Broders Audio

Broders Audio Freelance producer with experience in composing and mixing for film and advertisement, as well as producing and recording rock, pop, jazz and classical music.

Es arī padalīšos ar šo lielisko albumu no maniem mīļajiem draugiem alejas, kur man arī dažbrīd sanāca pielikt rokas un n...

Es arī padalīšos ar šo lielisko albumu no maniem mīļajiem draugiem alejas, kur man arī dažbrīd sanāca pielikt rokas un noslēgt ar māsterēšanu.

Ļoti nepiespiesti un draudzīgi visu veidu ausīm, klausieties Austrālijā vai jebkurā citā zemē. Visvairāk šajā visā patīk tas cik labi sakombinējies kaut kas it kā dzirdēts, tai pat laikā nedzirdēts, bet viennozīmīgi kaut kas silts un mājīgs. Un cik lieliski ir nostrādāta saruna starp šiem trim cilvēkiem, kur Spāre ienes muzikālo, Reinis ienes tehnisko un Kirils lirisko, protams, dažādi jaucoties lomām, bet saglabājot sasaisti ar pārējiem elementiem, tā ka mūzika ir rakstīta tekstam, un teksts mūzikai, viss saplūst un beigās iznāk alejas.

Tiešām lielisks albums!

Vēlreiz sveicieni Reinis, Spāre, Kirils!!!!

Alejas · Album · 2021 · 9 songs.

Wow, jau gads pagājis! Ceru, ka esat pie ezera kaut kur!!!

Wow, jau gads pagājis! Ceru, ka esat pie ezera kaut kur!!!

New Music from Edvards Broders. Songs of Niceness is an easy listening, undemanding collection of deftly written tracks to soothe you through troubled times....

Ņemot vērā visu manu līdzšinējo muzikālo darbību varētu likties, ka hiphops nav tā “mana” lieta un joprojām arī nejūtos ...

Ņemot vērā visu manu līdzšinējo muzikālo darbību varētu likties, ka hiphops nav tā “mana” lieta un joprojām arī nejūtos kā baigais hiphopa eksperts/pazinējs utt. Lai vai kā, es jau kādu laiku cenšos sekot LV un ārzemju hiphopam un šis albums (un patiesībā arī visi iepriekšējie), ko sarakstījis un producējis ansis ar vai bez domubiedriem, ir meistardarbs no visām iespējamām production, liriku, naratīvas, koncepta utt. pusēm.

Atceros kā pirmo reizi noklausoties “To Pimp a Butterfly” biju pilnībā sajūsmināts un vairākas dienas centos atkost visu to, kas tur ielikts (tur gan palīgā nāca arī Dissect podkāsta iztirzājums par katru albuma teikumu un tā nozīmi), tad “Liela Māksla” ne par kripatiņu neatpaliek izteiksmes dziļumā un joprojām, katru reizi to klausoties, laužos cauri albuma niansēm.

Milzīgs prieks, ka tā domā arī visi citi!!! Sveicieni ansim un visi tie kas vēl nav dzirdējuši “Lielu Mākslu” - ir īstais laiks to izdarīt un atkārtot, atkārtot, atkārtot...

Forša filmiņa par zivtiņām ar Reinis Boters!

Forša filmiņa par zivtiņām ar Reinis Boters!

Tīrot māju, mazgājot traukus un veļu, mēs ne vienmēr aizdomājamies par to, kā tas ietekmēs mūsu jūru. Sadzīves tīrīšanas līdzekļi, kas marķēti ar EU Ecolabel...

A real nice band to look out for when the concert season starts! Tight, intricate and very well suited for a sunny day. ...

A real nice band to look out for when the concert season starts! Tight, intricate and very well suited for a sunny day.

Our new single/ mūsu jaunā dziesma ir klāt - In The Dark is out now► You can stream here/ dziesmu var noklausīties te:

This was one of my favourite sessions this autumn. Had the opportunity to Plasma all over the place, do some cinematic c...

This was one of my favourite sessions this autumn. Had the opportunity to Plasma all over the place, do some cinematic cymbals and low rumbles for those of you who have subs at home. And what a lovely track we’ve got in the end!!!

Check out PODRUGA and slip into a Twin Peaky vibe of “So Long”.

So long, until we meet again 🖤---MoonlightLover's handsSoftlySoftlyDancing across my headSoftlySoftlyWill you wait for me'Cause I will wait for youYou said ...

Priecīgas ziņas no Zelta Mikrofons, kur šogad ar The Bad Tones, Ukko Heinonen un Dzintars Vīksna saņēmām šo nomināciju p...

Priecīgas ziņas no Zelta Mikrofons, kur šogad ar The Bad Tones, Ukko Heinonen un Dzintars Vīksna saņēmām šo nomināciju par Ezera Skaņām. Kā arī prieks par divām Carnival Youth nominācijām dziesmai "Dzeguzes Balss", pie kuras man bija tas gods strādāt kopā ar puišiem.
Priekā visiem citiem par pelnītajām uzslavām!

Noslēdzies viens ļoti foršs projekts, kurā nu pieejamas jau visas sešas epizodes par to kā mēs sadzīvojam ar pilsētu un ...

Noslēdzies viens ļoti foršs projekts, kurā nu pieejamas jau visas sešas epizodes par to kā mēs sadzīvojam ar pilsētu un kā pilsēta sadzīvo ar mums. Reizēm ir raidījumi, teksti vai vienkārši video, kuri, pat ja tevi sākotnēji nesaista, vēlāk ievelk interesantās pārdomās par attiecīgo tēmu. Tā nu šis VEFRESH projekts man arī iedeva jaunu skatu uz pilsētu un pilsētas procesiem, un saglabāja un nostiprināja pārliecību - pietiek cepties, jāsāk darīt!

Iesaku visas epizodes.

“VEFRESH audio” ir sešu sēriju kurss par pilsētas, mobilitātes un sociālo inovāciju aktualitātēm Latvijā un pasaulē. Kursa ietvaros Viesturs Celmiņš, Lāsma Ivaska un Linda Sleja kopā ar ārvalstu un vietējiem ekspertiem pievērsīsies tādām tēmām kā “15 minūšu pilsēta”...

Here’s a beautiful track from alejas for your Sunday hangovers!

Here’s a beautiful track from alejas for your Sunday hangovers!

Režisors: Antons Barons Operators: Dāvids Smiltiņš Producents: Frederiks Sebastians Scenārijs: Antons Barons un Kirils Ēcis Māksla: Marta Folkmane Gaisma: Be...


Ļoti foršs podkāsts no VEFRESH! Iesaku visiem, kam interesē pilsētvides inovācijas un kā uzlabot dzīvi pilsētās, padarīt to visiem pieejamāku, sakoptāku un visādi citādi foršāku.


Here’s something from a while ago we made with Kristiāns Laizāns aka Tavs Puisis.


Recorded these two youngsters recently. Have a listen to what more they have to tell you!

3. Definitions RevisitedIt was a dream I had. The story is insignificant, but the feeling was so overwhelming when I wok...

3. Definitions Revisited

It was a dream I had. The story is insignificant, but the feeling was so overwhelming when I woke up, that I decided to write some lyrics with the dream still lingering on. Originally titled Definitions, but gained the Revisited part because of the great musicianship of the artists that play on this record.

This is one of those songs that you have in your bottom drawer for a few years and don't know what to do with it. It's good, you know it's good, but you can't figure it out. So when I started working on it again I had the start and the ending, so basically two verses and two choruses. I knew I wanted an improvised middle part, but my skill only goes so far. In the end, luck was on my side and I met Teodors, who is such an explosive sunshine, that he basically arranged everything you hear in the middle part. He was playing and I was sitting behind the computer with my eyes closed and sculpting the dynamics with my hands in the air, just like a conductor. When we had it all laid out, we invited Toms to come in and boy did it lift it all to another level.

New Music from Edvards Broders. Songs of Niceness is an easy listening, undemanding collection of deftly written tracks to soothe you through troubled times....

4. Dziesmiņa pie EzeraTu guli siltās smiltiņās. Tevi aptver koku ieloks, kas apvijies ap tumši ziliem ezera ūdeņiem. Sau...

4. Dziesmiņa pie Ezera

Tu guli siltās smiltiņās. Tevi aptver koku ieloks, kas apvijies ap tumši ziliem ezera ūdeņiem. Saule ir pašā zenītā un silda tavu norasojušo muguriņu. Viņa ir kaut kur tepat blakus un tu pagriez galvu. Viņa paskatās uz tevi ar mirdzošām acīm un šis mirklis jums mūžam paliks galvā... *fonā skan "Dziesmiņa pie Ezera"*

Šis bija mans pirmais eksperiments ar dziesmu rakstīšanu latviešu valodā, kurš beigās arī nonāca līdz ierakstam. Tik daudz ir mēģināts un sašvīkots, ka beidzot kaut kam vajadzēja sanākt. Es sēdēju, tieši tā kā albuma vāciņa bildē, un rakstīju. Man bieži ir tā, ka es kaut kur iekšā zinu, ko es gribu pateikt, kas tajā dziesmā ir un es eju caur tādu tā kā prāta labirintu, kur es meklēju, ko tā dziesma man pieprasa, ko viņai vajag. Tā tu sēdi un risini, un jo vairāk tu risini un kļūdies, jo tuvāk tu nonāc tai vīzijai, ko dziesma tev grib pastāstīt. Šim tekstam man bija vīzija un bija tik sarežģīti izdomāt kaut ko, kas neizklausītos jēls. Iedvesmai klausījos Šubrovski un Imantu Kalniņu. Manuprāt, ne viens, ne otrs nekad nav aizšāvuši greizi ar saviem tekstiem. Tā nu es tur sēdēju klausoties "Floridas smiltis" un "Tur, tur, tur, kur parasti nekāpj...".

New Music from Edvards Broders. Songs of Niceness is an easy listening, undemanding collection of deftly written tracks to soothe you through troubled times....

6. Struggling ArtistMusic has always been about the prizes, about being the best, the first place, getting a medal or a ...

6. Struggling Artist

Music has always been about the prizes, about being the best, the first place, getting a medal or a little golden statue. Otherwise, why do we even bother?
Recorded with my trusty iPhone 5 and 60eur acoustic guitar, this is exactly how I felt that morning. And then you realise - I should just stop being this little snowflake that always expects something from the world and thinks that being special is so important.

So forget about being the number one, forget being original, because no one ever is, no one ever will be, it's just words and prizes and awards and in the end it's an auction with your 60eur guitar being sold for millions.

New Music from Edvards Broders. Songs of Niceness is an easy listening, undemanding collection of deftly written tracks to soothe you through troubled times....

5. Blue MoonThere are 4 points in a year - the summer, the start of October, the first snow/Christmas and the first sunn...

5. Blue Moon

There are 4 points in a year - the summer, the start of October, the first snow/Christmas and the first sunny +18 weather.

It came to me on a lovely +18 day in the Hague. I had just survived yet another winter in Holland and going in strong for the exam season. But booom... Nature has other plans for you and the Sun and the warmth whispers in your ear: "go out, have a beer, don't worry about nothing."
And this is essentially the song's message, how we can try to escape it and try to keep our wintery thoughts and hard working spirits, but when it hits you, you can't go back to that gloomy old self.

Provided to YouTube by The state51 Conspiracy Blue Moon · Edvards Broders Songs of Niceness ℗ 2020 Edvards Broders Released on: 2020-07-03 Mixer: Edvards Bro...

Only one day left to listen to my new EP!Palikusi tikai vēl viena diena, lai noklausītos manu jauno EP!

Only one day left to listen to my new EP!

Palikusi tikai vēl viena diena, lai noklausītos manu jauno EP!

Edvards Broders · Single · 2020 · 6 songs.


Songs Of Niceness is OUT NOW:

I'll leave all the bigger things to write about this exciting project for the coming days, so in this post it's only thank you's to my team of nicest people:

Kalvis Sležis - drums, supporting vocals;
Teodors Kerimovs - piano (on Definitions Revisited and Dziesmiņa Pie Ezera);
Toms Valmiers - double bass (on Definitions Revisited);
Alise Golovacka - birdlike flutes (on Pavasaris);
Jasper Ras - mastering engineer and mixing hotline;
Kristīne Grūbe - general life support;
Niklāvs Kotovičs - EP cover photography;
Reinis Žodžiks - EP cover design;
Eglė Gedminaitė - digital distribution;
Ilja Krumins - critical ear and support.

This list could go on, but mostly I want to say that nothing is done alone, so let's get together and workworkwork!!!

Enjoy and leave your comments around here.



Here's Toms and Teodors rehearsal for the songs Definitions Revisited. I started writing it a long time ago and couldn't figure out the middle part. I knew I wanted a piano improvisation and I had written some material that I liked, but when Teodors came in and started playing I knew he's on to something far better than I could come up with. He sat down, full of energy telling "ooh, it could go like this... and then this....and then this... ooooooh and then this.." and I just sat there nodding with a smile on my face. When Toms came in to rehearse together I knew this duo will just blow my expectations into space. And the end result together with Kalvis on drums is just craziness.
I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this piece - I don't want to say it's my favourite one from the EP, because I love them all in a way and depending on the mood, but this one is the one I really thought would not work as well as it does now!

This is Kalvis again in his somewhat un-natural habitat. He is not only a great drummer, but has many hidden talents. He...

This is Kalvis again in his somewhat un-natural habitat. He is not only a great drummer, but has many hidden talents.

Hear him this Friday on supporting vocals on some of the tracks from "Songs of Niceness"

!!! SONGS OF NICENESS EP OUT ON JULY 3RD !!!It was a surprisingly rainy day in the midst of the heat and Niklāvs and me ...


It was a surprisingly rainy day in the midst of the heat and Niklāvs and me decided that it would be a perfect photoshoot day. Pictured here is a casual man, sitting by his house of creation.

All the tracks you'll hear on this record have been recorded here in the RED HOUSE studio I've worked in for the past year. It goes to show what one can do in such beautiful surroundings, cool instruments and good people to play around with.



Ierakstīju šādu gabaliņu ar lieliskajiem Pulse Effect džekiem. Interesanti nomainīt smeldzīgas melodijas uz transientu p...

Ierakstīju šādu gabaliņu ar lieliskajiem Pulse Effect džekiem. Interesanti nomainīt smeldzīgas melodijas uz transientu pulsācijām. Lai tālu skan!!!

Kad viedajie nomet važas un dodas pretim gaismai, spēka virpulis parauj līdzi visus. Kaut rokas ilgi bijušas sasietas un acīs tumsa vīdējusi, tam garam vairs...


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!! "SLEEP WELL" the 2nd single from "SONGS OF NICENESS" EP OUT TOMORROW !!"Soaking in a bath of warm clichés." When peop...

!! "SLEEP WELL" the 2nd single from "SONGS OF NICENESS" EP OUT TOMORROW !!

"Soaking in a bath of warm clichés."

When people ask:
- What inspires you?
- Baths! A bath is a sanctuary of hidden lyrics, musical motifs and via the hot air particles reveal if your snare sound really cuts through the mix!


Labs darbs, kas padarīts!

Helped out the cool dudes from Carnival Youth during these crazy times. A few weeks arranging through Zoom calls and some more for the mix and master. Enjoy!

Thanks Roberts, Edgars, Emīls and Kristiāns!


to my rendition of the great song "Pavasaris" by the Lithuanians Abudu.

Drums - Kalvis Sležis
Flute - Alise Golovacka
The rest - Edvards Broders

Recorded and mixed by Edvards Broders at Red House in Riga, Latvia.
Mastered by my dear Jasper Ras.

All the Ačiū's and Bučkis go to Eglė Gedminaitė, Domantas Starkauskas, Abudu, Tomas Valečka, Kalvis Sležis, Alise Golovacka and Jasper Ras!!!





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I offer:

> Producing (arranging, recording)

> Composition (film, advertisement)

> Mixing (music (rock, pop, jazz, classical), film, advertisement)

> Sound recording (live, studio)

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