Malta Sunshine Radio

Malta Sunshine Radio 24 hour a day online radio station from Malta with the best hits from the 60s, 70s, 80s 90s and today

Happy Easter from all at Malta Sunshine Radio.

Happy Easter from all at Malta Sunshine Radio.

Listen to the Formula Indie show every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday between 2-4pm on your favorite online radio station ...

Listen to the Formula Indie show every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday between 2-4pm on your favorite online radio station Malta Sunshine Radio

Malta Sunshine Radio is a station that broadcasts 24 hours a day from sunny Malta. It gives you the best hits from all over the years. Keep listening to the best online station.

Happy New Year from Malta Sunshine Radio.

Happy New Year from Malta Sunshine Radio.

Happy Xmas from Malta Sunshine Radio.

Happy Xmas from Malta Sunshine Radio.

Hello December, may your days be merry and bright.

Hello December, may your days be merry and bright.

We would like to inform our listeners that due to a technical fault the broadcasts are currently suspended and will star...

We would like to inform our listeners that due to a technical fault the broadcasts are currently suspended and will start broadcasting again 24 hours a day as soon as possible.

Thanks for the attention.

We would like to inform our listeners that Malta Sunshine Radio has now started the new autumn schedule with more progra...

We would like to inform our listeners that Malta Sunshine Radio has now started the new autumn schedule with more programs and new presenters during the day.

Thanks for following this channel.

Malta llum tfakkar ‘Jum l-Indipendenza’Pajjiżna llum qed ifakkar it-59 anniversarju mill-kisba tal-Indipendenza: Il-jum ...

Malta llum tfakkar ‘Jum l-Indipendenza’

Pajjiżna llum qed ifakkar it-59 anniversarju mill-kisba tal-Indipendenza: Il-jum li fih il-Maltin u l-Għawdxin, bi kburija, raw il-Bandiera tar-Renju Unit nieżla. U minflokha, titla’ għall-ewwel darba l-Bandiera Maltija bl-ilwien bojod u ħomor.

Il-gżejjer tagħna f’din il-ġurnata qed ifakkru t-59 sena mit-twelid ta’ stat sovran biex minn dakinhar stajna ngħidu li għandna verament rajna f’idejna. Twelid ta’ nazzjon li, pass pass sar ukoll Repubblika.

Il-21 ta’ Settembru tibqa’ gurnata speċjali immens għall-poplu Malti u Għawdxi – mhux biss il-memorji ta’ dak li kien seħħ fix-xagħra tal-Floriana, iżda memorji ta’ kif konna kapaċi negħlbu kull sfida u nirnexxu bħala pajjiż matul il-medda tas-snin.

ILLUM JITFAKKAR JUM IL-VITORJA.It-tmienja ta’ Settembru. F’dan il-jum, pajjiżna jfakkar Jum il-Vitorja, b’żewġ rebħiet i...


It-tmienja ta’ Settembru. F’dan il-jum, pajjiżna jfakkar Jum il-Vitorja, b’żewġ rebħiet importanti fl-istorja ta’ Malta.

Bħal-lum fl-elf ħames mija ħamsa u sittin, il-Maltin rebħu fuq il-qawwa Torka fl-Assedju l-Kbir, hekk kif waslet l-għajnuna mingħand ir-Re ta’ Sqallija u qawwiet oħra Ewropew, f’dak magħruf bħala Grande Soccorso. It-Torok ħallew il-gżejjer Maltin wara tliet xhur ta’ ġlied kontinwu madwar Malta speċjalment fin-naħat tal-Port il-Kbir u n-nofsinhar ta’ Malta.

Imbagħad fl-elf disa’ mija tlieta u erbgħin, it-Taljani ċedew l-armi fit-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija. B’dan fisser li waqaf il-bombardament mill-qawwiet tal-Assi f’din il-gwerra.

Illum iċċelebrata l-festa ta’ Santa MarijaIllum tmien parroċċi madwar Malta u Għawdex li huma ddedikati lil Santa Marija...

Illum iċċelebrata l-festa ta’ Santa Marija

Illum tmien parroċċi madwar Malta u Għawdex li huma ddedikati lil Santa Marija qed jiċċelebraw il-festa ta’ Santa Marija. Seba’ parroċċi f’Malta u oħra f’Għawdex.

Il-Festa ta’ Santa Marija f’Malta tiġi ċċelebrata, fl-Imqabba, fil-Mosta, f’Ħal Għaxaq, fil-Qrendi, f’Ħ’Attard, fil-Gudja u f’Birkirkara filwaqt li f’Għawdex tiġi ċċelebrata fir-Rabat.

Il-festa tal-Assunta tiġi ċċelebrata wkoll fi tliet paroċċi oħra, f’Malta; f’Ħad-Dingli u fl-Imġarr filwaqt li f’ Għawdex tiġi ċċelebrata fiż-Żebbuġ.

Lura fis-sena 1942, 77 sena ilu, propju f’jum il-festa ta’ Santa Marija, fil-Port il-Kbir kien daħal dak li baqa’ msemmi bħala l-Konvoj ta’ Santa Marija.

Sinéad O'Connor: Irish singer dies aged 56.

Sinéad O'Connor: Irish singer dies aged 56.

As the temperature continues to rise, the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate would like to advise the p...

As the temperature continues to rise, the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate would like to advise the public on the importance of taking the necessary precautions to stay healthy and avoid adverse consequences from the effects of the heat. It is important to keep well hydrated during the hot summer days.

To avoid the effects of the heat wave it is important to:

• Keep out of the heat by avoiding any unnecessary exposure to the sun during hot periods of the day usually between 11.00 a.m. until 4.00 p.m.
• Stay cool by staying in the coolest parts of the home and work.
• Close curtains on rooms that face the sun to keep indoor spaces cooler.
• Drink plenty of water to replace fluids lost through sweating and eat more cold food such as salads.
• Avoid dehydrating liquids. Alcohol, coffee, tea and caffeinated soft drinks can make the situation worse.
• Wear light loose fitting clothing.
• Avoid physical exertion in the hottest parts of the day, either opt for indoor physical activity or carry out your physical activity in the morning when it is coolest.
• Walk in the shade, apply sunscreen, and wear a hat if you must go out in the heat.
• Never leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle, especially infants, young children or animals.
• Seek medical advice if you have any concerns.

Look out for vulnerable or elderly neighbours, family or friends who may be isolated and unable to care for themselves and make sure they are able to keep cool during the heatwave.




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