Spellcast Media KE is an edu-tainment production company that aims to create job opportunities for the various Kenyan youth who are talented in the creative and performing arts: Music, Theatre, Dance and instrumental playing. In this venture, Spellcast Media KE in collaboration with supporters, seeks to create forums in which Kenyan youth can utilize talents in these fields i.e. Youth between the
ages of 16-25 are highly encouraged to participate in the periodic auditions (Consult our page for dates of the next audition). FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs)
1. Where are the auditions? The auditions venue will be determined and announced prior to each audition date. A map and public means possibilities to the place shall also be availed.
2. Do I have to audition? Yes you will need to attend at least two days of audition depending on what you would like to audition for.
3. Two days? Kwani how many days of audition days are there? There are three days of auditions of auditioning in total.
4. Must I attend all of them? You must attend Day 1 and Day 3 depending on what you are auditioning for. A detailed orientation of the whole audition process will be given to the auditioners on the day itself, just to familiarise themselves with the whole structure. YOU MUST pass Day 1 to proceed.
5. Do I need to come with a song for the singing audition? Usually, this is the case unless specified otherwise by the adjudicators and/or the casting director.
6. How will the actors be auditioned? From the selected ones who pass DAY 1, an acting audition shall be held to identify understudies for the main characters as well as other roles that are available. This shall happen on DAY 2. You must come prepared for an improvisation session with the panel as well as prepared to act out a provided script.
7. How will the dancers be auditioned? From the selected ones who pass DAY 1, a dance audition shall be held to identify the required number of male and female dancers. You must come prepared with a 30 second free style routine and also be ready to learn to learn a routine from the auditioned.
8. If I am an instrumentalist, must I carry my own instrument? Usually, we provide instruments for the audition process. However, in the absence of the same, with the exception of the keyboardist, you will have to carry your own instrument.
9. Which instruments are being auditioned? As many varieties as we can get. The more, the merrier.
10. When will I know if I have been selected? After attending callbacks, a list of the passed auditions shall be posted on our page (either here or on our website). Furthermore, successful performers shall be notified on call.
11. If I am gifted in other creative arts, for example drawing can I audition and how? Well, using the first example, if you are an artist, bring your portfolio with you as well as carry a drawing book and paint/pencil/crayon etc. Basically come prepared to showcase your art. And bring along examples of your art. Remember if you have any question, whatever, whenever, feel free to contact us.