The Wisdom Hawker

The Wisdom Hawker Be Open Minded.... Open Minded and Transparent

Happy Belated birthday Daniel "Churchill" Ndambuki aka Mwalimu King'ang'i

Happy Belated birthday Daniel "Churchill" Ndambuki aka Mwalimu King'ang'i


A woman who grew up watching how her mother respected her dad, and never argued with him in the presence of kid(s),will never raise her voice at her husband.

A senior Pakistani journalist was shot dead Sunday night along the Nairobi-Magadi highway in what police termed as a mis...

A senior Pakistani journalist was shot dead Sunday night along the Nairobi-Magadi highway in what police termed as a mistaken identity.

Arshad Sharif was shot in the head and killed by police after he and his driver allegedly breached a roadblock that had been set up to check on motor vehicles using the route.

They were driving from Magadi town to Nairobi when they were flagged down at a roadblock being manned by a group of police officers, police said.

Source: The Star


A foreign journalist has been dispatched to Zayuni in Nairobi through a gun shot.

The gun-totting criminals are back in our streets!

Criminals can kill with impunity but when the same criminals are dispatched to their maker by the law enforcers, ignorant noisemakers start shouting extra judicial killings!



In Kiminini, Trans Nzoia there's a young man named Brian who murdered his mom and dumped her body in a river for allegedly refusing to give him 1bag of maize, which he wanted to sell and enjoy himself during the upcoming Kitale ASK show. The mother was a staff at St Joseph's Girls.


Life is tough, and you have to be tougher than life...


Moses Kuria is worth Ksh750M

MAMAKE DIAMOND AMUKOSOA KWA KUTOWATAMBUA WATOTO WAKE WAWILI WADOGOKutokana na kutotaka kuwatambua watoto wake akiwa na T...


Kutokana na kutotaka kuwatambua watoto wake akiwa na Tanasha Donna na Hamisa Mobetto, mwimbaji Diamond Platnumz ameingia kwenye matatizo na wanafamilia yake.

Diamond na mpenzi wake Zari Hassan walipewa jukumu la kuwaeleza watoto wao Tiffah na Nillan kuhusu kuachana kwao siku chache zilizopita.

Moja ya masuala yaliyoletwa na watoto hao ni iwapo Platnumz ana mtoto yeyote zaidi ya hao wawili ambao tayari wametajwa.

Princess Tiffah alimshutumu mama yake kwa kuwadanganya kuwa baba yao alizaa watoto wengine nje ya ndoa yao na ndio maana waliachana.

Mwimbaji huyo wa 'African Beauty' amekashifiwa kwa kushindwa kuwatambua watoto wake wawili wachanga.

Katika mazungumzo hayo ambayo sasa yamesambaa, Platnumz alishindwa kuwathibitishia Tiffah na Nillan kuwa ni kweli alikuwa na watoto wengine wawili.

Kitendo hicho kiliwafanya mama yake Sandra Dangote na Esma Platnumz kuingia kwenye mazungumzo hayo.

Wawili hao walimshutumu Platnumz kwa kutojivunia watoto wake wengine wawili.

Walibainisha kuwa ingekuwa muhimu ikiwa mwimbaji huyo aliwathibitishia Tiffah na Nillan kwamba shutuma zilizotolewa na mama yao ni za kweli.

Mwimbaji huyo wa ‘Jeje’ amekosolewa kwa kutowatambua watoto wake wawili wa mwisho Esma, Mama Diamond, Tanasha na Diamond siku za nyuma.

"Umewakosea watoto ulitakiwa uwaambie kuna Tom Kaka pia ndugu yao ili wajenge mapenzi tangu wakiwa wadogo k**a vipi wakutane nae pia," Esma alisema.

Katika kujibu haraka, mamake Diamond M**s Dangote alimsifu bintiye kwa kuweka jambo sahihi sana.

“Kumbe siku nyingine unakuwa na akili na kwanini pacha wake walie fanana mwezi mpaka tarehe hajawatajia ndugu ya Naseeb hapo hujatenda hakiic itabidi tuandamane kwa Tom Kaka (Naseeb Junior),” mama Dangote wrote.

Diamond na Zari Waitwa na Watoto wao Tiffah na kaka yake Nilan waliitisha kikao cha familia na kumuuliza moja kwa moja baba yake kwanini ameivunja familia yao.

"Kwa hiyo, jana usiku mama aliniambia kuwa umevunja familia, huh?" Tiffah aliuliza.

Mwimbaji Diamond Platnumz akiwa na bintiye Princess Tiffah na mtoto wa kiume Prince Nillan Diamond akitabasamu aliuliza tena swali hilo huku Zari akiingilia kati huku akijitetea.

"Hicho sio nilichokuwa nikisema. Uliniuliza swali nikajibu," Zari alisema.

“Alisema unazaa na msichana mwingine,” Tiffah alisema.

Kisha Zari aliwauliza watoto wake wawili k**a wanaamini kuwa baba yao alikuwa na watoto wengine, wakajibu hapana.

“Nilikuambia baba alikuwa na msichana mwingine na ana mtoto mwingine,” Zari alieleza.

Tiffah aliingilia mazungumzo hayo na kusema Zari ana mwanaume mwingine.

Diana Marua mkewe mwanamuziki wa nyimbo za Injili kutoka Kenya Bahati meahidi kutangaza jinsia ya mtoto wao anayetarajiw...

Diana Marua mkewe mwanamuziki wa nyimbo za Injili kutoka Kenya Bahati meahidi kutangaza jinsia ya mtoto wao anayetarajiwa kesho.

Katika ukurasa wake wa Instagram, Marua alitoa changamoto kwa mashabiki wake kukisia jinsia ya mtoto wao anayetarajiwa.

"Tutatangaza jinsia ya mtoto wetu kesho saa tisa kamili," Marua alitangaza.

Mama wa watoto wawili alikuwa ameashiria kwamba angejifungua leo.

Alikuwa amesema kwamba alikuwa akihisi uchungu wa kuzaa siku hiyo na alitarajia kujifungua Jumatatu.

Police in Eldoret arrest Collins Okundi, suspect behind the killing of Ida Odinga's bodyguard on Friday, firearm and 7 r...

Police in Eldoret arrest Collins Okundi, suspect behind the killing of Ida Odinga's bodyguard on Friday, firearm and 7 rounds of ammunition recovered.

This is why you should never hold  awards in high regard. Most of them are s**t... paid for and bought by the winners.KQ...

This is why you should never hold awards in high regard. Most of them are s**t... paid for and bought by the winners.

KQ is winning 4 awards in one ceremony while on the ground, the company has made losses upon losses every year since sliced bread was introduced. KQ lives on government bailout money. Each year, they make losses in billions... but hey; 'Look at us, we won 4 awards'.

In 2021, KQ made a Sh 36.2 billion loss. The largest loss in Kenya's corporate history. In August this year, KQ announced a 6 month loss of Sh 9.9 billion.

There are tomato kiosks that make more business sense than KQ.

MBONA SAM WEST ALIACHANA NA VIVIAN?Sam West, mzungumzaji wa motisha na mcheshi, amekiri kutengana kwake na mke wake mwim...


Sam West, mzungumzaji wa motisha na mcheshi, amekiri kutengana kwake na mke wake mwimbaji Vivian Kenya.

Sam alidokeza katika chapisho la mtandao wa kijamii kwamba ikiwa angekaa kwenye uhusiano kwa muda mrefu, angekufa kutokana na mafadhaiko.

"Simlaumu Murife, wakati mwingine mwanaume lazima akimbie au kukimbia k**a Joseph. Vinginevyo atakufa.”

Hapo awali Vivian alikuwa ameenda kwenye mitandao yake ya kijamii kuwaomba mashabiki wake wamwombee kwani anapitia wakati mgumu.

“Siko vizuri. Nimekuwa nikipata msaada lakini wakati mwingine mimi huanguka. Moyo wangu ni mzito sana. Mtu alituacha na sasa anatuchukia. Nimekuwa nikijaribu kujenga upya lakini nimekuwa nikijiuliza kwanini. Tafadhali niombee kwa sababu mimi bado ni mama.”

Wanandoa hao walikuwa pamoja kwa miaka kadhaa baada ya Sam West kumpendekeza Vivian wakati wa kipindi cha TV cha moja kwa moja.

Walipendwa na wengi kwa sababu ya familia yao iliyochanganyika. Sam west alikuwa na mtoto wa kiume kutoka muungano uliopita wakati Vivian alikuwa na binti.

Vivian ameibua wasiwasi miezi kadhaa iliyopita baada ya kusema kuwa anapambana na masuala ambayo hayajafichuliwa.

Vivian kwenye hadithi zake aliandika maelezo ya kutia wasiwasi hapa chini.

"Wiki hii imekuwa ngumu sana. Kwa kweli, miezi sita iliyopita lakini wiki hii imejumlisha. Ninahisi k**a mambo mengi hayafanyi kazi na siwezi kufanya mapenzi magumu tena. Nimeumia sana na nimevunjika na sina uhakika hii inaufanyia nini ubongo wangu." Vivian aliongeza,

“Nimekuwa nikifanya kazi kwa bidii natumai nitapata habari njema hivi karibuni. Ulimwengu na unipe neema ya kutosha na utunzaji wa kujipenda bila masharti."


Nyamakima and Kamukunji hasolas are crying wolf as their stock delay being cleared in Mombasa due to huge container pile up.

Previously, before all the clearing and forwarding was reverted back to Mombasa, the containers would be offloaded from the ship and directly loaded on SGL freight train for onward transmission to Inland Container Depots (ICDs) in Athi River, Embakasi or Naivasha, where the traders would swiftly clear them.

The traders are nowadays forced to waste alot of days in Mombasa following up the Clearing of their cargo.

Revitalising the economy of Mombasa means unconvincing the traders and making them incur losses as they follow the slow clearance of their goods.

Ni God, ni God manze!

Hio headline.... 😅😅

Hio headline.... 😅😅


EPRA announces Fuel Price update for period 15th October 2022 to 14th November 2022.

Super Petrol down by Ksh 1.
Diesel down by Ksh 2.
Kerosene down by Ksh 1.

A subsidy of Kshs.18.15 per litre and Kshs.27.47 per litre has been maintained for Diesel and Kerosene

New Nakuru CECs, who do you know?

New Nakuru CECs, who do you know?


Transnzoia County Nominees For County Secretary And County Executive Committee Members.

1.Samson Otieno Ojwang- Public Service Management (PSM).

2.Patrick Gicheru _ water $Environment.

3Janerose Nasimiyu Mutama- land ,Housing, physical planning and urban development

4.Jackson Wanyungu Amboka- Public works , Transport and energy

5.Dr Pepela Wanjala- Health.

6.Julian Kichwen- Education

7.Boniface Wanyonyi- Finance and Economy

8.Phanice Khatundi- Agriculture, irrigation, Livestock and fisheries

9.Stanley Kirui
Trade ,industrialisation, Tourism and cooperative development

10. Chanelle J. Kittony - Gender ,youth, sport and culture

11.Truphosa Irene Owuor- County secretary.

KDF MAN FATALLY SHOOTS LOVER THEN TURNS THE GUN ON HIMSELFMs Immaculate Mwende Mwirigi was killed by her boyfriend ident...


Ms Immaculate Mwende Mwirigi was killed by her boyfriend identified as Mr Emmanuel Walugu Onyango.

Onyango is said to have arrived home and sprayed his lover with bullets, killing her instantly before turning the gun on himself.

Scrutiny of her Facebook account shows how Ms Mwende loved Mr Onyango and always uploaded his photos.

Their relationship dates to as early 2021 when the duo is reported to have met on the outskirts of Nanyuki town.

However, Mr Onyango had a family and lived with his wife, a fact that Ms Mwende knew so well.

On October 11, 2021, Ms Mwende changed her profile picture and put that of Mr Onyango who is seen wearing a black t-shirt and trousers.

On the same day, she also shared a post on the same Facebook account indicating she was hurt because she realised that she was not as important as she had been thinking.

“It hurts when you realise you aren’t as important to someone as you thought you were,” she posted on her Facebook account.

Moments later, she uploaded another photo of the deceased officer on Facebook and placed it as the cover photo. Mr Onyango wore a grey t-shirt, a green belt, and sunglasses.

It is on the same day that Ms Mwende reportedly told her friends she was in love but stopped short of identifying the lucky man.

On Friday, Mr Onyango excused himself from home after taking supper saying he had a lot of debts and wanted to clear them.

A police report seen by Nation shows that Mr Onyango shot himself while dressed in full military combat on the chin using an AK-47 rifle.

This is after he had sprayed Ms Mwende with bullets in what police believe to be a case of love gone sour.

“Mr Onyango shot himself on the chin and the bullet exited through the back of his head. The body of the woman was also lying in a pool of blood,” the police said in the report.

The matter was reported by one area resident who called the police saying that she had heard a gunshot near her neighbor’s house.

According to Laikipia County Criminal Investigation Officer (CCIO) Mr Onesmus Towett, police officers rushed to the scene but found the door of the house locked from the inside.

The officers were then forced to break into the house where they found the two bodies lying on the floor.

They rushed Mr Onyango to Nanyuki Teaching and Referral Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

“The officer was on duty just before the incident took place, he then went ahead and asked for permission to go for supper at 6pm during which he went to meet Ms Mwirigi,” said Mr Towett.


Update on the Olulunga accident

Update on the Olulunga accident

When President Uhuru Kenyatta is happy, Just know Baba Raila Odinga is more happier....

When President Uhuru Kenyatta is happy, Just know Baba Raila Odinga is more happier....

Fraud to be exposed.... Nani anajua huku!

Fraud to be exposed.... Nani anajua huku!


Mombasa and Nandi polling stations ballot boxes brought at the Supreme Court.


William Ruto wants his agents present when Raila accesses IEBC servers,as if Baba Raila Odinga's agents walikua William Ruto and Chebukati wakiiba kura.

Mr William Ruto we not fools like your UDA supporters man.


This time we have asked the Supreme Court to do retallying and declare me the winner. But whichever way the learned judges decide, I'm comfortable ~ Raila Odinga.


Kisii Governor Simba Arati relocates from County Council offices where Ongwae was working from, says the offices are full of "witchcraft" . He's currently working from Gusii stadium offices, alternative offices being constructed!


Woke up to this 👇🏾

✅ - Polling Station DOES EXIST
❌ - Polling Station DOES NOT EXIST

Nandi Hills Primary School in Nandi ✅
Sinendeti Primary School ❌
Chepkutum Primary School ❌
Kapsuser Primary School ✅
Belgut Primary School in Kericho ❌
Tinderet CONMO ❌
Jarok Primary School in Nyandarua❌
Jomvi, Mikindani and Ministry of Water Tanks in Mombasa ❌❌
Mvita, Majengo Primary Schools in Mombasa ✅✅
Kiheo, Gathanji Primary Schools in Nyandarua ✅✅

Deputy President of the Supreme Court Philomena Mwilu Just Referred to Ruto as 1st Respondent - William Samoei RutoSalaa...

Deputy President of the Supreme Court Philomena Mwilu Just Referred to Ruto as 1st Respondent - William Samoei Ruto


It's not the business of the Court to determine who Represents IEBC. The Supreme Court will not be drawn to the internal...

It's not the business of the Court to determine who Represents IEBC. The Supreme Court will not be drawn to the internal matters. Let Chebukati solve his differences

~DCJ Philomena Mwilu~



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