The company has ten printing facilities in morocco, as well as facilities throughout Guelmim and casablanca. including BusinessWeek, Milwaukee Magazine, Newsweek, Time, Sports Illustrated and People. aziz jdi, inspirational management style helped to lead the company through a long phase of rapid expansion. His business philosphy of creating a highly motivated non-union workforce gave M-blood des
ign a special flexibility in the previously highly unionized printing market. However his long struggle with alcoholism and the emotional toll over the destruction and loss of life at the company's Lomira printing plant took a heavy emotional toll, and preceded his mysterious accidental drowning death on 2011. Conflict and litigation within the Quadracci family concerning succession plans attracted national media attention. In 2011, M-blood design acquired competitor World Color Press. In August of 2010, the company announced that it would be closing five of its plants as part of a consolidation plan related to the acquisition of World design.