'dziko muno unalengeza za kupezekaso kwa matenda a polio. Matenda wa awonekaso kwathu kuno koyamba kuchokera m'chaka cha 1992. Ndipo ku Afrika kuno kuchokera m'chaka cha 2016. Kuzindikiridwa koyamba kwa polioyu yemwe akutchedwa kuti Type 1 Wild Polivirus (WPV1) kunachitika ku Lilongwe.

Pachifukwa ichi mtsogoleri wa dziko lino mwezi wa February womwewo anaika kupezeka kwa nthenda ya polioyi ngati ngozi pa ntchito zu umoyo (Public Health Emergency). Ndipo kudzera mu ndondomeko za umoyo zomwe zilipo kale, kudzeraso mu ntchito za kulimbikitsa madyedwe abwino (Scaling Up Nutrition), komaso ntchito za ma Health Surveillance Assistant (HSA's), komaso ndondomeko ya National Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) yomwe inayamba m'chaka cha 1971, boma la Malawi lakhazikitsa ntchito yopereka katemera wina wa polio kwa anthu ochuluka (mass vaccination). Katemerayu aziperekedwa kwa ana osaposera zaka 5 motere:
1. Gawo loyamba, kuyambira pa 1 March, 2022
2. Gawo lachiwiri, kuyamvira pa 1 April 2022

Ntchitoyi igwiridwa ndi thandizo la chuma kuchokera ku World Health Organization (WHO) ndipo boma la Malawi kudzera ku unduna wa za Umoyo agwirira limodzi ndi bungwe la Red Cross Society.

Nkhani yakatemera wa polio yikudza pambuyo pakusabvomekeza kwa anthu pa nkhani zokhudza katemera wa Covid-19. Ena akuganiza kuti boma likunamizira nthenda ya polio kuti likwaniritse mulingo womwe akufuna wa anthu obayitsa katemera wa Covid-19.

Koma choti tidziwe nthenda ya polio siyalero. Inabuka Covid-19 asanabwere. Ndiyoopsa, ikhoza kuwononga moyo. Nthendayi imafoora nthiti ndi kufa kwa ziwaro. Manja ndi miyendo zimanyetcheraso. Nthendayi amapatsirana makamaka pakati pa anthu omwe sanabayitse katemera wa polio.

Chifukwa chachikondi, koma chidziwitsa pa moyo wa ana anthu, tiyeni titenge gawo poonetsetsa kuti onse oyenera kulandira katemerayu alandira.

Uthenga umene ukutipeza kuchokera ku Kamuzu StadiumBullets 2-1 WanderersIdana 16"Mfune 82"Nyangulu 78"Mapale ayamba bwin...

Uthenga umene ukutipeza kuchokera ku Kamuzu Stadium
Bullets 2-1 Wanderers
Idana 16"
Mfune 82"

Nyangulu 78"

Mapale ayamba bwino, Manoma azitolere akukuwa choncho anthu ozitsata.

BOLA PAMTSETSE-SUPER LEAGUE YAYAMBIKAKuwinyawinya, kusakhutitsidwa, kunalipo ndithu. Komabe zonse zikuyambika lero, mase...


Kuwinyawinya, kusakhutitsidwa, kunalipo ndithu. Komabe zonse zikuyambika lero, masewero a mpira wa miyendo. Ma timu 16, iriyonse kumenya ma game 30. Ligi yonse ma game 480. TNM, 2022 akuti BOLA PAMTSETSE.

Iyitu ndi ligi yapamwamba kwambiri m'dziko muno, yomwe ndalama zake imapereka ndi TNM. Nyengo ino TNM ikuti pali 40,000,000.00MK kwa katswiri wa mpikisanowu. Komaso mphotho ndi zina zochitika zambiri mkati mwandimemu.

Kamuzu Stadium, lero pa 19 March, 2022. Mapale, Nyasa Big Bullets maso ndi maso ndi Manoma Mighty Wanderers. Zonse zikuyamba 10:00 mmawa uno, pomwe zipata za Kamuzu Stadium zikutsekuridwa.

ATSARA NDI MASANJEWatero Mlaka Maliro mu nyimbo yake yatsopano yotchedwa "Vinyo Watha".Funso nkumati, wamuthera vinyoyo ...


Watero Mlaka Maliro mu nyimbo yake yatsopano yotchedwa "Vinyo Watha".

Funso nkumati, wamuthera vinyoyo ndi ndani anthuni? Anthu akufuna kudziwa mu nyimbo ya Mlaka Maliro yemwe kwaka nthawi anasiya kaye kuyimba nkuyankha mayitanidwe a Ubusa ndi mpingo wa ECG woyambitsidwa ndi Mneneri Shepherd Bushiri, yemwe so amadzitcha kuti ndi Mneneri wankulu. Nkhani yikuti Mbusa Mlaka wabwererako ku mpingowu ndipo wasiya kutumikira pazifukwa za banja. Paliso nkhani yoti mkazi wake Bernadette anali mu mpungwepungwe wakhalidwe losayenera Mayi Mbusa mpaka zinthu zinasokonekera. Awiriwa ngati banja abwerera ku Malawi. Kapenatu ku Swaziland analiko vinyo watha?

Koma verse yapatsaso chidwi mu nyimboyi ikumati:

Akuyenda mwa mdidi mbendera petupetu
Komatu vinyo watha
Nkanadziwa Kanani munkanena uja anali wapachibale
Nkatsara konkuja nkumaphura njerwa nkumadya kamodzi
Atsara ndi masanje, musapusitsike
Palibe chilipo

Aliyense akhoza kuwona ekha kuti awa anali malonjezano a boma la Tonse omwe pano sakuonekaso. Tonse tikudziwa bwino m'mene anyamata a Tonse amalankhulira "Sweet Talk"

Kapenatu kumeneko ndi kumene vinyo watha.

Pa 17 March ndi tsiku lomwe mtsogoleri wakale wa dziko lino komaso woyamba mu ulamuliro wazipani zambiri Dr. Bakili Mulu...

Pa 17 March ndi tsiku lomwe mtsogoleri wakale wa dziko lino komaso woyamba mu ulamuliro wazipani zambiri Dr. Bakili Muluzi, Atcheya anabadwa. Komaso tsiku lomweri ndi lomwe mwana wakatswiri woyimba nyimbo Soldier Lucius Banda, Mapiri Bakili Banda anabadwa. Atcheya ndiomwe anampatsa mwanayu dzinali. Zimamvekaso kuti mwana wa Atcheya, Atupele, yemwe ndi mtsogoleri Wa UDF anapatsidwa dzinari ndi mtsogoleri woyamba wadziko lino malemu Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda. Wodala Opatsidwa mayina ndi ma pulezidenti.

Mtengo uwu ndi wasabata ino. Mtengo Wa sabata ya mawa tikupatsiraniso.Posachedwapa anduna azachuma mu ndondomeko yachuma...

Mtengo uwu ndi wasabata ino. Mtengo Wa sabata ya mawa tikupatsiraniso.

Posachedwapa anduna azachuma mu ndondomeko yachuma cha dziko cha 2022 ndi 2023 analengeza kuchotsedwa kwa msonkho womwe unali pa mafuta ophikira uja amati VAT. Izi amachita kuti mafuta ophikira atsike mtengo. Lero malo motsika akukwera.

 Football Association of Malawi has named Mibawa Studios to produce content for Live football match broadcasting.FAM inc...

Football Association of Malawi has named Mibawa Studios to produce content for Live football match broadcasting.

FAM inconjuction With SULOM and Mibwa have signed Memorandum of Understand.

Spaeking at a press Briefing at Amaryllis Hotel in Blantyre, FAM Vice President Justice Jabbar Alide says the deal Will help Super League teams to benefit from revenue.

The football contents produced by Mibawa Will be Beamed on Zuku Television Channel 064 as Mpira TV has Officially placed On Zuku Television.

By Titani Willard

Sapitwa FM Radio

Mverani Sapitwa Sunrise Sports Lero Lolemba  pa 1 NovemberNthawi 07:10 am107. 5 FM

Mverani Sapitwa Sunrise Sports

Lero Lolemba pa 1 November

Nthawi 07:10 am

107. 5 FM

The Football Association of Malawi's Flames Task Force has launched news Fundraising initiative "Ipase Moto Flames and W...

The Football Association of Malawi's Flames Task Force has launched news Fundraising initiative "Ipase Moto Flames and Win."

Speaking at Press Conference in Chiwembe, FAM marketing and broadcasting manager who is also Publicity Secretary for the Flames Task force spokesperson Tulipo Mwenelupembe says the initiative will allow fans to contribute money for the Malawi National football team ahead of 2022 AFCON.

This is the second phase of Ipase Moto Flames Fundraising as last month, the task force collected 74.3 Million from Golf tournament.

In the promotion, a partipate is required to o enter by dialling to *3089 # to stand a chance to winning weekly prizes of five flames Replica Jerseys and monthly prizes of three Deep freezer.

Mwenelupembe has further disclosed that the the drawa for the grand prize promotion will be done on December 30 an the winner will walk away with the Toyota Sienta.

On his part, Executive member for the Task Force Stain Singo says the they are is targeting to raise K700 million to meet K1.4 Billion target as government will contribute another K700 Million.

By Titani Willard

Sapitwa FM News

   'sLodge #23/10/2021



Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi-Escom has assured the public on the completion of Malawi-Mozambique interconnection project.

The interconnection deal is expected to add 50 megawatts to the national grid once operational.

Speaking during a Media Briefing in Blantyre, Escom senior project manager Alex Kaitane says this will translate to improved access to electricity Supply in the country.

According to Kaitane, the deadline to complete the project is October 2023.

The project was initially scheduled to be completed in 2022 but the effect of Covid-19 pandemic led to the extension.

The country is currently generating 500 megawatts and the project is being supported by World Bank, European Union and Malawi Government.

By Titani Willard

Sapitwa FM Radio

" "-MulliMulhako WA Alhomwe Cultural Group has delighted with 2021 Mulhako WA Alhomwe Cultural Festival.The event was bl...

" "-Mulli

Mulhako WA Alhomwe Cultural Group has delighted with 2021 Mulhako WA Alhomwe Cultural Festival.

The event was blessed with the attendance of the patron and Former President of Malawi professor Peter Muntharika, Dr. Bakili Muluzi, DDP Vice president in the Southern region Kondwani Nankhumwa, Dalitso Kabambe, Joseph Mwananveka, George Chaponda and many Others.

Speaking at the event, The Patron for Mulhako Wa Alhomwe Peter Muntharika indicated that Mulhako WA Alhomwe will stay for many generations.

On other hand Muntharika also assured Malawians that he will never leave Malawians saying is monitoring how people are suffering under Tonse Administration.

However, Former United Democratic Front-UDF Leader Bakili Muluzi hailed Mulhako WA Alhomwe Cultural Group for the event saying the Festival is great tool for unifying Malawians despite of having different political views.

In his remarks, Chairperson for Mulhako Wa Alhomwe Leston Mulli has asked government to stop mistreating Lhomwe people.

Mulli has also described this Year's Cultural Festival as Successful saying there some people who have thought that The group was relying to the ruling party to provide funding for organising the event.

"Am very happy as the event has organised by the local people's contributions, and now as you see Chief are at the forefront, supported by the board of trustees," Mulli.

Meanwhile, Acting Paramount Chief Kaduya appealed to the public to stop related Mulhako WA Alhomwe with other political parties.

"People were thinking that Mulhako festival would not happen but let me assure you, Mulhako WA Alhomwe is for everyone including chiefs," she said.

The event has been celebrated under the Theme "Strengthening Lhomwe Cultural Values."

The 13th Festival has happened on Sunday October 10 after last year's break due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The event brought together Chewa, Tumbuka, Ngoni, Yao, Tonga and other Cultural Groups.

By Titani Willard

Sapitwa FM Radio

 'Chipiku Premier Division CRFA Play-Offs involving Wimbe United and Dedza Dynamos has been ended prematurely in the  62...


Chipiku Premier Division CRFA Play-Offs involving Wimbe United and Dedza Dynamos has been ended prematurely in the 62nd minute.

The match has abandoned as Wimbe United players protest to referee against the decision of awarding them a corner kick instead of what they thought it would be a spot kick.

Wimbe players insisted that Dynamos player handled the ball in the eighteen yard box hence deserving a penalty.

However, Wimbe United player Justine Honde, who is believed to have beaten up the referee, was red carded but refused to go out from the field of play.

The team officials, players and match coordinators left the field after failing to come up with a solution.

CRFA will determine the Way forward as there is gap of a point between number one team Dedza Dynamos and Extreme FC which is on position two.

Sunday 10th October, 2021

-Airborne rangers 2-0 Green rangers
-Extreme FC 1-0 Silver Reserves
Wimbe utd vs Dedza Dynamos game result withheld.

Sapitwa FM Radio

 Sunday Full Time resultsKukoma Diamonds 57:26 Shizaella QueensPrison Queens 50:28 Chilomoni SistersImosys NC 69:29 Mach...

Sunday Full Time results

Kukoma Diamonds 57:26 Shizaella Queens

Prison Queens 50:28 Chilomoni Sisters

Imosys NC 69:29 Machinjiri sisters

Sapitwa FM Radio

 The final day of Mulhako WA Alhomwe Cultural Festival has reached climax as Black Missionaries Band is ready to perform...

The final day of Mulhako WA Alhomwe Cultural Festival has reached climax as Black Missionaries Band is ready to perform live at Mulanje Park Stadium this Evening from 20:00

People from different cultures attended this Year's Festival at Chonde after cancellation of 2020 Festival due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Titani Willard

Sapitwa FM Radio

 Patron for Mulhako Wa Alhomwe who is also Country's former President Professor Peter Muntharika has remainded DPP membe...

Patron for Mulhako Wa Alhomwe who is also Country's former President Professor Peter Muntharika has remainded DPP members that he is still Leader of the party Until 2023.

Muntharika has revealed that the party is assessing it's Laws ready for 2023 conventional.

"Am here making clarification that DPP will have new leader after the convention but now am still the leader of the party," he said.

The Patron has also assured Malawians that he will never leaver Malawians saying is monitoring how people are suffering under Tonse Administration.

Meanwhile, Muntharika has also indicated that Mulhako WA Alhomwe will stay for the generation.

Titani Willard

Sapitwa FM Radio

 Former President of Malawi Dr. Bakili Muluzi has Cautioned Democratic Progressive Party-DPP Leaders for causing disorga...

Former President of Malawi Dr. Bakili Muluzi has Cautioned Democratic Progressive Party-DPP Leaders for causing disorganized among party members.

According to Muluzi, The party's Leaders need to build unity as the main opposition party.

"District and regional committee are united but leaders at national level need to cooperate and have one works for the betterment of the country," Muluzi.

Former United Democratic Front-UDF has commended all people who were at the event saying Mulhako WA Alhomwe Cultural Festival is great tool unifying Malawians despite of having different political views.

Titani Willard

Sapitwa FM Radio

 Chairperson for Mulhako Wa Alhomwe Leston Mulli has condemned government for what they call nepotism.Mulli was speaking...

Chairperson for Mulhako Wa Alhomwe Leston Mulli has condemned government for what they call nepotism.

Mulli was speaking at this Year's Mulhako Wa Alhomwe Cultural festival in Mulanje.

The Chairperson has further called upon government to stop mistreating Lhomwe people.

"Alot of Lhomwe people have been arrested under Tonse government and others has fired from their government position," He said.

Mulli has however called on for unit among different cultural groups in the country.

By Titani Willard

Sapitwa FM Radio

 .This Year's Mulhako Wa Alhomwe Cultural event is underway at its headquarters, Chonde in Mulanje.Former president of M...


This Year's Mulhako Wa Alhomwe Cultural event is underway at its headquarters, Chonde in Mulanje.

Former president of Malawi Dr. Bakili Muluzi, DDP Vice president in the Southern region Kondwani Nankhumwa, Dalitso Kabambe, Joseph Mwananveka have all arrived at the event.

The country's former president who is also patron for Mulhako Wa Alhomwe Professor Aurther Peter Muntharika is at the event as Guest of honour.

By Titani Willard

Sapitwa FM News

Mulhako Uja Watheka Basi!

Mulhako Uja Watheka Basi!

 NICO Group of Companies has pledged K5 million to the Malawi National Women's football team if they win the COSAFA Wome...

NICO Group of Companies has pledged K5 million to the Malawi National Women's football team if they win the COSAFA Women's Championship.

The Scorchers beat South Africa 3-2 on Thursday to qualify for the Cosafa final for the first time.

The team will play against Tanzania on Saturday at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium in South Africa.

NICO Group Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Lorraine Phiri said Nico Group is excited by the Scorchers win against South Africa and their subsequent qualification to the finals.

"The ladies have carried the flag high. As a patriotic Malawian Group of companies, we would like to make a small gesture to encourage our ladies as they prepare for the finals", Said phiri.

The company has also pledged to offer K100,000 for the goal scorer and K40,000 to each player for every goal they score on Saturday.

This comes as Football Association of Malawi-FAM also doubles allowances of the Scorchers from K300 000 to K600 000.

The team is giving hope to many Malawians despite playing in the tournament without well known Women's Footballers, The Chawinga Sisters.

By Titani Willard

Sapitwa FM Radio

Anthu Okhala maboma a Nsanje ndi Chikwawa atha kusangala pamene Bungwe loyendetsa masewero ampira wamiyendo mchigawo cha...

Anthu Okhala maboma a Nsanje ndi Chikwawa atha kusangala pamene Bungwe loyendetsa masewero ampira wamiyendo mchigawo chakumwera la Southern Region Football Association-SRFA labweretsa Mpikisano ku mabomawa.

Mpikisanowu ndi wa ndalama zokwana K5 Million omwe ukhale ukuthandizidwa ndi SAEED Investment yomwe imachita malonda Ogulitsa mafuta (Filling Station) komanso zinthu zina.

Polakhulapo, Wapampando wa Southern Region Football Association Raphael Humba wati ndiwokondwa kuti apeza Nthandizo la Ndalama zotere kuchokera Ku SAEED Investment.

"Ndikuyenera kukhala osangalala potengera kuti zachitikazi ndizimene tinawalonjeza anthu kuchigawo chakummwera pamene timakopa anthu kuti atiyike mmaudindo," Humba.

Mpikisanowu uzitchulidwa kuti Southern Region Football Association SAEED Investment Chikwawa and Nsanje Football Trophy.

Matimu okwana 32 ndi omwe atenge nawo gawo mu mpikisanowu, matimu 16 azasewera m'boma la Chikwawa ndipo ena 16 Ku Nsanje ndipo pamapeto pake boma lililonse kuzachoka matimu anayi omwe adzafike mu ndime ya quarterfinals.

katswiri wa mpikisanowu adzatenga ndalama yokwana K900 000, timu ya Chiwiri izachoka ndi K800 000, timu yacitatu idzatenga K500 000 pamene timu yomwe izamalize pa nambala yachinayi azaipasa 300, 000.

Kumbali ina, matimu omwe adzafike mu ndime ya quarterfinal adzalandila ndalama zokwana K150 000 timu iliyonse.

Mwini wake WA SAEED Investment Watson Dinyeloh wati ayika Ndalama zotere mu mpira ngati mbali imodzi yothokoza ma customer awo omwe amawagura zinthu zawo ku Chikwawa ndi Nsanje.

"Tikufunisisa titatolela anyamata angapo oti adzatiyimilire ku matimu akulu akulu mdziko muno ndipo tikhala tikupitiliza mpaka kale,". watero Dinyeloh.

Masewero akuyembekezeka kudzayamba pa 17 October, chaka chino kwa N'gabu M'boma la chikwawa.

By Yohane JP M'bwera

Sapitwa FM Radio







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