Sales-engagement as a Service | We help you build B2B Demand generation systems & predictable revenue
International Marketing Agency NJ is a premium design agency that focuses on quality, innovation, & speed. We utilized technology to bring results to grow our clients businesses. We pride ourselves in great work ethic, integrity, and end-results. Throughout the years International Marketing Agency NJ has been able to create stunning, award winning designs in multiple verticals while allowing our clients to obtain an overall better web presence.
🌟 Join IMA's Internship Program! 🌟
Ready to kickstart your career in B2B marketing and sales? Look no further! IMA's paid internship offers:
Competitive stipend
Path to full-time position
Hands-on experience
Networking opportunities
Apply now and launch your career with us!
🌟 Unlock Your Future: Join our Internship Program! 🌟 Do you dream of making your mark in the thrilling world of B2B marketing and sales? Look no further – we have the opportunity of a lifetime waiting just for you! 🚀 Welcome to International Marketing Agency’s...
is the new reality for and for the .
What does that mean for your company and what can you do to align with the market needs and demands.
Is a hybrid human AI model of business possible for you?
👉Read more on our blog.
Hey there! As many companies out there you are probably being shaken up by the emerging AI technologies that are flooding the market. On the other side, if you are having an AI product or service, you are facing growing competition in the market. So let’s say a few words about AI and how it affect...
☝ Доколку сте на самиот почеток на вашата кариера, започенете со Б2Б продажба!
☝ Не запаѓајте во замката да работите со Crypto, Dropshipping, Amazon FBA – тие може да ви донесат пари но бараат огромна инвестиција од вашето време и пари.
☝ Единствената професија со која може да започнете од НУЛА е Б2Б продажбата, каде што со знаењето и практичната работа коe ќе го стекнете како студент на нашата академија ќе може веднаш да се вработите и заработувате 👨💼👩💼
👉Прочитајте повеќе на линкот и аплицирајте уште денес:
B2B Digital Sales Academy. Master modern sales. Apply today.
B2B Digital Sales Academy е првата академија за развој на вешти B2B професионалци за дигитална продажба во Македонија. Фокусот на програмата е совладување на напредни вештини з...
👉B2B Digital Sales Academy е првата академија за развој на вешти B2B професионалци за дигитална продажба во Македонија.
👉Фокусот на програмата е совладување на напредни вештини за креирање дигитални и автоматизирани продажни и маркетинг кампањи што ќе носат до 10 пати поголем број на продажби.
👉Оваа академија е идеална за ентузијасти и амбициозни луѓе коишто сакаат да го променат статус-кво во нивниот живот, се подготвени да направат се што е потребно и да се вложат во работата.
☝Единствените критериуми за учество во академијата се познавање на англискиот јазик и силна желба за учење и развој.
B2B Digital Sales Academy. Master modern sales. Apply today.
This program will teach students advanced technical skills to create automation campaigns at scale and sell up to 10 times more than before. 🏆
We will cover topics such as:
✅ Sales fundamentals
✅ How to properly research any industry and business before you get in
✅ Digital marketing tools
✅ Sales tools
✅ Email marketing
✅ How to design and create lead generation and sales processes
✅ How to close deals and earn commissions, and so much more.
B2B Digital Sales Academy. Master modern sales. Apply today.
We wish you a jolly Holiday!
📢 We are excited to announce our brand new B2B Digital Sales Academy - the first academy for developing skilled B2B digital sales professionals in Macedonia.
This program will teach students advanced technical skills to create automation campaigns at scale and sell up to 10 times more than before. 🏆
We will cover topics such as:
✅ Sales fundamentals
✅ How to properly research any industry and business before you get in
✅ Digital marketing tools
✅ Sales tools
✅ Email marketing
✅ How to design and create lead generation and sales processes
✅ How to close deals and earn commissions, and so much more.
Students will have the chance to learn from one of the most prominent B2B digital sales experts from Macedonia and regionally, who will share their unique experiences and ready-to-go practices for success in digital sales.
To enroll in this innovative B2B Digital Sales Academy or learn more about it: ⬇️
🔱AI writing tools are becoming more and more popular and for a reason, it`s great if someone can read and write for you since it`s the most time-consuming part and requires cognitive effort.
🔱Yet, the era is starting out and you should understand how these tools work and what are the limitations.
👉Read more about it on our blog
Our founder and CEO, Borce Manev, will be one of the keynote speakers at the first Prospecting and Outreach Summit in Macedonia, organized by BizzBee Solutions. The summit is a free, whole-day virtual event that will take place on November 15th, 2022.
In his presentation, Borce will share how businesses can integrate the proper sales and marketing stack of tools, integrate different systems, and create bulletproof sales processes and automation. He will share first-hand knowledge about creating a successful email lead generation and adequately setting up these campaigns.
Read more on the link below 👇
Our founder and CEO, Borce Manev, will be one of the keynote speakers at the first Prospecting and Outreach Summit in Macedonia, organized by BizzBee Solutions. The summit is a free, whole-day virtual event that will take place on November 15th, 2022. The Prospecting and Outreach Summit will bring t...
Salespeople who are top performers in the act of prospecting generate nearly 3X more sales meetings than those who are "low" performers - or those who don't prospect at all.
You need to take prospecting seriously or give us the chance to do it for you or your sales team. Don't waste time since time is the only thing you cannot bring back.
And, time is money 😉
Top 3 Techniques
🎯Prospect Database
🎯Create a Good Prospecting Plan
🎯 Field Prospecting
✅Put your interest in your own focus and miracles will begin happening!
✅ and communication are a way to win their attention and build a relationship.
👉Read more on how to increase your demand generation and sales pipeline on our blog
🎯It seems that it`s and : 76% of the best sales rep are constantly working with their marketing teams, while also spending more time on research than on selling.
One of the biggest challenges in the last decade is the accomplishment of an infinite number of sales, extremely high ROI, and repeated purchases. While the whole process and the customers’ experience of searching, learning about a product, and buying it became digitalized, there will always be an...
👀 Do you have on your ?
If not, this is a great time to consider including women in the boy`s club, and here are a few reasons why:
✅Sales teams with over 45% women on teams achieved a 15 times higher average in sales compared with companies with less than 20% of women in sales positions.
👉 Read more about why women can make your company thrive on our blog
📢 will put your team and your to the test.
📢 Here is why you should in marketing and align your team in collaboration: statistically, combining and relevant numbers showed improvement:
⚡️The deal closure has increased by 38%
⚡️Customer retention leveled up to 36%
⚡️ increased by 208%
✅ Read more on our blog
is a time when companies are pushed into rethinking and problem-solving.
👉Here are a few ways that you can handle it:
🎯Update your portfolio
🎯Shift the Brand
🎯Change your pricing
👉Read more on our blog
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ВИЕ СТЕ ВАШИТЕ УВЕРУВАЊА - Доживејте комплетна трансформација. Почнете да живеете исполнет и просперитетен живот.
ОСТАНУВААТ УШТЕ 10 ДЕНА ДО СЕМИНАРОТ ➡ ВИЕ СТЕ ВАШИТЕ УВЕРУВАЊА - Трансформациски семинар со Смиљан Мори на 23 Јуни 2018. Резервирајте на време. ➡ РЕЗЕРВАЦИЈА ➡ Бројот на места е ограничен!
Смиљан Мори има одржано трансформациски и мотивациски семинари во повеќе од 50 држави во светот, посетени од над 150.000 луѓе. Ова е шанса да го направиш првиот чекор кон подобра и позитивна иднина. - ЗА ПРВПАТ ВО СКОПЈЕ 🇲🇰
ВРЕМЕ 🕙 23 Јуни 2018 од 10:00 до 18:00;
МЕСТО 🗺 Holiday Inn, Millenium Hall 1;
КАРТИ 🎫 - 3700ден.
РЕЗЕРВАЦИЈА ➡ или на бројот +389 (0)2 243 3250
ПОБРЗАЈТЕ и резервирајте ја вашата карта. Бројот на карти е ограничен и остануваат уште 2 недели до семинарот!
➡ Како да се ослободите од длабоко вкоренетите ОГРАНИЧУВАЧКИ УВЕРУВАЊА кои несвесно ве спречуваат да живеете живот каков што посакувате;
➡ Да се ослободите од токсичните луѓе од вашата околина кои ве спречуваат да напредувате;
➡ Да живеете надвор од конфортната зона и да бидете храбри, да бидете СВОИ. Тоа што сте!
➡ Да бидете успешни во тоа што го работите, без ограничувања;
➡ Ве очекуваат 8 часа интензивна трансформација, мотивација, учење, смеење и солзи радосници!
➡➡➡ РЕЗЕРВИРАЈТЕ ДЕНЕСКА ➡➡➡ или на бројот +389 (0)2 243 3250
International Marketing Agency е ко-организатор на семинарот заедно со Smiljan Mori и BigU Academy.
International Marketing Agency was built from the ground up in Macedonia. We are local to the Balkans area and New Jersey but with presence remotely throughout the globe. With our global presence we can put our hands on any project, at any time zone, anywhere.
We understand that any business has its own strengths, culture and vision. That’s why we fully integrate within your company, learn about your products and services and sell on the market like as we own them. Don’t get us wrong, we do not sell it as ours, we sell ourselves as a part of your company.
In our core is helping small companies because we know how hard is to hustle on the market and get your products in front of the right people. In order to achieve all that we utilize technology, choose the right tools and bring the market at your doorstep without the ridiculous price tag.
International Marketing Agency NJ is a premium digital agency that focuses on quality, innovation, & speed. We utilize technology to bring results and grow our clients businesses. We pride ourselves in great work ethic, integrity, and end-results. International Marketing Agency NJ has been able to create highly effective solutions in multiple verticals while allowing our clients to obtain an overall better web presence and increased revenue. Further more we provide solutions to grow your bottom line through digital marketing in synergy with custom tailored sales process per your business needs.
Our company philosophy is to create the kind of online presence that most businesses want: easy to find on Google and Bing, with stylish and appealing website, quick loading, mobile responsive and easy to buy from.
We’ve designed our entire process and services by providing everything a small businesses needs when they’re starting out – generating revenue – ensuring that working with us is always a quick, easy and hassle-free experience. We provide our clients with excellent service without a ridiculous price tag, and our friendly team offers their expertise even after your project is done.